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Poll Question: Why do people not get involved in changing government?
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People's Lack of Involvement (Read 59384 times)
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Re: People's Lack of Involvement
Reply #30 - Aug 5th, 2010 at 4:13pm
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LB Bork wrote on Aug 5th, 2010 at 2:14pm:
I voted all of the above

I am trying to get involved, after years of disinterest, but I find getting access to this community ridiculously impossible.  I get registered, and approved, but cant click the link to post an introduction.  When I say I dont have access, I am told to go post an introduction in the new members section so I can get more access (yes, the area I cant get access to). hum.....

Do you really want more members? I mean really?  I signed up for the news letter and to receive more information on the other sites here as well, and nothing.


The whole purpose of the Coalition centers on the book, The Red Amendment. There is a lot of information on all the sites and much of it is sprinkled around for a reason: Freedom is not free, and there is no quick fix. So, due dilligence is the name of the game. We weed out the people that are boat anchors this way. As far as access to the areas of PAC Groups, aquiring/reading The Red Amendment gains access to this area.

Is it possible to read this book without purchasing it?  Its not that I wouldn't like to support financially your materials (and rightly so) but that I absolutely cannot afford any extra expenditures right now.

Thank you for your response.
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Re: People's Lack of Involvement
Reply #31 - Aug 5th, 2010 at 4:52pm
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Afraid not.  One must have the book to gain access.  So many, including myself, are financially strapped and live on the most meager means.  The old penny jar is how many of us have obtained The Red Amendment.
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If not us, then who? If not now, then when?

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world.
Indeed it is the only thing that ever has."
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Re: People's Lack of Involvement
Reply #32 - Aug 5th, 2010 at 5:14pm
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LeAnne wrote on Aug 5th, 2010 at 4:52pm:
Afraid not.  One must have the book to gain access.  So many, including myself, are financially strapped and live on the most meager means.  The old penny jar is how many of us have obtained The Red Amendment.

Thank you for your reply.  I suppose I will have to place this on the priority list, but as it stands now, basic needs trump all.  I will remain active here, and as soon as I am more accepted among the community will share my opinions on the matter.  To do so now I believe might alienate and I'm not interested in creating drama  Smiley
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Re: People's Lack of Involvement
Reply #33 - Aug 5th, 2010 at 5:26pm
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There's tons of info, as you've likely found, in the PAC portal sites.  There's also recorded conference calls we have had that will interest you.  This is an educational forum and more, and want you to feel free to post.  There is correction, when someone doesn't get a thing correct. I've been guilty of being wrong, but I'm thick skinned. All questions are good ones; only way to learn. Opinions abound. They can be changed with proper foundations.

Check out our TalkShoes and post away:
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If not us, then who? If not now, then when?

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world.
Indeed it is the only thing that ever has."
Visit the Website slfaulk luvmypugly
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Re: People's Lack of Involvement
Reply #34 - Aug 5th, 2010 at 7:06pm
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LeAnne wrote on Aug 5th, 2010 at 4:52pm:
Afraid not.  One must have the book to gain access.  So many, including myself, are financially strapped and live on the most meager means.  The old penny jar is how many of us have obtained The Red Amendment.

Thank you for your reply.  I suppose I will have to place this on the priority list, but as it stands now, basic needs trump all.  I will remain active here, and as soon as I am more accepted among the community will share my opinions on the matter.  To do so now I believe might alienate and I'm not interested in creating drama  Smiley


DO place The Red Amendment on your priority list! It will help you understand much of what is offered and/or discussed in the forum. The true meaning of the 14th amendment is brought to light, quickly and succinctly in the book.
Frank 'Skip' Arensmann
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Re: People's Lack of Involvement
Reply #35 - Sep 12th, 2010 at 1:23pm
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First thing they have to do is admit that they've been completely shammed....this is hard for an entirely ego driven society, we are all taught to be right in everything, whether that means speaking the truth, or just saying whatever sounds good at the time.

  I also don't think the majority is ready to take responsibility of thinking, without being told how to do so correctly by their masters(consciously or subconsciously).

  I have found, even for myself, that just starting to speak out , or against, or just separating myself from "the herd" is a scary moment, especially when done from this notmygovernment standpoint.

  I marked all of the above, and then some.
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Re: People's Lack of Involvement
Reply #36 - Sep 15th, 2010 at 2:47am
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It is human nature to not react to something until it causes you pain or pleasure. Most individuals have not yet reached the pain threshold, with regard to the destruction of our economy, required to motivate them to action. Most soon will.

Many will act as I already have, merely at the perception of wrong, followed by performing their own serious research (including, hopefully The Red Amendment). Then, accompanied by ample evidence of state and national systemic failure, they will turn to focus on local governance, caring first about family, friends, neighborhood, then community and county. In most cases our state governments have been corrupted by federal influences and must be dismantled and rebuilt only on an as-needed basis.

People close to home know what is best for them. I prefer to live in a small community that can be responsive to my needs and wants, remaining as independent as possible from higher authority. We individuals are the best judges of how to generate, save and spend our own capital, not some far-removed, corrupt and dysfunctional bureaucracy. When our fiat currency collapses, bringing down the national economy, perhaps at that point will people become motivated to act against this illegal and immoral government.
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Re: People's Lack of Involvement
Reply #37 - Sep 15th, 2010 at 8:50am
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When our fiat currency collapses, bringing down the national economy, perhaps at that point will people become motivated to act against this illegal and immoral government.

But the act that will most likley happen will be violence for the simple fact that most people have no clue to the legal way out of this de facto system. And this is done by design.
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Re: People's Lack of Involvement
Reply #38 - Sep 20th, 2010 at 10:38pm
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When you are trying to live with a safety net, to move on to the tightrope with no net is scary. My best take on this issue. The key point to be taken here is TRYING to live with a safety net. The net is merely an illusion...
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Brother B
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Re: People's Lack of Involvement
Reply #39 - Sep 21st, 2010 at 9:50am
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When you are trying to live with a safety net, to move on to the tightrope with no net is scary. My best take on this issue. The key point to be taken here is TRYING to live with a safety net. The net is merely an illusion...

I think the net serves a dual purpose; the main purpose being a ball and chain.
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OMNES HOMINES AUT LIBERI SUNT AUT SERVI -- "All men are freemen or slaves."
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Re: People's Lack of Involvement
Reply #40 - Sep 22nd, 2010 at 12:30pm
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Oh yes the safety net. How can we show the false hoods of that? Lets start with this one SS we work all our lives hoping at the end what ever that is (they keep changing it) that we get to go home and sit on your cans and look for the checks to come in.  Can anyone find the court case that plainly states that that they can stop that at any time?

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Boyd Looper
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Re: People's Lack of Involvement
Reply #41 - Sep 28th, 2010 at 10:56pm
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I voted all of the above, but for a different reason.

All of the excuses start with "they".  "They" are the ultimate enemy of liberty, for no matter where I go, "they" are either already there or are on the way.  "They" can do whatever they desire, for "they" know the only one that can stop them is "somebody". 

"Look what 'they' are doing!  'Somebody' should stop them!"

Unfortunately, "somebody" always seems to be somebody else.  Unless "they" are giving away free shiny things, "somebody" will never be equated with "me".  "Me" only shows up when "they" dangle a new product that will be given to "somebody".  At this time the chorus of "Me! Me! Me!" emanating from they throng of "somebody's" and "they's" will crescendo until "somebody" collects the prize that "they" handed out.

"They should have given me the prize.  Somebody should do something about that."

Seneca told me that the unexamined life is not worth living.  I'll pray for courage and humility to never look at another "they" or "somebody" - for it is, always has been, and always will be, me.
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Re: People's Lack of Involvement
Reply #42 - Nov 12th, 2010 at 9:28pm
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The citizens have been programmed to believe that voting is the only solution to the problems. Indoctrination achieved by the United States Department of Education has been very effective. Never has it been more clear as to the importance of distraction... professional sports, etc. Geithner spilled the beans when he said "never let a crisis go to waste"... pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Let's go down the rabbit hole together and learn Truth.
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David C
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Re: People's Lack of Involvement
Reply #43 - Dec 4th, 2010 at 3:05pm
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I voted all the above. But sadly it isn't reserved to just this subject matter. Apathy is a huge part of human nature.
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Re: People's Lack of Involvement
Reply #44 - Dec 4th, 2010 at 11:55pm
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This "voting" here should be changed to: "you selected", or "select your answer from these:", or "Please select one of the below"..or something to that effect. Since "voting is a crime", even "to vote" on this forum seems to be NOT PRACTICING WHAT IS PREACHED!!! (LB..Hint..HInt..)  Smiley
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