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Poll Question: Why do people not get involved in changing government?
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People's Lack of Involvement (Read 59383 times)
NMG Administrator
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People's Lack of Involvement
Nov 16th, 2008 at 9:16pm
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People seem to not want to get involved in fixing the problems that America is experiencing. Smiley
We need to understand why this is the case. Please vote on this issue.
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‹‹Last Edit: Nov 17th, 2008 at 11:29pm by NMG Administrator ››


"And I believe that totalitarianism, if not fought against, could triumph again."  ~George Orwell
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Re: People's Lack of Involvement
Reply #1 - Nov 23rd, 2008 at 6:22am
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It's probably a combination of several of those reasons (in the poll).
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Re: People's Lack of Involvement
Reply #2 - Dec 8th, 2008 at 6:43pm
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I believe that complacency is a direct result of a fluoridated water supply.

Jeremiah 8:14;

"Why are we sitting here? Gather together! Let us flee to the fortified cities and perish there! For the LORD our God has doomed us to perish and given us poisoned water to drink, because we have sinned against him.
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Credo Veritas
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Re: People's Lack of Involvement
Reply #3 - May 8th, 2009 at 10:12am
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Involvement. To be involved or not be involved. THAT is the question that I have struggled with for quite some time now. I'm now leaning strongly toward NOT being involved and here is why.

Being involved means being part of the system and quite frankly the system is broken. Sometimes it leans left, sometimes it leans right but it is always broken.

I find it much more liberating and effective to find an alternative to the system than change the existing monstrosity. This is maritime law and I don't care how many steerage class "citizens" stick their oar in the water, the have little power to change the course of this gigantic ship which places manipulation, greed, and corruption in the finest suites and closest to the life boats (almost literally).
In short, I don't want to be part of the government, I want the government to be part of me--  inconspicuous and responsible. I'll take a tiny raft going where I wish to paddle  any day over a steel coffin headed for an iceberg.
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Re: People's Lack of Involvement
Reply #4 - May 18th, 2009 at 11:27am
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I believe it is a combination of all those things in the poll.  As well some times I believe its the way the information is presented to them as well.  With some people this is the first time hearing this so you have to start out small and at the beginning and bring them up to your level of understanding to where they will listen witch is a tediest task in itself but I believe in can be done.

AND I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnall, even as unto babes in Christ.

1 Corinthians Chapter 3 verse 1
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Re: People's Lack of Involvement
Reply #5 - Jun 1st, 2009 at 2:50am
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I  chose all of the above.  

Most people are simple minded and busy enough with their own problems, they cannot be bothered to think about the government and what it does. That is, until it is busting down their door. Not to mention, government intentionally makes it difficult for the people to understand what the government is doing, (they put it all in code for that reason) and they have done such a good job of making the populous ignorant and bombarding them with commerce and BS propaganda... They dont have time to think about the government.

Some people even speak in sound bites! Have you ever noticed that?

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Re: People's Lack of Involvement
Reply #6 - Jun 1st, 2009 at 1:58pm
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All of the above. The populace isn't to the point yet for mass awakening, too stuck in the matrix, which is a variety of things.
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Tim little fish
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Re: People's Lack of Involvement
Reply #7 - Jun 16th, 2009 at 10:34am
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I think we need to add one more:         “They don’t know what to do.” Smiley
I have met a lot of good people that are fed up and frustrated, but don’t know what or how to change things. Some jump on the first thing that comes along and then get burnt out when things don’t go like they thought they should or the other people don’t have the same goals or perceived intentions.
I myself started with the tea party idea then thought Ron Paul was the answer. Started to learn about the constitution and learned the progression of things.
1. Protect your property
2. Get educated
3. Take action
And that it HAD to be in that order.
Then thought the Continental Congress movement had the sure fire answer to today’s problems. And I’m sure there are other factions I felt were definitely on the right track.  Smiley
At some point in my search I came across NMG and currently think it’s “THE” foundation that is needed to prevail. First personally, then in my country [Illinois], and then the government. I can’t see that starting with the government and then hoping it trickles back down to me will work. Smiley Every 'right' has an equal 'responsibility' that matches.

Let me get back on topic, my point is that I believe in the rule:
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
Point is that some of these people have not gotten where they want to be yet, they are still asking, seeking, and knocking. These are the people that WILL do something when they get their answers. [Thank you NMG]
On the other side for the people who are not asking, seeking, or knocking what possibly can we give them? If it isn’t their energy, no matter what rabbit hole they go down they will be sheep. Sheep need shepherds, I think our job is to be and find shepherds.

That’s my rantings-thanks for reading.
Tim Smiley
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Re: People's Lack of Involvement
Reply #8 - Jun 17th, 2009 at 12:13am
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I just voted in this poll and voted all of the above.  Then I read all of the posts. 

Rather than focus on those that are not interested in becoming involved for whatever reason, just move on until you find someone else who is interested.  There are millions out there especially now after the bailouts who are willing to listen.

So, yes, once again, it is up to us to keep moving on until we find just one more who will listen to what we have to say.
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Re: People's Lack of Involvement
Reply #9 - Jun 27th, 2009 at 2:47am
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Seems "all of the above" rules/wins. This is obvious to those like we are, awake, and informed. As we trudge along through our daily existence, it's obvious that others are more concerned with their distractions, than with their existence. The dementia that is so prevelent, is overwhelming, and "a crying shame."

Trying to communicate with the "brain dead" seems to be a monumental mission, yet perhaps some day a "break-thru" might happen. (Not Holding Breath Here). Seems this is/are the issues:

1) Voting: "They" Believe/Think that it's "right", and will "help" them. (Brain Dead)

2) "Involvement" : Since "they" are Brain Dead, forget any sembelence of intelligence.

3) "Busy" with their lives/marriage/children/job/etc. Humans/"Citizens" are the perfect Ch/Cattle, as they are easily programed, and suseptable to mind control/brainwashing, which makes the task even more daunting, since the majority reads/listens/watches/ "mainstream".

4) Hope is always available, but don't count on your army before they are armed (with the right "weapon(s)" of course). And this is one of the most difficult tasks...making sure they are ready, and can properly use the ammo......
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Re: People's Lack of Involvement
Reply #10 - Aug 12th, 2009 at 11:10pm
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F-e-a-r. Their god is too small.
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Re: People's Lack of Involvement
Reply #11 - Jan 13th, 2010 at 4:37pm
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I believe some folks are just afraid to go head to head,confrontation with the government isn't an act many aspire to, Apathy is another reason.... many simply don't wish to make any meaningful change within their
community; they continue to believe the false premise that one can't fight city hall.......
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Re: People's Lack of Involvement
Reply #12 - Jan 14th, 2010 at 1:50pm
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I find also, that the so-called "educated" , most of them any way, are so dummed down that they can't tell the difference between a hole in the ground and their own backsides.  They TRULY BELIEVE what they have been taught, or if you will, PROGRAMMED.

I tried explaining some of this stuff to a guy that had a bachelor degree and also worked in the stock market for years, and it was like talking to a brick wall.  Oh well, he will either wake-up in time to save himself and his family or, he will wake-up and find himself and his family in a FEMA hotel where you get a continnental breakfast just before his daily labor begins.

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Re: People's Lack of Involvement
Reply #13 - Jan 14th, 2010 at 6:58pm
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Coming to terms with the truth of what has been happening is very huge.  I believe that as a people we carry so much of a burden in the form of debt and excesiveness that we are so concerned about making the bills and that it takes time to re-think, okay how are we going to live?  What is the next step?  It seems as if everyone is content to just get what they need from some huge big box discount store, foregoing another choice driving home at 80 miles an hour so they can spend 5 minutes with their children.  It is tragic really.
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Re: People's Lack of Involvement
Reply #14 - Jan 22nd, 2010 at 4:21pm
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There is a lack of trust by many of us. Since just about everything I was taught growing up isn't correct, who can I trust? There is so much order in the disorder that I know someone or something is in control. Is it man or God or a god or a space ship? My philosophy at this time is that we are an experiment in a test tube. If we become too aggressive the scientist, student or God drops in a dose of calm or vice versus if we start to stagnate. At some point the 12 year old chemistry student is going to pour her project down the sink to hurry to her next class when the bell rings.
   This may seem off the subject but the truth is fat people don't revolt. I don't like paying taxes or getting a license to be able to own a dog but I have it pretty good. I feel it won't last but it won't change until we get hungry- a drop of aggression.
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