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Zeitgeist/Addendum and the Venus Project (Read 6272 times)
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Zeitgeist/Addendum and the Venus Project
Jun 5th, 2009 at 6:13pm
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Okay, I openly admit that the original Zeitgeist movie helped me see what is going on with the NWO.  I wasn't a fan of Part I concerning religion as I am a Christian. I have a hard time trusting "organized religion" but I have a very personal relationship with God and Christ and no corruption can sour that.  I found the rest of the movie to be eye opening as it was my first exposure to what is really going on...

Now, I heard about Zeitgeist Addendum and had intended on watching it long before now but forgot about it.  I came across a vid on Youtube of Alex Jones' response to Addendum and it peaked my curiosity beyond mere interest.  I found someone on Youtube that has Zeitgeist Addendum posted (in 13 parts) and began watching part 1.  By the time the counter reached 7 minutes, I wanted to puke.  From what I'm skimming through so far it sounds legit as far as exposing NWO and it's movements but something about it just makes me ill.  It begins by talking about taking down "establishments" - governments, religious establishments, etc, etc... then included in the "establishments" that need to come down is "family values".... uh... why the heck would I want to get rid of my family values???  Are my values the same as my mom's? No, they evolve (I'm sure for the better) and that is how we grow morally.  You cannot force your morals onto people.

So I'm skimming through some other parts posted on this Youtube users site b/c it's focusing tremendously on the money system and is terribly boring. But I did notice in the users description of Zeitgeist Addendum that it's promoting a social style of "everyone shares everything" philosophy and is promoting the Venus Project - - - this has NWO written all over it!  I'm still trying to learn Venus project (among all the other things I'm trying to learn right now LOL) but I don't like what I've seen and read so far.

I would LOVE to hear more input on this (not just Zeitgeist Addendum but Venus Project as well)...
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Re: Zeitgeist/Addendum and the Venus Project
Reply #1 - Jun 6th, 2009 at 8:28am
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"Everyone shares everything philosophy". Full-blown communism under the laws of men, with the commoners being led by the ruling elite. The reason you became ill is that the true evil of this plan has been revealed to you. You have the sound base needed by having a personal relationship with God.

Some very good videos:
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LB Bork
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Re: Zeitgeist/Addendum and the Venus Project
Reply #2 - Jun 6th, 2009 at 10:37am
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It is my opinion that Zeitgeist is propaganda of the New World Order.

I do not have time to do a full explanation why, there are just too many things that do not add up.

The Obama Deception is closer to being on-point journalism of the real issues.

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‹‹Last Edit: Dec 12th, 2009 at 4:49pm by LB Bork ››


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Re: Zeitgeist/Addendum and the Venus Project
Reply #3 - Jun 6th, 2009 at 12:25pm
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LOVE The Obama Deception and had seen it last week, right before I found the info (I think on RTR?) for the conference call on Sunday.

Nice timing...  Smiley

I'm willing to bet that if I were to watch Zeitgeist again (the first one) I'd see that NWO propaganda. I just missed it somehow since I was new to most of this the first time I saw it, more than a year ago.  They are showing just enough to hook the freedom movements and truthers and then just leading them back down this socialist/communist track to one world religion and one world government... I am trying to backtrack in any blogs and bios were I state that Zeitgeist helped usher me into the truth movement because I don't want people thinking it's okay when it's not.

Thx y'all!  Smiley Smiley
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‹‹Last Edit: Oct 5th, 2009 at 12:44pm by NMG Administrator ››
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LB Bork
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Re: Zeitgeist/Addendum and the Venus Project
Reply #4 - Dec 12th, 2009 at 4:47pm
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Understanding that Zeitgeist was questionable, see this information of which debunks Part 1 :
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‹‹Last Edit: Dec 20th, 2009 at 2:09am by LB Bork ››


"There is Tranquility in Ignorance, but Servitude is its Partner."  —me
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Re: Zeitgeist/Addendum and the Venus Project
Reply #5 - Jan 14th, 2010 at 7:19pm
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I, too, was fascinated by "Zeitgeist", 1 and 2.  I had news of it from several friends.  Some of them were decidedly anti-Scriptural.  So....what could I expect.  I watched it anyways, and was certainly intrigued in the NWO stuff.  But, to use the word "Zeitgeist" to describe it?  It's been more than 30 years since college and a Bible/Philosophy major, where I did learn to question authority. 
  But Zeitgeist, examines all this NWO stuff in the typical scare tactics, not that I support NWO structures.  From my own perspective, there are two zeitgeists resident in the creation of our Creator.  That would be His Way, and the other would involve any other way, in rebellion to and defiance of His Way.  His way is why I call myself an archist.  One law, and one law only.  Two stated laws, but both dividing the one, and none of it is written.  The zeitgeist we are called as an implementation of His unwritten law, is known as loving your neighbor, and actually, your enemy, is yourself.  Some of that is the offering of justice even to an enemy, or mercy, grace, compassion, etc.  But, in relation to that would be the stopping of an enemy, or a friend, from hurting someone else, creating victims. 
  This is pretty far removed from "Zeitgeist" One and Two.  The one law I am stating tends to only work out in relation to the institutions we folks establish for ourselves, when we serve our Creator as our King, and King alone.  Usually if there is no recognition of the One True King, there is no ability to love our enemies, offering mercy, grace, compassion, and even forgiveness, when there are no threats of victimizing others. 
  This relates to changing the present system of government, shall I say management, of the lives of people for other people's benefit that passes as government in places of the world today. 
  The only "thing", if I may, that can be actually identified as government, actually, in reality, governing the lives of men, is our Creator, who has so many divers way of operating in what is His creation, that we remain without the ability to even surmise how we might govern ourselves, let alone others.  He is He Who governs.  And He governs through His manipulations of our consciousness, our hearts, our circumstances.  And we are left with the thought that we have "free will", as though He does not operate in all the hidden ways that He does. 
  Written laws are for those who want pretend government in rejection of the one law that actually is law, and by which we shall all be judged. 
  The Declaration of Independence, to breach the present subject a little, but it actually stays within, was just a few steps removed from the beginning of recognizing unwritten law, which actually causes men to be free and responsible for their actions, both to the Creator, and to other men, in terms of hurting other men.  This document was written to declare men to be free from other men, living for another man's benefit.  The constitution, and Northwest Ordinance, if you will look closely, demonstrate the propensity of drifting towards implementing written law, and rejecting the unwritten law ruling men from their hearts, a law of liberty.  The Constitution, actually, rather than declaring anything resembling that liberty, declares GOVERNMENT. 
  A mere dozen years separates the Declaration from the Con.  But, the time period represents the two radically different zeitgeists. 
  These zeitgeist movies, ...they represent the wrong zeitgeist for me.
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