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Christian Hater, or Guy Who Don't Get It (Read 17086 times)
LB Bork
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Christian Hater, or Guy Who Don't Get It
Mar 6th, 2011 at 12:55pm
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Stop the Religious Right

This guy is pushing the New World Order (see the second paragraph). He has dedicated a site to demonize the Christians, but fails to understand that the "Christians" he dislikes are the ones he is praising.*

Hmmm... Here the confusion starts:

    I will describe the church-state alliances of the different Imperial Courts with the clergy. I will present the imperial decrees and letters that outlawed every competing religion and sought to completely wipe out religious diversity and intellectual pluralism. I will present the declarations and canons of the Church Councils that sought to wipe out every other religion. I will show how the emperors ratified and enforced these Councils' decisions with both law and imperial might. Working hand in hand, the church and the state made it nearly impossible for the people to practice any religion but the one the "loathesome alliance" (Jefferson's phrase) had decided was for all.
Yes, he is lost...
    The founders of the United States chose classical architecture to represent the new world because it represents democratic ideals, learning, and a pluralist society which all have roots in classical antiquity. For centuries, Christian fanatics roamed the cities and countryside seeking to destroy these same architectural forms and what they represented. The founders of the United States gave us a New Rome and a New Athens. A matured Roman Senate and a grown up Athenian Democracy, infused and energized by the freedoms of intellectual, artistic, cultural and religious pursuits. A new order for the ages.
Well, that is true. The same creatures that Christ was against.

Hey Einstein, they are the same creature. The people (true followers of Christ) who knew that were against it.
It took them until the 1850s to get the program into high gear, which led to the 14th Amendment system.

Hmmm... The Bible warns us about the deceived, or perhaps he is a deceiver?
More interesting thoughts here on the site...

* For more information on the issue, see this thread...
      The New World Order Triad | Know It !


Christian Hate, Christian Haters, People who do not get it.
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‹‹Last Edit: Mar 23rd, 2011 at 10:46pm by LB Bork ››


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Persephone, Ruler of the United States
Reply #1 - Mar 6th, 2011 at 6:34pm
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From Rulers of Evil, by Tupper Saussy
  [Page 260]

A week following Ineffabilis Deus Philadelphia architect Thomas Ustick Walter, a Freemason, completed his drawings for the proposed dome. It would be surmounted by a bronze Marian image which would come to be recognized as “the only authorized Symbol of American Heritage.” Her classical name was Persephone, Graeco-Roman goddess of the psyche, or soul, and leading deity in the Eleusinian Mysteries of ancient Greece. Persephone was abducted by Saturn’s son, Hades, and made queen-consort of his dominion, the underworld. Persephone was distinguished for her Immaculate Conception – described by Proclus, head of the Platonic Academy in Athens during the fifth century of the Christian era, as “her undefiled transcendency in her generations.” In fact, most of the statues of Persephone in the Christianized Roman Empire had been simply re-identified and re-consecrated as the Virgin Mary by missionary adaptation.

Congress appropriated $3,000 for a statue of Persephone. President Franklin Pierce’s Secretary of War, Jefferson Davis, awarded the commission to a famous young American sculptor named Thomas Crawford. Crawford lived and worked in Rome. His reputation had been established with a statue of Orpheus which, when exhibited in Boston in 1843, was the first sculptured male nude to be seen in the United States. Since another of Persephone’s ancient names was Libera (“Liberty”), Crawford named his Persephone “Freedom.” His work has worn this title ever since.
After two years of labor in the shadow of the Gesu, Crawford completed a plaster model of Freedom. Her right hand rested on a sword pointing downward. Her left hand, against which leaned the shield of the United States, held a laurel wreath. She was crowned with an eagle’s head and feathers mounted on a tiara of pentagrams, some inverted, some not. When ultimately cast in bronze, Freedom would reach the height of nineteen feet, six inches – a sum perhaps deliberately calculated to pay homage to the work’s final destination, the Beast of Revelation at Lot 666, for nineteen feet, six inches works out to 6+6+6 feet, 6+6+6 inches.

Freedom would stand upon a twelve-foot iron pedestal also designed by Thomas Crawford. The upper part of the pedestal was a globe ringed with the motto of the Bacchic Gospel, E PLURIBUS UNUM, while the lower part was flanked with twelve wreathes (the twelve Caesars?) and as many fascia, those bundles of rods wrapped around axe-blades symbolizing Roman totalitarianism.

Rulers of Evil, download
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E. J. Dionne Jr., Mystery Babylon Agent
Reply #2 - Mar 6th, 2011 at 9:16pm
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Does someone smell a Marxist?

Oh, the things we find on the Net in regard to the undermining...

"The media almost never discuss what the sweeping dismantling of public services inherent in the rhetoric of the antigovernment movement would mean in practice." —E.J. Dionne, Jr., Commonweal, 20 Nov. 2009 source
E. J. Dionne Jr. is a syndicated columnist, professor of government at Georgetown University,* and a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. His book "Why Americans Hate Politics" (1991), won the Los Angeles Times Book Prize and was a National Book Award nominee. His most recent book is "Souled Out: Reclaiming Faith & Politics After the Religious Right" (2008). He is also author of "Stand Up Fight Back: Republican Toughs, Democratic Wimps, and the Politics of Revenge" (2004), and "They Only Look Dead: Why Progressives Will Dominate The Next Political Era" (1996).
Look here, a review statement on one of his books:
    The religious and political winds are changing. Tens of millions of religious Americans are reclaiming faith from those who would abuse it for narrow, partisan, and ideological purposes. And more and more secular Americans are discovering common ground with believers on the great issues of social justice, peace, and the environment. In Souled Out, award-winning journalist and commentator E. J. Dionne explains why the era of the Religious Right--and the crude exploitation of faith for political advantage--is over.

    Based on years of research and writing, 'Souled Out' shows that the end of the Religious Right doesn't signal the decline of evangelical Christianity but rather its disentanglement from a political machine that sold it out to a narrow electoral agenda of such causes as opposition to gay marriage and abortion. source
So, such "real Christians" have now been removed from American politics? Of course this is a good thing!

Has anyone figured out the good cop, bad cop thing yet? Some call it the Hegelian Dialectic. You know, put someone in office that tilts the scales in a direction that can be demonized, then bring things back in-line where you want it.

Okay America, now back to the stealthy plan of Mystery Babylon  Smiley

* Politics, Catholics, and Jesuits, Oh My!
    Georgetown University is one of the world’s leading academic and research institutions, offering a unique educational experience that prepares the next generation of global citizens to lead and make a difference in the world. We are a vibrant community of exceptional students, faculty, alumni and professionals dedicated to real-world applications of our research, scholarship, faith and service.

    Established in 1789, Georgetown is the nation’s oldest Catholic and Jesuit university. Drawing upon this legacy, we provide students with a world-class learning experience focused on educating the whole person through exposure to different faiths, cultures and beliefs.  With our Jesuit values and location in Washington, D.C., Georgetown offers students a distinct opportunity to learn, experience and understand more about the world.
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Department of Justice Common Law
Reply #3 - Mar 6th, 2011 at 9:34pm
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Okay, this is serious stuff...

I know that most of you are on the human hamster wheel, but I would like some discussion on this, please.
And do not forget to see the pagan based foundation of the operation in its glory...

That is to say, the paper I wrote on the Department of Justice Seal : *

* They (THEY) dangled a carrot (i.e., for government to take care of you), and you fell for it... It was your will...

"The common law is the will of mankind issuing from the life of the people."
~US Department of Justice

Have you sinned by being stuborn and not resisted this system and bought into its nonsense?

...      Carrot Dangling is an ancient technique used to encourage
     temptation (a sin in most religions). It was originally used by
     farmers in the olden days to get their stubborn pet donkeys
     moving. The farmer would take a carrot, hang it from a stick
     and dangle it in front of the donkey. The donkey, who found
     the carrot incredibly compelling, would then move it's derriere
     to the location desired by the farmer.

     Hence the expression the carrot and the stick.

       “Come out of her and be not partakers of her sins and her plagues.”
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Re: E. J. Dionne Jr., Mystery Babylon Agent
Reply #4 - Mar 7th, 2011 at 7:38am
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    Established in 1789, Georgetown is the nation’s oldest Catholic and Jesuit university. Drawing upon this legacy, we provide students with a world-class learning experience focused on educating the whole person through exposure to different faiths, cultures and beliefs.  With our Jesuit values and location in Washington, D.C., Georgetown offers students a distinct opportunity to learn, experience and understand more about the world.
Yeah right. Sick Ba*tards...
C-FAM Catholic Family & Human Rights Institution.

Catholic! Smiley
The UN!! Smiley

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Re: Christian Hater, or Guy Who Don't Get It
Reply #5 - Mar 8th, 2011 at 12:13am
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They can't be any more clearer on their intent. They aren't even trying to hide their socialist agenda.
Hey man, globalism is the new main stream now.
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Re: Christian Hater, or Guy Who Don't Get It
Reply #6 - Mar 8th, 2011 at 8:57am
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Ok, first most of the information on this site is nothing new to myself, and have spent a few days reading over the site, much information to be found.  The "Church" has been in bed with Government since the beginning of time, this is nothing new or it shouldn’t be to most people, I have studied many religions and do hold a Doctrine in Divinity, with that being said I have a hard pill for you to swallow and many will be upset with the answers, however if we at PAC are truly about facts and not hype, then the people here will accept the truth no matter how hard it is to swallow.

     First I think we can all agree that the common law is our moral code we are born with, over time as we grow our morals change due to surroundings and experiences. So we take the common law one step further to solidify a foundation, and can relate it to property, not land, by property as in oneself, no violation of the property of persons, then no law is broken, violate the property of another to make restitution.  This only becomes a problem when there is a violation of the body of another, i.e. sexual assault, battery, or murder, these violations of the property of a person is not so easily restored, so restitution is made in a different way, i.e. prison for a period of time or sentenced to death.

     Now for a slap of reality most will disregard, all so called organized religion is evil, yes all. All represent control over another, and all are propaganda tools to control others.  We use the text from the time period when a document was written as in the old law books to explain the Constitution, should be no difference with religion. All holy scriptures are made up of stories to keep the masses inline, a means of control. Who could disagree that most of the Ten Commandments are of moral or common code, as in thou shall not steal, murder, covet to mention a few. The first is a control factor and total garbage. If I can show you just one fault in a holy scripture does it not discredit the whole book, I think so, so fact one, the letter J was not around in language usage until long after the person we refer to as Jesus has past, two the so-called Noah’s Ark story was first written thousands of years before Noah was even born, in the scriptures of Gilgamesh on stone tablets. The list is endless but you get the point.  Much like the ones who fight us to defend the system, others fight the truth to protect with their lives, their holey scriptures and will refuse to see the truth.

     Religion is the root of all EVIL, your moral code tells you it is wrong to hurt others, it is wrong to steal, murder ext. there is no need for religion to help one maintain the moral common code of birth, I am not talking about the afterlife and what God or gods you may or may not worship, I am speaking of the naming of a religion, a label, a doctrine, a propaganda tool of control period.  Scripture is inspiring... This is a fact... However for those whom say it is the word of God/s, are blinded by propaganda. Parables are great teaching tools to help prop up the moral code in all, and that is why Jesus as most know him by used these tools or lessons in his teachings, more people have been killed, murdered and plundered in the name of religion then all others combined, God/s him/themselves have killed, destroyed countless individuals, and man has used these tools to control the masses, how many wars have been fought in the name of a religion, the one we fight today was in the beginning marked a holy war, was it not.  Muslims/Islam kill more of their own kind then we could ever kill, because their God tells them to.  How many throughout history have been fought in the name of one God or another, be it Aries God of war, Zeus the all powerful, the list goes on even our own single God of all Gods, has killed, ordered killings in his name, they are all the same. EVIL, pure and simple evil. This world will be at peace one day, and on that day I tell you there will be no God/s, for all wars, conflicts, murder though many maybe for the money factor as well. How many churches would there be today if they did not get your money? End religion, end God/s, and take back your birth right and moral code, as we are all charitable, innocents people at birth, it is the propaganda and want of power, control over others my God is better than your God, my dad is better than your dad, that take away from that code, the thought of a God helps some to stay in control of their morals, but until we look at the God in our hearts the God in ourselves the God we are born with, then we are truly lost.

     I have a question for you to ponder; where has the Atlanteans, and the Mayans gone?  My theory is as a people with greater technology and understanding then we have today, evolved beyond human beings, into beings of light or something like that, for we all have a soul and our soul does not require this physical body to survive, as we all believe there is something else beyond, it is my belief that the beyond can be entered into by choice and does not have to wait till death of body if one has evolved further into being.  Earth and the human body are like kindergarten for our spirit/soul and until we can learn and master kindergarten we cannot graduate into first grade and beyond.  Well that’s my theory/idea for the week, not really expecting answers to come, but hope that some insight might have been brought to the reader allowing them to ponder the many wonders of this universe and beyond.

     Take back control of self, as State Nationals that is your goal is it not to control self, be responsible for your own actions, no longer needing mommy and daddy, i.e. Government/Religion, on how to live your life,  you know in your soul/spirit what is the right and wrong, time to start showing your understanding of right, time to start thinking for oneself, time to stop parroting others, look inside yourself, your soul is speaking to you if you would just stop and listen long enough to hear.  Put down the books of religion the books of written laws, and search within for your very soul, it has all the knowledge of the universe if you simple stop long enough to listen, use the other books for guidance if you must, but begin to rely on your own instincts, that voice in your head, that speaks to you and you alone, your conscience if you will is your guide, stop turning your back on him and listen to what he is telling you, then and only then will you truly be free.

     Practice exercise: sit somewhere quit and see how long it takes you for your mind to be still, no longer talking to yourself but actually listening; however do not be surprised if you can't do it some of the most powerful minds of today cannot without extensive training, the Buddha's and Monks work their whole lives to accomplish this very thing, but I find it enjoyable and peaceful to practice this nightly before falling asleep and my world has expanded because of it.

Enjoy my friends!

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‹‹Last Edit: Mar 9th, 2011 at 12:14pm by LB Bork ››
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Re: Christian Hater, or Guy Who Don't Get It
Reply #7 - Mar 9th, 2011 at 12:32am
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Wow...! So many points to address and so little time.
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Re: Christian Hater, or Guy Who Don't Get It
Reply #8 - Mar 9th, 2011 at 3:49am
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Wow, Doc... Another wall of text!   Smiley 
Ah, sorry... But we are going to need some links on that   Smiley

That needs some clarification and editing, I might add. I may do so if I have the time.
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Re: Christian Hater, or Guy Who Don't Get It
Reply #9 - Mar 9th, 2011 at 5:24am
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David C wrote on Mar 9th, 2011 at 12:32am:
Wow...! So many points to address and so little time.

First of all: Gen 1:1  In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

And second of all, this is how the "New Age" religions got the idea/theory that God lives within all of us:

    Gen 3:1  Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? 3:2  And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: 3:3  But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. 3:4  And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: 3:5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
So, who is your God?
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The Jesuits... Oh my!
Reply #10 - Mar 27th, 2011 at 6:08pm
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Northwest Jesuits pay record $166.1 million in child abuse cases 
The Imperfect Parent - Pamela Wallace

Washington State Association of Justice said in statement Friday the Pacific Northwest Society of Jesus' along with its insurer, have been ordered to pay out a record $166.1 million to the victims of the abuse.

They claim loss of innocence and disillusionment with the very people who claimed to be there to help them.  Native American Indians suffered child abuse at the hands of Jesuits in the schools that they ran.  The abuse is reported to have occurred between the 1940s and 1990s... More Here...
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