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Hypocritical & Stupid Patriots (Read 15896 times)
LB Bork
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Hypocritical & Stupid Patriots
Dec 10th, 2010 at 1:01pm
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Know any patriots that sound like they have stupid ideas? You may find them here!

This is a list of people in the "movement" that PAC has run across in the many years that are considered to be Island Makers. This list are not Island Makers in the sense of organizations such as the John Birch Society who support the current governmental system in a political way, but rather people who are espousing ridiculous ideas about law.


If you have any suggestions, please submit them at the Island Makers Project.
If you are a member, post someone you have as your favorite.

    Pauley says, The government loves stupid patriot ideas as they increase prosecutions and keeps the confusion intact.

    Learn more about Patriot Myths, click here

Overall Principle

If you are familiar with the People's Awareness Coalition (PAC), we are interested in the remedy of having people be outside the effects of most private law that is grounded in the 14th Amendment, i.e., for people to be shielded by most actions of the governments. Also the goal is to expose the problems that the amendment creates so people understand enough to want it fixed. Wherefore, this thread is of purpose to make reference of people who just don't get it, or do not want to get it due to fame and fortune. These Island Makers allow this destructive system to stay in power.

Please understand, PAC endorses proper understanding of law being the only way to win the battle. So, the question is: What do you want? A self-centered quick fix for yourself, or a fix for the problems that America faces?

To put it simply: We are in an offensive posture, while others are in a defensive posture.

General Rule

There are people out there that think they can get money from the United States government on a monthly basis in regard to benefits. Although some say that they have achieved it without being a "United States citizen", many still use the TIN (Social Security Number (SSN) or other) to do so. Having that established, anyone that uses such number is a United States "person" (or other persons who are encompassed in that private law by statute or treaty).

So, anyone that thinks he is a "sovereign" or thinks that his "straw man" is using the number and not him is delusional and a threat to sane people and those doing things correctly. It is the same thing as him not working for General Motors and going in and getting that corporations' employee benefits which apply to such employees only.

Moral of the story: As contracts encompass certain people, private law does the same by statutory definition that pertains to certain persons. So stay away from anyone that tells you that you can have your cake and eat it too.

Some Other Rules to Follow

There are a lot of people who have wacky ideas about certain issues. A lot of misplaced ideas come from the simple fact that there are those who like to use old case law to make their claim. The problem is, living in the past is somewhat dangerous as there may be statutes that have overwritten their fantasies, in example. And also if you are signing any government forms, you must be included in the scope of that law construction.

Get a Handle On what Island Makers Are

Island Makers are people or groups that cause division due to their clouded ideas. This creates a lack of unity in people that causes people to keep getting in trouble. See the definitions at the Island Makers Project.


    Feeling like a drunk monkey due to a multitude of patriot schemes?

    Visit Island Makers Project! More Here...
    Island Effect. Something that is desired by the New World Order, which may include ideals that would appeal to self-centered individuals that are not interested in unity but only themselves. The effect creates and keeps a small percentage of people who would resist their plan out of the way so they could maintain control of the countries they have subversively taken over. See Sovereign Citizen, and Sovereign Individual
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‹‹Last Edit: Sep 19th, 2011 at 8:58am by LB Bork ››


"There is Tranquility in Ignorance, but Servitude is its Partner."  —me
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My List of Perpetrators
Reply #1 - Dec 10th, 2010 at 4:16pm
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Patriotards and Others that make Little or No Sense
    Patriotard. A person that has a willing deficiency who parrots the information of others without accurate foundation to back it up. As a rule, this individual fails to practice due diligence and cites bogus information as though it is a religion. These types can usually be shutdown with a few educated questions.
Sorry if I sound so cynical, but after watching this circus for 15 years now... Well, I hope that you understand. And, some of these people may just be a tad bit ignorant due to having a hearing problem.

... Tim Turner. (contact the White House) This guy is at the top of the list. He is claiming to be the President of the United States without proper foundation to support it. Tells the best stories, or lies, this side of Hades.
Just like Jim Jones (JJ)... people are drinking the Tim Turner (TT) Kool-Aid More here...

... Thomas Woods, Jr. ()  I emailed Tom and told him a couple years ago (which he acknowledged) he had Section 2 of the 14th Amendment wrong. If that is not bad enough, now he is touring the country side providing false information on a thing called "Nullification" (falsity due to it is nullified by operations of law of the 14th Amendment). Just goes to show you what they teach in college: What to think. Hey, Tom... It is the 14th Amendment, stupid. More here...

... Bill May. ( This guy is a federal benefit taker who stands on the 14th Amendment only appling to Negros; he thinks law for them applied against white people is unconstitutional, even though he gets funds based on the same private law for them that is for US citizens. Bill reads too much old case law and lacks critical thinking skills.

... Rod Class. ( Appears to be another plant. Rod is telling people not to pay their credit cards. That they have the right to Social Security, but do not have to follow the laws established for the US citizen/subjects. He now is filing worthless law suits that will turn out to be a waste of time. Why? Most everything Rod Class is doing is rehashed patriot trash that has been done before which does not work. Now that he is into high dollar seminars, it can be said that Rod Class is the current "distractor" and money vacuum for the movement.  More here... And here...

... Gary Hunt. ( Gary may be a patriot but thinks he is a sovereign even though he collects Social Security. He filled out the form stating he was not a United States citizen. That works, in fraud land.

... Harry Combs. ( aka, The Informer; aka Big Al. This guy gets federal benefit money with a magical account number and thinks he is not in the system. Said number is a SSN with an 'A' after it... But don't let him hear you call it a SSN. It is okay though, it is a "gift" of Congress so the antiChrist method of which the money is procured from Americans to pay him is justified. Never offers proof of his stories. Whatever on this one... The land of delusion.

... Michael Young. ( Started the Peoples Constitution Coalition of Ohio. Great idea, but state sovereignty will not work when the current "states" consists of US citizens. Mike, it is the 14th Amendment, stupid.

... Richard Cornforth. ( Had someone actually tell me he said "Thank God for the 14th Amendment!" at one of his seminars. I guess he would like the 14th, or there would be little need for people to have money sucked out of themselves by him for his high-dollar seminars. Ya, fixing the problem hinders cash flow. 

... Michael Smith. ( Mike is supportive of The Red Amendment, but the problem is a bunch of other things too, i.e. confusion. The Coalition has been around ten years longer than this island maker but maybe he is doing something better aside lifting the PAC acronym. Mike wants to restore the USA like many of others out there, but wants to do so by adding more amendments to the Constitution: namely Support Amendment 28. Pure chaos.

... Larry Becraft. (  I like Larry. An attorney that looks to be on the side of the patriots, but appears to lack some critical thinking skills and wiles using a broad brush, e.g., insists the states are not foreign to the United States by using off-point references. Seems like the good and the bad guys hate him. Must be hard living with that.

... Barry Smith. ( This is the Legal Bear. I believe that he used to be with Right Way Law before it went under. Claims to be a Christian but has a site where he will sell you divorce forms. I guess there is an Commandment that says: Thou shall not promote divorce, unless there is a buck to be made.

... Winston Shrout. ( He is the man, site address includes his name: Winston Shrout, Solutions in Commerce. And get into constitutional law? No. Why would anyone need that, commerce rules all, right? Winston is there to keep you in the box, as that is where you are supposed to be, right? In the box.

... Jack and Margy Flynn. ( Said to be teachers of the Constitution, but they ignore the 14th Amendment creating the issues it did/does. In the box is good, if you like the system.

... Robert Menard. ( Is a Canadian that became involved in commercial law over a child custody action. The funny thing is, most of the stuff (garbage) he learned came from America, and now it came back here with him looking like it is his work. Said to have learned from Winston Shrout and Jordan Maxwell. Oh No! Not these guys!?! That is where his straw man came from. Also puts a hyphen and colon in his name, so he must have bumped into that nut David-Wynn: Miller. Round and round the confusion goes, where it stops nobody knows. 

... Devy Kidd. ( Appears to be a Status Quo Joe, or Flo. This lady likes to complain about the 16th Amendment but seems to want to ignore the fact the 14th changed government that the 16th effectively operates through. Maybe she thinks she will have no say as a woman if the amendment goes away.

... Jack Smith. ( Jack Smith is big on commercial redemption. Used to be with Right Way Law. In honest opinion, he was the one that single handendly destoyed that law group (RWL) by preaching "Redemption". Does government contract work in his real life.... Hmmm. Want to lose everything, listen to Jack and his whimsical stories.

... David Wynn Miller. ( Oh sorry, styled David-Wynn: Miller. Want to know where the hyphen and the colon in the name thing came from, this is the guy. Full-Colon Miller is a Wisconsin resident, the same place where serial killers, Ed Gein and Jeffery Dahmer were from, and where communist America started. So in the shadows of these strange happenings from Wisconsin, the world gives us Miller... Don't believe it, just visit his website.

... George Gordon. ( Actually, this guy has been around awhile. Was teaching wrongly when I ran into his material back in the mid 1990s. He is a Status Quo Joe that is making thousands off his "common law" courses, that are fundamentally worthless. Recently he has gotten people to commit acts of fraud, so I am told, that he profited from. Look for George Gordan's School of Fraud site coming soon.

... Jean Keating. ( They released this guy again?!? Simply amazing! Now that people are understanding that private law is the main problem, Jean Keating is now back on the disinfo circuit teaching private law rules! Want to stay oppressed by the system, this guy is the ticket. Those people at Freedom Law School who maintain a confusing smorgasbord of this and that info can put you in touch with him, it appears.

... Ed Wahler. (got an email?) Ed used to work with John Ainsworth, but got more interested in not paying his bills. Pushes loss of legal memory nonsense due to the fact he did not do his own research. He has fallen for it due to the fact he just looks at the money issues instead of the big picture. He is now hosting a lawsuit that will go no where. Yes, he wants you to give him money for it. Donate to this money-grubber at his site

... Mel Stamper. (got an email?) This guy claims to have a jurist doctorate degree. Could have fooled me. Wrote a book called Fruit of the Poisonous tree that included a bunch of patriot nonsense, and also word for word plagiarisms of my work. What are colleges turning out, anyway? Lazy book writers and thieves it appears.

... Bob Schultz. ( Bob started "We the People'. Typical misguided "patriotard" who believes the Constitution is Americans' saving grace. Mr. Bob has taken tens of thousands of dollars from unsuspecting Americans to launch worthless law suits against the Feds. All for not, none have been worth the weight of the trees killed to supply the paper for the suits. It appears someone forgot to tell Bob that the government has to give you permission to sue it. Now it appears that he is now going to hang out with Stuart Rhodes of Oath Keepers fame to start a "Coalition" Hmmm. Where did that idea come from? LOL... All I can say is, the blind leading the blind. Or, plants leading the plants. More...
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‹‹Last Edit: Jun 2nd, 2011 at 10:00am by LB Bork ››


"There is Tranquility in Ignorance, but Servitude is its Partner."  —me
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Re: Hypocritical & Stupid Patriots
Reply #2 - Dec 11th, 2010 at 12:19pm
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The list of Patriotards and Others continues

... Simon Black. (Got an email for this idgit?) AKA, Sovereign Man. Wow! How many Island Maker's definitions does this obvious New World Order operative fit? Agent Provocateur, Disinformation, Distractor, Divide and Conquer, Fear Monger, Island Effect, Island Maker, Gate Keeper, Maintainer, Sovereign Individual, Tool, etc. The most appropriate definition that this guy fulfils is: "Island Effect. Something that is desired by the New World Order, which may include ideals that would appeal to self-centered individuals that are not interested in unity but only themselves. The effect creates and keeps a small percentage of people who would resist their plan out of the way so they could maintain control of the countries they have subversively taken over." I think you get the idea. More...

... Dennis Craig Bynum. (Got an email?) Getting his fame from Alfred Adask, and is one of the conmen that were supposedly involved with the book USofA vs US. Uses a similar process to The Act Of State that people were ripping people off for a few years back. The timeline of his "freedom documents" are about of the same time period. Nothing more than rehashed partriot blathering that has been around for years. More...

... J.M. Sovereign: Godsent. ( Pure nonsense from this markerteer: Incorporates everything in the "Sovereign" movement in his program. Get his book, which includes a chapter on Having Ninja Babies. His key thing is the TITLE 4 FLAG SAYS YOU'RE SCHWAG... Godsent is into low-grade marijuana, so it appears.  More...
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‹‹Last Edit: Aug 18th, 2011 at 1:40pm by LB Bork ››


"There is Tranquility in Ignorance, but Servitude is its Partner."  —me
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Re: Hypocritical & Stupid Patriots
Reply #3 - Dec 11th, 2010 at 12:19pm
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If you have any suggestions, please submit them at the Island Makers Project.
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‹‹Last Edit: Dec 16th, 2010 at 11:24am by LB Bork ››


"There is Tranquility in Ignorance, but Servitude is its Partner."  —me
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