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Welcome to "Our s.a.m.m.i.e." (Read 14942 times)
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Welcome to "Our s.a.m.m.i.e."
Nov 30th, 2009 at 2:55pm
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Welcome to "Our s.a.m.m.i.e." -- NOT!!!

There is no law backing his claim; just join my club and pay me. Just look under the Treasury menu.

Hickeys constitution suggested edit!!!  He thinks he can edit something that doesn't belong to him first mistake.

I smell snake oil here. Let me rephrase that...

What I read is total BS!!!!!!!  
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LB Bork
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Re: Welcome to
Reply #1 - Nov 30th, 2009 at 6:16pm
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Excellent points, J. I noted some of the same issues that you did.

These are just more "I Am Sovereign" misfits that practice pipe-dream ideas. There is no law that they operate by, which renders what they are doing useless. There are measures for us to take under this de facto system while it is place. The self-centered "I am a Sovereign" practice is just another disinformation program to get people to ignore the proper law that allows their countries to be divided and stay conquered. I can talk until I am blue in the face, but few tend to listen.

I note that group is run by "Keny" Wayne. I saw him get whipped in traffic court back in 2001 (?). He is just another self-important person that is a pied-piper directing people down rabbit trails, or dead ends.

Aside that, I like the badges  Smiley Not!
I venture that idea is stolen from the Constitution Rangers  Smiley
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‹‹Last Edit: Feb 17th, 2010 at 5:57pm by LB Bork ››


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Re: Welcome to
Reply #2 - Nov 30th, 2009 at 7:51pm
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It is uppity U.S. citizens like those the belong to Our s.a.m.m.i.e. that confirms my firm belief that not everyone is cut out for freedom even though all want to be free.  George Bernard Shaw stated it best, "With liberty comes great responsibility, which is why most men dread it."  

As much as we long for all U.S. citizens to wake up to their slavery, turn, repent of their slothful and dependent ways, and become state nationals many will not or can not take care of themselves and need the guardian ward relationship they have with the government.  

Of the 40-60 people I have met at gatherings over the past three weeks I would say 3 or 4 might be strong candidates to be solid, independent, capable, state nationals, which is only 7-10% based on liberal calculations.  The other 33-57 people, by their own admissions, would be unwilling or unable to give up one or more government benefit, privilege, license, pension, etc.  They would prefer to talk like free men while accepting hand outs from their master.  This is why most men dread freedom.

We should not let those that want to wallow in their delusions worry us or slow us down.
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"There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." Proverbs 14:12

"The works of His hands are verity and judgment; all His commandments are sure.
They stand fast for ever and ever, and are done in truth and uprightness."  Psalm 111:7,8

"The weed of democracy must be pulled up by it's 14th Amendment root."  F.F., Iowa national
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Re: Welcome to
Reply #3 - Dec 1st, 2009 at 4:28pm
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Federal Farmer wrote on Nov 30th, 2009 at 7:51pm:
It is uppity U.S. citizens like those the belong to Our s.a.m.m.i.e. that confirms my firm belief that not everyone is cut out for freedom even though all want to be free.

This kind of statement leads me to believe that somehow there is some kind of qualification that must be met in order to be free.

Is that true?

What about before 1787, did those "requirements of freedom" exist?

I think what we have now are people who have been encumbered at every turn, every day, in everything that they do. I think trying to "keep them out" is failing to see the bigger picture.

The bigger picture is this: The THEY have been at this a long long time and KNOW that if people are allowed to be the way they were back in the early 1800s, then there is no way in all of hell that they could ever pull off what they've accomplished now. They started not only the "Quiet Wars", but began poisoning (both physically and mentally) the populace in order to keep them from constantly throwing wrench after wrench into the workings of THEIR agenda.

While I agree that these "uppity U.S. citizens" are currently in a state of "uppityness," they are ALL looking for answers to WHY they're being treated like crap, poisoned, and tortured at the seeming whim of a government they thought was in place to PROTECT them.

A very REAL problem is injected into their finding the truth about their ensnarement when they come HERE to find the truth and they read derogatory comments about their present situation.

If the State Nationals, PAC members, and others of those who are part of the Solution, can not espouse compassion towards these folks, then I'm not sure why they would even want to be a part of the Solution.

These "uppity U.S. citizens" are being destroyed at every turn, we should at least give them the benefit of the doubt that perhaps it's not as enjoyable as it appears. We have a very good example from history that I suggest we consider: About 2000 years ago, it is reported that someone else came to set the captives free; captives that couldn't even see that they were in chains. Maybe he was successful because of HOW he treated the people who were in bondage AND how he treated their captors.

Turning on the T.V. causes people to "tune out" because their world simply does not make any sense, and they are PREVENTED from fixing it through all the garbage they are deluded with on a constant basis. THAT WAS THE PLAN ALL ALONG!

If you look upon them as pathetic or inept, then you have taken the SAME VIEW of them as the US Government. So when comparing a choice between the Solution and the Government, people just might not be able to see the difference.

The battleground here is one of the heart, mind, and spirit... let's all act like it and have attitudes that are beyond reproach. Intelligent people don't put up with crap for very long, so let's see if we can drop that from our speech.

Thank you, Federal Farmer, for saying one little thing that I could address, I'll put my diaper back on now.  Smiley

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Seeing everything from my perspective.

The chief enemies of republican freedom are mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, superstition, credulity, monopoly in the market of ideas, and utter benighted ignorance. -- Justice Black in Adderley v. State of Florida (1967)
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Federal Farmer
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Re: Welcome to
Reply #4 - Dec 2nd, 2009 at 6:30am
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Every spring when I start harvesting my winter crops, my bleeding heart, liberal, socialist, social worker, mother comes to me and asks me to help some of her families, and every year agree to help them, because I respect my mother and I try to help anyone that asks me for help.  I, with my labor, sweat, and property, help to subsidize these families with fresh, organic, heirloom, open-pollinated, fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes, even though these families, comprised of U.S. citizens, already have a guardian, the State, but does not provide enough to support it's wards; therefore, my mother asks me to help, and I freely do.

Every year when my mother and I make the first delivery of food, I explain to the families that all these fruits and vegetables are open-pollinated heirloom varieties and the seeds can be saved to be planted the next year in their own garden.  I explain that I will be happy to come to their homes and teach them how to make their own organic compost, I will come and help them prep the soil and make raised growing beds, and if they rent their homes and cannot till the soil, I will help them make a planter garden.  I give them my home phone number, cell phone number, address and email and tell them they are welcome to call me anytime, they are welcome at my home and they can call or email me with questions, but in order to receive all the food that I am going to give to them they need to promise me that they will save the seeds and allow me to help them learn to grow their own garden.  Yes, just like the government's own precedent established in Wickard v. Filburn, "It is hardly lack of due process for government to regulate that which it subsidizes" my labor, substance and property used to subsidize another comes with regulations.  Yet how many of those families every year actually follow my regulations and take me up on my generous offer to assist them to learn to feed themselves?  None, zip, zero, nada, nil, never have and probably never will, but at every delivery I make I am greeted with a warm smile and gracious, "thank-yous" and "you're so sweet" and "bless you for your kindness" so much hot air that I should have been the star of the movie, "UP".  But when spring comes around my mother knows that she cannot get me to help the same families a second year in a row because they refused to help themselves.  Believe me when I say that my mother has tried every trick in the book to get me to help the same family the next year because she really likes them, but I stubbornly refuse.  Now she knows not to ask me and every spring it is always new families.

What am I telling you this for?  Those families represent the vast majority of U.S. citizens.  Not all mind you, but the majority.  It is one thing to be free on paper, by filing a bunch of legal documents to expatriate and become a free state national and quite another to be free in actions regardless of the circumstances, like drought, depression, rationing or other natural or man made emergency.  Just because some one wants to be free or act free does not mean that they have the ability to really live free.  Most U.S. citizens today are wards of the state not only by their participation and consent in the 14th Amendment body politic, but they are wards because they cannot take care of themselves without being subsidized by some one or some government agency.

When you use your fancy words and slick marketing to convince people that freedom can be had like ordering a Billy May's endorsed product on T.V. by simply filling out this and that form and mailing it in, sets people up for failure.  Once they are free on paper then what?  If they cannot provide for themselves and their families in bountiful years as well as lean years, they will end up right back where they started, kneeling down to kiss the ring of their lord and master in order to receive relief.  Is that really what you want?  Sales numbers?  Get 'em into the store and sell 'em freedom?  If that is the case I hope you own, till, and sow millions of acres because when these free people are beating down my door for help and I cannot feed them because my neighbor, who takes care of his family, just had his house burn down and I am giving all that I have to help him because he helped me when my wheat crop was flooded out last year I will give them your address and phone number.

I am not insensitive to the desires of all men and women to be free, but with freedom comes great responsibility.  People are going to have to learn to be self reliant and lean on friends, family and neighbors in times of need, not in times of want.

I used to be in the corporate world.  I was the ward of wards of the State.  I played the game of, he who has the most F.A.A. licenses wins.  I was at the top of my field as an Aeronautics instructor teaching airline personnel from many major air carriers like KLM, Delta, United, China South East, Aeroflot, Royal Jordanian, Saudi Air, TACA, etc.  I traveled all over the world teaching international flight operations, ETOPS (extended twin engine ops), North Atlantic Track operations and emergency procedures, EWINS (enhanced weather information systems), but I was a complete boob and moron.  If you took away that paycheck and benefits I would have been sleeping under a bridge begging for food, which is why it took me so long, 3 years, to complete my state national process.  I knew that I would not be able to rely on those benefits any more and was going to have to learn how to take care of myself if I were going to be responsible and free.  I was lucky that I grew up on a farm in Iowa so I had that to fall back on, but I still had a lot to learn, growing up on a farm as a kid and being a farmer are world's apart.

Today, I am my own engineer, designer, carpenter, electrician, plumber, welder, farmer, mechanic, cook, baker and tailor.  I can provide my own clean potable water, back up power, food, and fuel source (wood and bio-diesel).  I am still on the grid, but when emergencies strike I am ready.  I am a trader at law on a cash (gold and silver) basis and I engage in private business with private contracts that all parties have an equal interest in.

So when I use the term "uppity U.S. citizen" it is from experience.  From the experience of being one to now having to care for some, and if you don't like my choice of words, you can use your own imagination as to how I would reply to that.

Oh, and for the record, I was referring to the people that are running the Our s.a.m.m.i.e website as the "uppity U.S. citizens", which are misleading the followers of their forum who are earnestly seeking truth, knowledge and solutions.
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"There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." Proverbs 14:12

"The works of His hands are verity and judgment; all His commandments are sure.
They stand fast for ever and ever, and are done in truth and uprightness."  Psalm 111:7,8

"The weed of democracy must be pulled up by it's 14th Amendment root."  F.F., Iowa national
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Federal Farmer
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Re: Welcome to
Reply #5 - Dec 2nd, 2009 at 10:38am
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Another aspect to this discussion is that there are a lot of qualifications to freedom.  We, on this forum and others of a political nature, tend to focus on the guardian ward relationships we have with various levels of government, which limits our freedom and once we break those bonds then we believe we will be free; however, our freedom is also qualified by the guardian ward or dependent relationships we have with other entities as well, like corporations and other human beings.  

The only truly, absolute, free man or woman would be one that only had a guardian ward relationship with the Creator God.  If we are dependent upon other human entities, fictional or natural, then we have encumbered our freedom to various degrees.  

As an example: If I were dependent upon a corporation for a paycheck, which supplied me the necessary public credit, for which I can convert into the necessities of life at the local supermarket, public utility company, etc. and I am unable to provide any of those necessities for myself then I am really not free at all because I am a ward to those entities.  If the shelves at supermarket were to run out, or the electric or water companies could no longer provide me with power, heat, sewer and water and I were unable to provide those necessities for myself, then I would be forced to find a new guardian to supply those needs, whether that be a family, friend or neighbor.

I am dependent upon the business relationships that I have to provide the things that I cannot provide for myself.  I suppose I could at some point remove myself from all dependent relationships besides the guardian ward relationship I would have with God; however, my standard of living would no doubt drastically change and my wife would probably leave me for someone who could provide a higher level of creature comforts.  

Freedom is really dependent upon how much freedom we want or can handle.  So freedom is very much qualified and comes at a great cost.
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"There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." Proverbs 14:12

"The works of His hands are verity and judgment; all His commandments are sure.
They stand fast for ever and ever, and are done in truth and uprightness."  Psalm 111:7,8

"The weed of democracy must be pulled up by it's 14th Amendment root."  F.F., Iowa national
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Federal Farmer
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Re: Welcome to
Reply #6 - Dec 2nd, 2009 at 4:00pm
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The common law is a law form that cherishes freedom and personal responsibility.  In fact, there is probably no other form of law that offers so much freedom.  The freedom to do pretty much anything you want as long as you do not injure someone else or damage their property.  Now that is freedom baby; however, with freedom comes great responsibility; therefore, the downside to the common law is that it requires strict, personal liability.  The guilty party pays for all the injuries and damages they cause and if they cannot pay, well then, we'll just take the tort feasor to the doorpost of the victim's house and push an awl through his ear, put a ring in it, and make him the bond servant of the victim until the damages are paid in full.  Ouch!  That is brutal.  What ever happened to kinder and gentler?  So since man really hates to be personally responsible we created limited liability and insurance.

Insurance policies create a guardian ward relationship, the insurance company is now the guardian and responsible party while the policy holder limits their responsibility to the cost of the premium and the deductible.  Sweet.  Now that is the kind of responsibility most men love.  Now we can be as responsible as Kathy Bates in "Fried Green Tomatoes".  But what's the downside?  The insurance contract, which creates the guardian ward relationship and all it's terms and conditions which are not within the jurisdiction of the common law, but the private municipal statutes of the State, which were no doubt written by an insurance company lawyer.  As an example: where did seat belt laws and speed limits originate?  With the guardian, the insurance company, in order to close their claims window and increase profit margins.  How about drunk driving statutes?  State legislatures no doubt passed all kinds of drunk driving statutes due to the lobbying efforts of the guardian insurance companies, because all the wards out there driving drunk and causing accidents, like Lindsay Lohan, were really putting a crimp in profit margins, but hey, the upside is, you can hit a patch of ice on the freeway, totally sober, slide into the oncoming car causing $12,000.00 in damages, hospitalize the driver to the tune of $48,000.00 causing $60,000.00 total damage and your limited liability only comes to around $1,700.00 ($100.00/month premiums for 12 mos. and a $500.00 deductible).  Whoa, that is real freedom, the freedom to NOT be responsible for your actions.  Why don't I have insurance?  I think I'm missing out, oh wait, I am responsible for all my actions and if I cause a damage I pay the damage or I am in bond servitude to the victim until I do pay it off.
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"There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." Proverbs 14:12

"The works of His hands are verity and judgment; all His commandments are sure.
They stand fast for ever and ever, and are done in truth and uprightness."  Psalm 111:7,8

"The weed of democracy must be pulled up by it's 14th Amendment root."  F.F., Iowa national
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LB Bork
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Re: Welcome to
Reply #7 - Feb 17th, 2010 at 3:39pm
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Big trouble... Look who they follow:

  • Winston Shrout's - Solutions In Commerce
  • America Can Be Free - Seeking, studying, and pursuing truth and freedom. Tim Turner Seminar information.
  • Money On Account -Blog regarding money, banking, government, and dealing with these things.
And appears they are really off the deep-end. Twisting the way things are and creating their own little world.
Below is from the glossary of Terms (My comments in Red):

An independent, self-governed settlement of free men and women

[What is the point of this? I guess they are saying that they are establishing colonies that are under the United States sovereignty. They are undoubtedly are all US citizens, so this would be true.]

Our s.a.m.m.i.e
Our Sovereign Assembly Meetings Members Include Everyone - The butterfly logo represents freedom. A meeting place for sovereign people to gather and discuss events concerning their lives.

[Sovereign? Whatever. They fell for the trap of being individual "sovereigns" so the governments of the countries they are in stay in control. They also are on the land, whatever that is supposed to mean.]

n. 1. A person, body, or state vested with independent and supreme authority. 2. The ruler of an independent state.

[The point? They appear to be colonies of the United States. Next!]

A free man or woman

[Where did they get this one? At this point I think they are making things up. It appears they are all in the state of confussion. With Kenneth Wayne at the helm, this is understandable.]

I guess people except fantasies in their adult lives too. What do you think the Easter Bunny is all about?


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Re: Welcome to
Reply #8 - Feb 17th, 2010 at 5:11pm
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From a memo on The My Sammie site...

These "US citizens" have taken the time to take from the ideas of "The Constitution Rangers" and "The Civil Rights Task Force". You get to have a badge and go around harrassing the insurgent officers, so it appears.

Ranger Badges are now available through private vendor:
INITIAL CREDENTIAL PACKAGE: $99.00 (incl. shipping)
(Badge, badge case, 3 pocket credentials, dash placard)
Additional badge(s), Credential(s) 25.00 ea.
(Specify badge attachment: none /wallet clip /safety pin)
(Free Shipping if ordered with credential set, otherwise $2.50 S&H per order)
UNIFORM ORDERING INFO; suggested equipment / supplies list.
Will post ordering info upon acceptance / approval. Allow
2-6 weeks for delivery.


All right Keny! We get stinkin' badges!

How is that for self-importance? See that issue addressed here :

Well, at least they have PDF documents... Jivin' Clive Boustred could not even get that right.

Anyway, the two groups mentioned above were other failed attempts for "We the People".
Maybe these "Sovereigns" who live in "Colonies" will do better. Smiley
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‹‹Last Edit: Oct 1st, 2010 at 5:27pm by LB Bork ››


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Re: The Death of Our SAMMIE
Reply #9 - May 3rd, 2010 at 11:14am
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Well, OUR Sammie died due to having no real foundational principles. The members went after the latest Kool-Aid. This is the problem with the movement for years, people looking for Silver Bullets or the best tasting Jones Kool-Aid.

See the message on their site :

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‹‹Last Edit: May 4th, 2010 at 7:39pm by LB Bork ››


"There is Tranquility in Ignorance, but Servitude is its Partner."  —me
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Re: The Death of Our SAMMIE
Reply #10 - May 12th, 2010 at 5:42am
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LB Bork wrote on May 3rd, 2010 at 11:14am:

Well, OUR Sammie died due to having no real foundational principles. The members went after the latest Kool-Aid. This is the problem with the movement for years, people looking for Silver Bullets or the best tasting Jones Kool-Aid.

See the message on their site :

Whoops... Now these guys are back. Seem to be sucking more people into their useless information.
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Re: Our SAMMIE Update
Reply #11 - Oct 1st, 2010 at 10:14am
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Just had to post and update on these Island Makers and comment...

August 27, 2010. Well I have been silent for quite some time now because quite frankly I just didn't know what to put on this website. To many unanswered questions. Too many groups all saying they were "doing it the right way" and someone else's way was wrong.

All these groups, Bob Schultz's Continental Congress with their delegates sending in their Freedom Articles, the Restore America Plan with their State co-ordinators under instructions from the Guardian Elders comprised of four men, sending in their documents, James David and the yishreal nation with their self appointed delegates signing his written decree and then sending it in, who is the tyrant government going to listen to?

Hmmm... Who is the "tyrant" government going to listen to?

How about the ones that follow the rules of law who have been around longer than most of you people that are having success for over ten years now? That would be PAC, by the way. What is with these morons?

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"There is Tranquility in Ignorance, but Servitude is its Partner."  —me
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