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Brother Gregory ~ Discussing the Wolves (Read 6081 times)
LB Bork
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Brother Gregory ~ Discussing the Wolves
Feb 21st, 2011 at 1:49pm
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Many people in the "movement" fail to understand the problem which has created a lot of Wolves in Sheep's Clothing.
Accordingly, Americans fail to understand the true nature of what has happened; they have enjoyed the free ride of socialism (under Marxist doctrine), but appear to not like the endgame: totalitarian style government.

To understand the problem being in the mirror...

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‹‹Last Edit: Feb 22nd, 2011 at 6:24am by LB Bork ››


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David C
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Re: Brother Gregory ~ Discussing the Wolves
Reply #1 - Mar 12th, 2011 at 3:27pm
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Wow, here is a "christian" group advocating socialism as being God's will.

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LB Bork
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Re: Brother Gregory ~ Discussing the Wolves
Reply #2 - Mar 12th, 2011 at 9:19pm
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David C wrote on Mar 12th, 2011 at 3:27pm:
Wow, here is a "christian" group advocating socialism as being God's will.

Yep. These people are Sovereign Individuals (the mindset), Maintainers, and Useful Idiots for Island Effect.

See the definitons at :

[UPDATE] After looking at and this information, these people appear to be one of many Jesuit based subgroups being established to bring the world under the Vatican's one world religion. Of course we all know that the Vatican is anything but what the Creator wants for us. The New World Order religion will be antiChrist.

    Diversity Statement source
    We believe that unity in diversity is not only desirable, but essential to fulfilling God's ultimate
    desire for God's people, as expressed in scripture (Acts 2, Revelation 7:9), and thus an
    essential element of seeking God's will on earth as it is in heaven....
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‹‹Last Edit: Mar 14th, 2011 at 1:45pm by LB Bork ››


"There is Tranquility in Ignorance, but Servitude is its Partner."  —me
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LB Bork
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Re: Brother Gregory ~ Discussing the Wolves
Reply #3 - May 21st, 2011 at 3:38pm
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Richard Kelly Hoskins

The Wolf And The Sheep
Section Two

Operation Trojan Horse

The Janissary

The wolf's greatest problem is other wolves. In the days of the Ottoman Empire, the Turkish Sultan ruled Arabs, Seljuk Turks, Ottoman Turks, Khazar Turks, Kurds, and varied other wolf-packs going under one name or another. Each had his own problems and each had problems with the other. When ordered to mobilize to go to war, he would find them fighting among themselves. He would have to delay until he got the dispute worked out before he could start a campaign, then he would have to wait again when another fight broke out. At all times some of his followers were off invading a neighbor, or squabbling about this or that.
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"There is Tranquility in Ignorance, but Servitude is its Partner."  —me
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