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Gold Confiscation for US citizens again? (Read 10810 times)
LB Bork
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Gold Confiscation for US citizens again?
Feb 17th, 2011 at 12:02pm
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Gold Confiscation, can it happen again?

    Know The Facts
    With the latest hype in gold, it is important for investors to know all the facts. The weakening dollar has led to the rise in gold prices and currently, gold is the monetary unit which other currencies are being valued. Some financial analysts and advisers are recommending reallocating funds from investments such as stocks, bonds, CD's and mutual funds into tangible assets that do not rely on the stock market. But before you reallocate your money into gold, consider the following points.

    The Gold Push
    Gold is being pushed by fear, a bad economy, inflation and TV marketing. Ten years ago the ratio between silver, gold and platinum was 17 oz. of silver to 1 oz. of gold and 3oz. of gold to 1 oz. of platinum. That ratio had stayed pretty static for over 50 years. Today, the ratio is 59 oz. of silver to 1 oz. of gold and 1.2 oz. of gold to 1 oz. of platinum. Fear, government spending and heavy marketing by TV gold resellers has pushed the perceived value of gold very high compared to silver or platinum. The rule is to buy low and sell high.

    Gold is at an all-time high. Will it go higher?
    Gold may go higher; but at some point it will turn and when it does, its value will likely drop very fast. If you have gold or you are thinking of buying gold, you need to follow the economy very closely. You need to know at what price you want to sell and have a plan of action ready. Watch for a noticeable improvement in the business sector GDP, new jobs, end of government bailouts and end of spending. This is when gold may start dropping. Gold has served in this role for thousands of years, but laws created by governments that have grown too big to put this role in doubt today.
Note there is no mention of the taking of the gold, but the thought is there. I am saying it will happen again....

You see how this works? Throw a bone, dangle a carrot, however you want to say it, and come in for the kill.

US citizens are slaves. Have you Read the Red?

Have you sinned by being stuborn and not resisted this system and bought into its nonsense?

...      Carrot Dangling is an ancient technique used to encourage
     temptation (a sin in most religions). It was originally used by
     farmers in the olden days to get their stubborn pet donkeys
     moving. The farmer would take a carrot, hang it from a stick
     and dangle it in front of the donkey. The donkey, who found
     the carrot incredibly compelling, would then move it's derriere
     to the location desired by the farmer.

     Hence the expression the carrot and the stick.

       “Come out of her and be not partakers of her sins and her plagues.”
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"There is Tranquility in Ignorance, but Servitude is its Partner."  —me
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BR8K Free
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Re: Gold Confiscation for US citizens again?
Reply #1 - Feb 18th, 2011 at 10:37pm
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Let us all not forget Ezekiel 7:19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.
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LB Bork
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Re: Gold Confiscation for US citizens again?
Reply #2 - Mar 6th, 2011 at 11:15pm
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Washington State Bill (House Bill 1716)...
Prepare To Give Up All Private Data For Any Gold Purchase Over $100

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/18/2011

A week ago, when we reported on a move by the Dutch central bank that ordered a pension fund to forcibly reduce its gold holdings, we speculated that “this latest gold confiscation equivalent event is most certainly coming to a banana republic near you.” And while we got the Banana republic right, the event that we are about to describe is not necessarily identical. It is much worse. A bill proposed in the State of Washington (House Bill 1716), by representatives Asay, Hurst, Klippert, Pearson, and Miloscia, whose alleged purpose is to regulate secondhand gold dealers, seeks to capture “the name, date of birth, sex, height, weight, race, and address and telephone number of the person with whom the transaction is made” or said otherwise, of every purchaser of gold in the state of Washington. Furthermore, if passed, Bill 1716 will record “a complete description of the property pledged, bought, or consigned, including the brand name, serial number, model number or name, any initials or engraving, size, pattern, and color or stone or stones” and of course price. But the kicker: if a transaction is mode for an amount over $100, which means one tenth of an ounce of golds, also required will be a “signature, photo, and fingerprint of the person with whom the transaction is made.”

More here...
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"There is Tranquility in Ignorance, but Servitude is its Partner."  —me
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Re: Gold Confiscation for US citizens again?
Reply #3 - Mar 7th, 2011 at 8:22am
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Got to keep track of that gold so when it comes time......
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Steve aka Seeker
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Re: Gold Confiscation for US citizens again?
Reply #4 - Mar 7th, 2011 at 12:16pm
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Numismatics is absolutely NOT what I would recommend. I thought there was going to be a mention of silver in that report, but to my dismay it was only pushing rare gold coins. The first problem I have with this (numismatics) is this is an expert's investment or speculation and requires even more knowledge of numismatics than one already has to study on just with precious metals at the bullion level. The latter already requires that an investor know what they are doing.
    Rare gold coins are still pegged by the content of gold they contain, therefore the spot price does have an effect on the perceived value of numismatics. The "perceived" value here is key. You can go get your "rare" coin appraised at a million $ and walk around smiling about that all day long. But what one may consider is what the actual value is. And that value is only what another collector or investor will pay for it. And that can disappoint miserably.
    The fact that this "report" does not even mention silver is so suspect to me that I would not even consider their "advice" on numismatics, period! I would hang up if they called me.

The problem with most people who are buying bullion today is some seem to have this idea that all they have to do is just buy it up and when the financial "market" "collapses" they're taken care of. Wrong! Unless the central banks go away completely, fiat currency will remain. I actually don't call what is happening a "market" "collapse" at all. It is more of a "monopolistic controlled burn" than anything. When you own everything and you control prices by manipulation and unlawful mandate, there is no such thing as collapse. It is purely covert confiscation. People who've not studied money will never see price movement as anything other than business greed. Therefore the cry for more regulation, even when it is regulation which creates this false market economy. There is no value in anything unless we have lawful property laws. Most at PAC understand this. The only thing anyone can do in this system is try and read the bubbles and follow them.
More people kept getting rid of their currency and ignore the government and set up their own system of stable medium of exchange. A black market economy, I suppose. Not unlike what prevailed in the last decades of the Soviet Empire. And of course people ought to understand the laws of economics and money as well as the common law system and the absolute necessity of property rights and laws that recognize them to be upheld by the overseers of those laws. And if these laws are swayed from in even the slightest deviation, those involved ought to be removed from their position of governance.
This of course would require many things to occur and one being what PAC prescribes with State Nationality (and this needs be uniformly procured and recognized) and another, not of any less necessity, be the pure study of the aforementioned laws of economics and money. If we had a competitive free enterprise system with a competitive money and banking true market economy, there would not be any real need for monetary policy at all. At least not of the type that we have today. The laws would have to be set to procure a sound system of competitive money and banking which could be satisfied by the natural tendency for the market to dictate what systems are the most stable. And in a truly free market system it is the human action that dictates these needs, not the state.

If you want to better understand many of these subjects, go here:

Also I just want to add this, and with all due respect. There is absolutely nothing sinful about financial literacy. And in fact I may go so far as to state with conviction that quite the opposite is true! If you have no true understanding of free market enterprise, which includes the study of money, and of course you admonish a free market enterprise system as a viable option by way of this type of ignorance,  you will be doomed to face the arbitrary manipulations of those who not only understand it, but monopolize it due to the fact that the ignorance of the general population consents to this very manipulation.

This may be a paraphrase to something I've seen somewhere before, so if I am plagiarizing, hopefully the original author will be flattered. The idea stuck:
"Nothing is more detrimental to any society than the ignorance of money" and the resulting machinations created by the manipulators and opportunists of this ignorance. These monopolists can and will manipulate the laws in their favor. Law would otherwise preclude them from doing so. But the ignorance of money, as well as avarice and the narcissistic tendencies of those in power, along with public apathy, allows the governing bodies to be duped, or bribed, into relaxing their position and allow the embryonic stages of decay to be introduced into any system of law. It is for this reason that government must be kept rigidly to limited powers...kept in a cage, if you will.
Therefore the knowledge of law as well as finance ought be studied and known and held to the utmost standards by human action. Courage of conviction is also a must for a people to hold to these long as they have values.
*(Emphasis mine on the rest after the quote)
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