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Thoughts on bases of Critical Thinking (Read 25453 times)
LB Bork
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Thoughts on bases of Critical Thinking
Feb 9th, 2010 at 10:09pm
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Some Thoughts on the bases of Critical Thinking

What is with the recent "hurrah" with Dr. Sam "The Scam" Kennedy and Tim "Turn the Facts" Turner? And furthermore, why did they seemingly appear out of nowhere and climb so fast to recognition?

Is this a case of the blind scammers leading the blind who don't know any better than to be duped? Or is there a deeper issue going on here? Both appear to have the art of blathering down to a science - something that tickles the ears of the unknowing suspect. Here's the issue:
    It appears that these two get people involved with de facto remedies and then tell them they are "de jure". What I have noted is that they incorporate nearly every off-point and false teaching that I have seen in the "movement" the past fifteen years, many of which have landed people in prison. The problem is that they use hints of the historical and legal truth, amongst all their other useless information, which fools people into following these pied-pipers. In another way of saying it : I have heard that somewhere else... These guys seem to be making sense so I will listen to whatever they have to say. Besides, I was looking for my own personal savior.
Fishy? One would think so.

I did my own research over the past fifteen years and concluded that the Fourteenth Amendment was the main problem we all face. You might say, 'Everywhere you turn, there is the 14th Amendment.' I work with select other researchers that all independently agree with this conclusion. The result of this work appears throughout the PAC Web Portal in numerous writings and in the book "The Red Amendment".

The two people in mention seem to wander around the main issue, yet conveniently ignore it on a large scale. These two are not only telling people they can be "de jure," but that they may have their cake and eat it too. This, besides departing from the realm of common sense, breaks the maxim of law: One gaining the benefit of something must pay the liabilities that go along with it. Due to the Fourteenth Amendment system, this problem became so rampant that by the 1930's the Supreme Court had to come up with a rule based on the Ashwander vs. The Tennessee Valley Authority case. The rule stated, in sense, that anyone receiving the benefits of a statute cannot reach constitutional grounds. Stated another way, if one is doing something that involves receiving benefits a statute, he is under the scope of the law that surrounds it and cannot complain about government control or the limitations of it.

Having the above facts in mind, the two in mention will tell you to use the private/special law noted as the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) and fill-out IRS forms and try to not look like a US citizen.

What? They are joking, right? Have you ever heard the expression: If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck. Now, common sense dictates: How can one use solutions available only to US citizens, and then try to call themselves something else? Answers anyone? Please?

Further into this seeming pot of nonsense, the latest from Kennedy is having people form "de jure" grand juries. I must ask, who are these people that seat these juries? People that claim to be "sovereign," but yet are protected by some so-called "Elder"? An Elder of Zion, perhaps? This, on its face, appears to be just another baby-sitting service aside the government he professes to be a problem. Maybe such juries are seated by people that are attempting to get "free money" from the government via filing some income tax form for US citizens as non-US citizens. Or is it that someone is attempting to instigate a war here? The ones in power would just love that. Or perhaps someone wants to see more property taken from unsuspecting Americans. The ones in stealthy control also love it when people use "the system" in a perverse manner to get unjust enrichment; more for the bad guys when they come in for the kill and take their property.

Again, fishy business... But only to the people who choose not to be led by pied-pipers.

Oh, and not to omit the pied-piper that has been around the longest and has the largest stranglehold on the unknowing, Bob Schultz of "We the People" is noted as stating that he rather liked the Fourteenth Amendment. The most prominent of the "pied-piper" ilk who is protecting the crux of the problem, so it appears.

It should be noted that the People's Awareness Coalition has been around for over ten years and  is virtually ignored by all other "patriot" groups. Most hits on the PAC sites come from word of mouth, not from being linked from other "patriot" websites. Why do you think this is? We have the answers in regard to fixing matters and yet they have gone largely ignored. Why do you think this is? The answer to the question may be is that people seem to want to take the easy way out and/or get something for nothing; accordingly, as a result, are easily duped. They should look in the mirror to see where the real problem lies, but they have to first understand what the problem IS.

One last thing to keep in mind; the 14th Amendment scam has been in place for 140 years due to its agents distracting and duping those who would otherwise see the truth of what it did. By the looks of it, these folks are doing a good job of keeping it in place. But, I could be wrong... It may just be useful idiots doing a bang-up job for the perpetrators due to their self-importance and greed. On that note, I hear a ton of talk from these main two in mention, but have seen no evidence of what they speak; however I understand that there are people that have been persecuted for following their nonsense.

Regardless of the actions of those who try to hide the effects of the Fourteenth Amendment, PAC has been around long before these people hit the limelight, and will be around long after they are gone, continuing to expose the truth. Such truth that is seen noted in the Bible... One could say it is time tested and fits within the respect of common sense.

It has been said that "Even bad advertising is good advertising." That be known, as I stand on truth and accuracy and also understand that some people have good judgment,  I am not concerned with providing the links/information to the people in mention. Go get that "Straw Man" and reap the benefits that transcend the maxims of law. LOL!

You may listen to Sam "The Scam" Kennedy on Republic Broadcast Network at (You are reminded that this guy has done high dollar "redemption" seminars and is all over the board):
You may visit the website of Tim "Turn the Facts" Turner at (Note there is no educational information, just high dollar seminars that teach you that you are not a duck, but advise you to act like one):
Want to follow the clueless? Visit Bob "I love the 14th Amendment" Schultz at Give Me Liberty (This duck thinks he is not a duck and a has implemented a plethora of worthless lawsuits):
Some other groups that follow the pied-pipers of the movement:

Our Sammie, led by a Kenneth  Wayne (Saw him get spanked by a traffic court in 2001. Appears to work off trial-and-error methods in lieu of critical thinking and research):
Have some fun implementing your own critical thinking,
LB Bork ~ PAC Founder
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‹‹Last Edit: Feb 21st, 2010 at 10:38pm by LB Bork ››


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Re: Thoughts on bases of Critical Thinking
Reply #1 - Feb 9th, 2010 at 10:46pm
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Remember, Thomas Jefferson said "People get the government they deserve." 

Which brings me to some concerns:
I feel that there are too many who are self important and love the lime light. They may receive funding, donations, or sell their freedom wares, and people are blindly following these blind leaders. Are they actually the opposition?

Keep everyone divided. The elite love that.
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‹‹Last Edit: Feb 11th, 2010 at 7:25pm by LB Bork ››


If not us, then who? If not now, then when?

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Re: Thoughts on bases of Critical Thinking
Reply #2 - Feb 9th, 2010 at 11:14pm
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Hey I just got done reading a thing by BoBSchultz about his court caseover the bailouts.
I guess He took it to court and they claimed lack of jurisdiction.

Hey I got nothing against Mr. Schultz but he seems like a smart ugy. I am not a smart ugy and I can make the connection with the 14th ammendment. I think the hook that keeps people tied is they want thier benefits.

I think they are gonna open up a bigger can of worms with "consittutional convention".
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Re: Thoughts on bases of Critical Thinking
Reply #3 - Feb 9th, 2010 at 11:50pm
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Thanks for posting that, LB. It really needed to be said. There is another forum that I frequent, where issues of U.S. citizenship come up fairly frequently, and the "signal to noise" ration gets pretty intolerable. I try to send folks in the right direction, but it's hard to get through, with so much bad info out there.
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"The fundamental political question is why do people obey a government. The answer is that they tend to enslave themselves, to let themselves be governed by tyrants. Freedom from servitude comes not from violent action, but from the refusal to serve. Tyrants fall when the people withdraw their support." ~ Étienne de la Boetie
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Sandra Lynn
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Re: Thoughts on bases of Critical Thinking
Reply #4 - Feb 10th, 2010 at 9:49am
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I can't for the life of me understand why people believe they can file forms using the Uniform "Commercial" Code (hello!) and IRS forms (hello!) and claim to be sovereign or exempt. Seems to me they're a bunch of hypocrits looking to get something for nothing because they bit off more than they can chew.

I actually know people who are caught up in the "everything is prepaid" scam. They have both been in jail a few times over it and cannot have a bank account because it gets seized. I also know of a man that proceeded with the negative advertment scam and went after some bonds. He ended up dead!

It seems to me these people are tickling the belly of the beast and hoping not to get bit. The Bible doesn't teach us to steal from Ceasar what he doesn't deserve to keep. The Bible says, "Come out of her, my people, and be not partakers of her sins, and receive not of her plagues. It also says, "If you owe a man a debt, work day and night until it's paid". If you don't like it, don't do it again! Lesson learned.

What amazes me the most is that these misinformers actually claim to be Christian, even ministers, doing the Lord's will, while they sell their seminars and materials teaching people how to take control of their (so called) strawman, by filling out fraudulent UCC, and IRS forms.

The question is: When they go to jail will they blame the de facto government or the de facto patriot for profit? For those participating in the scam, it's only a matter of time before we'll know the answer.

The sad thing is that all they had to do is correct their status, pay their debt, and stop participating in the system, and there is life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness!
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Re: Thoughts on bases of Critical Thinking
Reply #5 - Feb 10th, 2010 at 11:48am
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What? They are joking, right? Have you ever heard the expression: If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck. Now, common sense dictates: How can one use solutions available only to US citizens, and then try to call themselves something else? Answers anyone? Please?

Well then, here are your answers...

This is a good illustration of what Jesus meant by putting new wine in old wine skins, which he recommended not to do. Smiley

Following the Kennedy/Turner agenda is like using a fork to eat a bowl of chicken broth. It's senselessly frustrating and you don't get the results you're wanting. And that's just what the System wants you to experience! These goomers either haven't read The Red Amendment and are ignorant, or they have read it (or at least know the truth it promulgates), and are thwarting the ultimate remedy. (sniff,sniff) Smells like the latter.

So, my vote is "remove yourself and let it die a natural death."  Smiley
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Re: Thoughts on bases of Critical Thinking
Reply #6 - Feb 10th, 2010 at 12:15pm
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While I do NOT recommend other sites for truthful remedy other than PAC and His Holy Church, I do think the following link further amplifies what we are trying to express through this poll:

Other than what this writer has to say in warning about the Kennedy/Turner scam,
I have no further recommendation regarding anything at this link.
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LB Bork
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Re: Thoughts on bases of Critical Thinking
Reply #7 - Feb 13th, 2010 at 3:28pm
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Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The latest on this ruse : Smiley
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Re: Thoughts on bases of Critical Thinking
Reply #8 - Feb 13th, 2010 at 4:24pm
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Hmmm Smiley So far it appears that a few people have a death wish (among not thinking things through).
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Re: Thoughts on bases of Critical Thinking
Reply #9 - Feb 13th, 2010 at 6:08pm
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LB Bork wrote on Feb 13th, 2010 at 4:24pm:
Hmmm Smiley So far it appears that a few people have a death wish (among not thinking things through). 

Yes, "revolt against it and pray you don't die." 13 people!

I guarantee, these folks have more and better weapons than you do. Good luck with that! Too much TV?
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"The fundamental political question is why do people obey a government. The answer is that they tend to enslave themselves, to let themselves be governed by tyrants. Freedom from servitude comes not from violent action, but from the refusal to serve. Tyrants fall when the people withdraw their support." ~ Étienne de la Boetie
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Tim little fish
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Re: Thoughts on bases of Critical Thinking
Reply #10 - Feb 14th, 2010 at 10:36pm
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In support of the idea of
"remove yourself and let it die a natural death".

I read an interesting article from His Holy Church website called: The Church, the ekklesia.

In it I offer this quote:
But eventually the voice of the people sought a ruler who could exercise authority and who appointed officers over the people from the top down making new laws of control and oppression. The need for an ekklesia steadily grew again as the people and their governments became more corrupt.

When the Greek city states found their governments had become too corrupt and oppressive, they would call for an ekklesia, an assembly outside the civil authority of the city. If enough people came out and refused to accept the existing centralized civil authority, that government would collapse. Non participation has been a successful and peaceful means to free mankind from oppressive civil authority throughout history.

Like the walk out strikes instituted by Gandhi in hope of freeing his people from oppression of colonization, the act of calling the people out could be a very effective method of obtaining freedom through nonviolence. Gandhi did not only encourage worker strikes, but also practical methods to free society from the need of the corporate benefits and its resulting oppressive civil state. Moses had done the same in Egypt when he taught the people how to live without the exercising authority and benefits of the Pharaoh while still maintaining a viable, cohesive and productive society.

Not participating was/is a show of peaceful force.
It's not a choice for the timid or weak of mind as it's a lot harder choice than participating. Smiley
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Re: Thoughts on bases of Critical Thinking
Reply #11 - Feb 15th, 2010 at 8:13am
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Nice too see that the "Little Fish" is back on the forum.  Nice quote by the way.
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Re: Thoughts on bases of Critical Thinking
Reply #12 - Mar 3rd, 2010 at 1:24am
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Oh no... Peace is down below 80 percent. Where are all the nut jobs coming from  Smiley
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Re: Thoughts on bases of Critical Thinking
Reply #13 - Mar 5th, 2010 at 2:28pm
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LB Bork wrote on Mar 3rd, 2010 at 1:24am:
Oh no... Peace is down below 80 percent. Where are all the nut jobs coming from  Smiley

Yes, pretty sad to think so many spoil for a fight than to know a better way and do it peacefully.
Forgive my sarcasm, but maybe they don't like to read?
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LB Bork
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Re: Thoughts on bases of Critical Thinking
Reply #14 - Mar 5th, 2010 at 2:56pm
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LeAnne wrote on Mar 5th, 2010 at 2:28pm:
LB Bork wrote on Mar 3rd, 2010 at 1:24am:
Oh no... Peace is down below 80 percent. Where are all the nut jobs coming from  Smiley

Yes, pretty sad to think so many spoil for a fight than to know a better way and do it peacefully.
Forgive my sarcasm, but maybe they don't like to read?

That, and they listen to people like Sam "The Scam" Kennedy, et al.
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