PAC Educational Groups / For our first time visitors
Please note to be a member of
this section of the NMG Forum you must obtain a copy of
The Red Amendment.
It is hoped that you will read
The Red Amendment as this is the explanation of the legal issues surrounding the reason for nationality correction. There is a misconception that people are sovereign when, in fact, it is their country (state) that is given the sovereignty by the people. This one-of-a-kind book will explain why we are not sovereign and why we must correct our nationality in order for the state sovereignty movement to really work.
There are more categories (available once you register on the forum) contained within this section that we may, finally, receive the education we never had in understanding how we will lay claim to have lawful standing by correcting the situation in law...not being silent. Otherwise, the fact remains that people are born within the dominion/jurisdiction of a governmental system that has claimed title to their bodies, so to speak.
We must not be silent...silence is submission!
People who are dedicated to
Their Education and the
Freedom of Others wear this tag under their name.
PLEASE NOTE : There are two different aspects to PAC Educational Groups. They are as follows :
ONE) There is PAC Groups on the Not My Government forum.
Once registered with the NMG PAC Groups Section, there is so much more to see!
If you
are not a NMG member, we ask that you register with the forum at : instructions to this section will come with
The Red Amendment. If you already have a copy of
The Red Amendment, please send a Moderator a
Private Message (PM) and request to be added.
TWO) The Advanced PAC Groups is found at
An advanced group for the Law Study & Nationality Correction, which is another registration.
For the above noted purpose, PAC has extended educational information available from PAC Groups. Please contact a representative in your state (country) to get information on getting started : get your copy of
The Red Amendment, visit the link below :