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Insurgency Agents >> People Dividing the Movement >> "No, I am a State National"

Message started by Brother B on May 4th, 2011 at 9:42am

Title: "No, I am a State National"
Post by Brother B on May 4th, 2011 at 9:42am
I've been engaged in a ideological battle of sorts with sovereign citizens, freemen on the land and followers of Tim Tuner on Facebook and to today I asked a practitioner of the UCC if he was a US citizen. This is his reply:

    "No, I am a State National. My trust account is still a "citizen"/"franchise" though. I just used a different process. I have separated my natural self from the trust/franchise and taken the role of Administrator/Executor in it's use.
    To me, the franchise/trust is a tool, not just a name."
This is the second person to tell me that they were a State National and that they used a different process that utilizes the UCC to establish a state national status.

I've managed to pull a couple of people away from this line of thinking, but, most of these so-called patriots actually think that their rights are somehow derived from and protected by, the UCC. It's all about the UCC to them.

Oh, and by the way, I told him he was IN FACT still a US citizen.

Title: Re: "No, I am a State National"
Post by LB Bork on May 4th, 2011 at 10:59am
I have never heard of the maxim, 'You can have your cake and eat it too.'

The Uniform Commercial Code and all the private law these governments establish is predicated on the "citizen and national of the United States" status. You are either that person, or you are not.

What idiocy... That is what happens when the government releases plants to mess up the works.
Now more than ever, we need to separate ourselves from these idiots who buy into this nonsense.

These moronic people will never be part of State Nationals Society.

Title: Re: "No, I am a State National"
Post by Jerry on May 4th, 2011 at 11:19am
Ask them to show you the paper work that states they have been released for "that" government. Without that it is smoking mirrors and dream land. These fools don't realize that the system is working them over little by little in the courts and at the same time taking their money if you can call it that.

By the time they are done with the fools they will be no way to turn and they will be broke on top of that [smiley=rolleyes.gif]

Courts are having a hay day with these types [smiley=lol.gif]

Here is one for you Campaign for Liberty their logo says "Reclaim The Republic". I wonder how they are going to do that when they are not party to a "Republic Form of Government".

Title: Re: "No, I am a State National"
Post by LB Bork on May 5th, 2011 at 12:58pm
Oh, and it is easy to tell who has stolen the concept of being a national of a state...

As it was I who branded the term "State National". Everyone from idgits, like BrotherB mentioned, to those disinformation artists at Family Guardian have plagiarized it and abused it to the point of confusion. Too bad these people are out there.

Not saying there is not a concept of law behind it...
                  Just saying the principles behind the term was researched and developed by PAC.

Also, it was I that started teaching people that each state is a republic about ten years ago. People like the above mentioned (Family Tardian) and Tim Turner are just disinfo agents/thieves that profit off such things.

Title: Re: "No, I am a State National"
Post by Shadowcaster on May 26th, 2011 at 10:30pm
Sounds like a fence walker to me. Maybe he is delusional? Possible multipersonalities?

Title: The Darren Michaels Thread
Post by LB Bork on Aug 2nd, 2011 at 4:28pm
I understand you are having issues with one Darren Michaels on the PAC Facebook pages...

Well, he has his own NMG Thread now :

Title: Re: "No, I am a State National"
Post by LB Bork on Aug 4th, 2011 at 10:53am
This has been added to Patriot MisBeliefs due to these problems...


There are people in the movement claiming to be nationals of a state (State Nationals). They say that they have used a different process outlined in the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC).

The UCC is a default commercial law form that is inferior to the common law. Its purpose is to assist citizens of the United States in contracts; all such citizens/nationals are subject to its laws hence the UCC is law that pertains to such citizen/nationals. The UCC (filing UCC-1) does not correct status. And furthermore, anyone that uses this law form is actually burring himself deeper into the governmental system under the Fourteenth Amendment. The states enjoy the people who fill bogus UCC claim forms as it provided them with enormous sums of funding in filing fees. Some people who have exercised this bogus remedy have been charged with "paper terrorism" by authorities. It is ventured this bogus “status correction process” may be disinformation.

Moreover, the term “State National (and State Nationals)” is a brand of the People's Awareness Coalition (PAC) based on recognized acts of Congress. Anyone using the term “State National” (who is not) has stolen subject matter research from PAC and perverted it; such people have fallen for a conman scheme and/or a disinformation program. A true State National carries an Identification Card issued by himself with State Nationals Society credentials incorporated.

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