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Insurgency Agents >> Wolves in Sheeps Clothing >> Civil War Disinformation Rebirthed Message started by LB Bork on Apr 23rd, 2011 at 11:00am |
Title: Civil War Disinformation Rebirthed Post by LB Bork on Apr 23rd, 2011 at 11:00am
Here is what appears to be more disinformation in order to combat my research. A rebirth of the legal disinformation of the Civil War and what war powers the United States purports to have under the Constitution:
Title: Re: Civil War Disinformation Rebirthed Post by DrMeola.Florida on Apr 23rd, 2011 at 6:44pm
Ok not sure all the points your are referring to in this article, how ever after reading half way I notice a two part issue, one of war time and one of peace, what people have forgotten this county has operated under a declared state of emergency, ie war, and will continue to do so until the end of time.
For proof of that simple read the executive orders that renew the so called state of emergency every two years, by every sitting President since after 70 years the first declared state of emergency was officially declared over, and was then reinstated for a different reason within if memory serves me 72 hours and has since never been allowed to expire. |
Title: Re: Civil War Disinformation Rebirthed Post by LB Bork on Apr 24th, 2011 at 9:29am
The main issue is the "Union" i.e., United States, calling the Confederates "Rebels". It is my estimation that this paper is of purpose to confuse the issue again an throw people off that they are rebelling against their lawful governments.
The more confusion the better. Of course, this paper explains who the true rebels are: Over a thousand downloads this last month. Think someone is concerned? |
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