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Insurgency Agents >> Wolves in Sheeps Clothing >> De Jure Grand Juries

Message started by LB Bork on Apr 29th, 2010 at 5:22am

Title: De Jure Grand Juries
Post by LB Bork on Apr 29th, 2010 at 5:22am

A Story behind the De Jure Grand Juries.  A look at the matters that are encompassed in the concept.

[td]In the movie "Idiocracy" people of the future became so stupid that corporations were able to program them with advertising. One of the key concepts in the movie was that plants needed "electrolytes" found in a corporate product called Brawndo, a Gatorade like drink. Of course, people were so stupid that they were conned into watering the plants with Brawndo over water as advertising told them that plants loved the electrolytes. Accordingly, the key phrase from the movie in regard to this concept was:

       • Brawndo: It's what plants crave.
[/td][td]  [/td]

Now observing the recent happenings with a movement called The Guardians of the Free Republics (TRAP, the Restore America Plan), the primary sales device of this program has been a thing called the "De Jure Grand Jury". People such as Sam Kennedy and Tim Turner tell us how people need to become part of these so-called De Jure Grand Juries, but really there has been no paper written or produced that explains to people what these are all about, or what they may even be used for. We do know that the participants who have fallen for this have gotten visits from the FBI. One of the questions asked is if they had been forced into participating in this program. What does this line of questioning tell us? In another sense, what does the future hold for the people who have been conned into this blind venture?

Accordingly, we could say the following:

  • De Jure Grand Juries: It's what GuardianTards* crave
In another sense, we could say they have fallen for the actions of plants.
Mind you... This is today, not the future.

The fact is, there can be no "De jure Grand Juries" until the bulk of people want it and the de facto goes away.
See this definition which explains why:

More information on this TRAP, see these links:



Guard•i•an•tard, n. A person who lacks discernment and blindly follows movements such as Guardians of the Free Republics that fail in their understanding of law and depend on others who fail likewise.

Title: Re: De Jure Grand Juries
Post by Shadowcaster on Apr 29th, 2010 at 8:37am
I actually own that movie and have shown it to others before. It is a comedy, but I think there is some truth to it. In the movie, the average man became the smartest human on the planet. The whole point was that common sense made him superior in the future because he was just average in comparison to those of his time.

So in other words, if we forget our history, we might as well be duped into thinking that plants need BRAWNDO. Common sense tells me that voting won't work, violent force won't work, and definitely asking a politician to resign won't work either. The term TRAP is fitting. 

Title: Re: De Jure Grand Juries
Post by Jerry on Apr 29th, 2010 at 11:28am

wrote on Apr 29th, 2010 at 8:37am:
I actually own that movie and have shown it to others before. It is a comedy, but I think there is some truth to it. In the movie, the average man became the smartest human on the planet. The whole point was that common sense made him superior in the future because he was just average in comparison to those of his time.

So in other words, if we forget our history, we might as well be duped into thinking that plants need BRAWNDO. Common sense tells me that voting won't work, violent force won't work, and definitely asking a politician to resign won't work either. The term TRAP is fitting. 

Deception seems better for me. How can they trap you when you decide to be foolish of how the system works.

What is that again not knowing the law is no excuse. Oh yes, government hand out school system did wonders. I guess that depends on how you look at it from their side of from PAC's side.

Title: Re: De Jure Grand Juries
Post by Groggman on Apr 29th, 2010 at 1:47pm
Hey all;

   Sorry I couldn't make the call. I listened to the recording though.  Good rant LB [smiley=1smilie.gif]!!!

I haven't seen the movie, I don't support the movie industry as I would say 95% of Hollyweird is with the interlopers.  There are some good messages in what they make IF you have the eyes to see and the ears to hear.  That's exactly what all these groups do also. They have good messages in them, BUT, they are also filled with partial truths and the rest is just propaganda.  The Red Amendment is by far the BEST information out there and is backed by Law and Fact.  Thanx LB for all your hard work  [smiley=1smilie.gif]!!!!!

I feel your frustration LB. Trying to talk to people about what WE are trying to do to regain not only our own personal freedoms, but the Nations freedom, is very frustrating and aggravating. 

Just joking here, Maybe we should all take hypnosis classes so we can do like the adversaries are doing and hypnotize everyone into "WANTING" to read the Red Amendment and leaning the truth.  We could call it TRA Ultra. 

Title: Re: De Jure Grand Juries
Post by Pat Ferguson on Apr 29th, 2010 at 6:53pm
LB, this topic looks like nothing but an uneducated bashing session.  Grand Juries are required in each of the 50 states in order for the DeFacto government, which is in fact a corporation, to acknowledge the DeJure Government.  It is also the only way that We the people can re-occupy the offices of the Republics.  These matters were discussed with the Supreme Court, as well as the FBI and high ranking members of the Military, who have agreed that it was lawful.

Next time do some homework before you get to the name calling.  It just makes you look lazy.

Title: Re: De Jure Grand Juries
Post by LeAnne on Apr 29th, 2010 at 7:07pm

wrote on Apr 29th, 2010 at 6:53pm:
LB, this topic looks like nothing but an uneducated bashing session.  Grand Juries are required in each of the 50 states (Don't you mean countries?)  in order for the DeFacto government, which is in fact a corporation, to acknowledge the DeJure Government.  It is also the only way that We the people can re-occupy the offices of the Republics.  These matters were discussed with the Supreme Court, as well as the FBI and high ranking members of the Military, who have agreed that it was lawful.

Next time do some homework before you get to the name calling.  It just makes you look lazy.Who? 

Hi Pat,

Yes, this de facto government must recognize the de jure government. Have you read The Red Amendment, yet? I describes, in detail, what you may be missing in your thinking process. I'm not downing you, just pointing out that you don't have all the facts yet to be making the uneducated suppositions that you are.

You might wish to read this:

Pay special attention to footnote number 7.

Unless and until you are able to read the Red book and "get it", you may never understand what PAC is all about.

Quote by someone's writing:
"We are not “We The People”. Only those who founded America, and contributively so, are them, were them. This is the truth, the recognizable truth, by the reading clear. We should not identify with a mirrored image of thinking, but read as was written. Read from their point of view, from their time. From their view in time. To clearly read."

Title: Re: De Jure Grand Juries
Post by LB Bork on Apr 29th, 2010 at 7:11pm
Hello?!? Earth to Pat!

Do you have the records of these so-called meetings? I thought they were ORDERED to move out of the offices? It appears they are still there. So, they MAY have admitted something? Proof of that, please?

I know that you are delusional, as "the people" of the states were never "We the People". I have done my home work and I know that you have no idea what you are talking about. So Pat, This puts you in the lazy category.

Go to the back of the bus and sit with the other GuardianTards.

< LeAnne, Pat has not read anything... You can tell he is mocking the nonsense put out by the people who are responsible for this lie called TRAP. Pat is the essence of what this article is about. >

Title: Re: De Jure Grand Juries
Post by LeAnne on Apr 29th, 2010 at 11:02pm

wrote on Apr 29th, 2010 at 1:47pm:
Hey all;

   Sorry I couldn't make the call. I listened to the recording though.  Good rant LB [smiley=1smilie.gif]!!!

Just joking here, Maybe we should all take hypnosis classes so we can do like the adversaries are doing and hypnotize everyone into "WANTING" to read the Red Amendment and leaning the truth.  We could call it TRA Ultra. 

You're talking about the public talkshoe? Episode 14, I take it?  It was great!

TRA Ultra!  Love it!

They would not only learn the truth, but the solution (aka The Ultimate Remedy) as well.

Title: Re: De Jure Grand Juries
Post by Quisno on Apr 29th, 2010 at 11:10pm
Ignorance kills countries, and people, ends freedoms and promotes tyrannies. You judge what you dont understand, and Bork who was left out of the discussions spread a form of treason to the very fabric of this country and its people. I am a De jure Grand Jurist I have spoken with Provost Marshals and to FBI. They are  comfortable with what we are trying to do. And people what you have on here is a person who felt that he was slighted and is willing to persecute others. he would destroy your independence for his lack of understanding and petty thoughts. I Know a few in the PAC who don't feel that way so we must carry on. Today in Alabama we had success as judge, DA and Sheriff were unceremoniously thrown from their offices. All I can say is Bork turn around before you make a hole so big that you cant pull youself from it... and you others who feed at the same trough remember what we do is for all of the people in this country.

Title: Re: De Jure Grand Juries
Post by LB Bork on Apr 29th, 2010 at 11:35pm

wrote on Apr 29th, 2010 at 11:10pm:
Ignorance kills countries, and people, ends freedoms and promotes tyrannies. You judge what you dont understand, and Bork who was left out of the discussions spread a form of treason to the very fabric of this country and its people. I am a De-jure Grand Jurist I have spoken with provost Martials and to FBI. They are comfortable with what we are trying to do. And people what you have on here is a person who felt that he was slighted and is willing to persecute others. he would destroy your independence for his lack of understanding and petty thoughts. I Know a few in the PAC who don't feel that way so we must carry on. Today in Alabama we had success as judge, DA and Sheriff were unceremoniously thrown from their offices. All I can say is Bork turn around before you make a hole so big that you cant pull youself from it... and you others who feed at the same trough remember what we do is for all of the people in this country.

Slighted? Hardly. I would never get involved with any of these people as I know the bulk of what they are doing is a bunch of nonsense. How many of you people following these clowns fell off a turnip truck? I have been around for over 12 years and know more about these issues than most. Don't you find it strange that a move of this type would not call on my input? Could it be that I am spot on in regard to this being an agent provocateur operation?

Aside that, what you people are doing is doing the work of what the adversary wants... Acting in an ignorant and violent manner so they can drop the hammer like they would like to do. This is how they set-up the Civil War, but you would not know that. You people are an embarrassment and most important are dangerous. You are going to mess things up for everyone that want to see things fixed. 

I venture that you did not see what happened in Alabama, as your IP Address ( is from the Denver area. Do you have any affidavits from people or any videos of what you profess? And, as for who you have spoken to, please provide the names of the FBI agent, etc. that you have talked to?

Sorry, I call bullshit on what you have stated in regard to such noted issues.

Finally, it is interesting that you have been registered a year here and this is your first post. You must have been busy learning false law from these people who do not know what they are doing instead of learning properly. And I hope you do not mind, as I corrected the sloppy writing you put out... And you misspelled Marshal.

Title: Re: De Jure Grand Juries
Post by Jerry on Apr 30th, 2010 at 8:52am
Quisno are you a citizen of the US?

You say "I am a De jure Grand Jurist I have spoken with Provost Marshals."

What jurisdiction does this Marshal have over the general population?

Title: Re: De Jure Grand Juries
Post by Pat Ferguson on Apr 30th, 2010 at 9:30am
I have read the Red Amendment three years ago.  The problem with it is that the 14th Amendment amended the corporate constitution, not the original organic constitution.  Does anyone here know about the hidden 13th amendment, the one that says that no one who  accepts a title of nobility can hold public office, and is no longer a citizen?  How do you explain that, LB?  Did it just vanish off the face of the earth?  No, it was re-written on a revised constitution that serves the corporation.  Our republic was replaced by a corporation that serves the banks, because of the bankruptcy.  Sorry to break it to you like this LB, but there's more to this than you cover in your book.

I have read your forums for over a year, and you haven't helped anyone.  Instead of helping the freedom movement, you are sowing discourse among the people.

I don't care if you kick me off this forum, good riddance.

Title: Re: De Jure Grand Juries
Post by Jerry on Apr 30th, 2010 at 9:54am
Pat You just answered your own question.

It was re-written on a revised constitution that serves the corporation.
And the 14th amendment put you under this government.

Does anyone here know about the hidden 13th amendment, the one that says that no one who
accepts a title of nobility can hold public office, and is no longer a citizen?

What citizen are we talking about here? [smiley=hmmm.gif]

Pat the class is waiting!
Wait I have another question.

It is also the only way that We the people can re-occupy the offices of the Republics

How can you do that being a US citizen? I mean take the offices of this government under your present political status.

Title: Re: De Jure Grand Juries
Post by Rich of Illinois on Apr 30th, 2010 at 10:35am
Damn it LB, I told you not to give your new website address to your ex girlfriends.
They seem to be busy down at the group think protests, or drinking the Team Law Kool-aid.

Title: Re: De Jure Grand Juries
Post by LB Bork on Apr 30th, 2010 at 11:14am

wrote on Apr 30th, 2010 at 9:30am:
I have read the Red Amendment three years ago.  The problem with it is that the 14th Amendment amended the corporate constitution, not the original organic constitution. Does anyone here know about the hidden 13th amendment, the one that says that no one who accepts a title of nobility can hold public office, and is no longer a citizen?  How do you explain that, LB?  Did it just vanish off the face of the earth? No, it was re-written on a revised constitution that serves the corporation.  Our republic was replaced by a corporation that serves the banks, because of the bankruptcy.  Sorry to break it to you like this LB, but there's more to this than you cover in your book.

I have read your forums for over a year, and you haven't helped anyone.  Instead of helping the freedom movement, you are sowing discourse among the people.

I don't care if you kick me off this forum, good riddance.

Pat, you are dealing with a much educated group here. Even they have seen through you. By what you have stated, Pat, you have not read my book. Moreover, I was correct in thinking that you have read nothing of what PAC has to offer and have drank the Kool-Aid of the other wack-jobs out there. You sound like a typical patriot parrot, as the others have noticed. And, we have helped plenty of people... The problem is, it appears that you are looking for someone to do things for you, which includes getting a free ride. You are the typical person in the movement that follows the ones that promise FREE MONEY over understanding that freedom comes with a cost and due diligence.

You are an idiot, as you speak without knowledge who makes fabricated statements.

p.s. You failed to address the other matters I requested you address... I must be correct, it was a lie too.

<Pat has been banned for fabrications and ad hominem attacks on myself>

Title: Re: De Jure Grand Juries
Post by Credo Veritas on Apr 30th, 2010 at 11:27am
De Jure Grand's what Guardian-tards crave... LOL! Oh my, LB. I think you may have hit a nerve!

DeeJayGeeJay also has freedolytes! And Freedolytes are what U.S. Citizens crave!
Freedolytes can be mixed with your favorite kool-aid for that cool refreshing liberated taste without all the usual responsibilities and effort normally associated with traditional freedom!

Disclaimer: Freedolytes are on indefinite backorder and may be substituted at will with empty promises and unsupported stories of the benefits of Freedolytes. Those interested in taking Freedolytes should be aware that these things take time and results may vary and may not exist whatsoever.
Freedolytes should not be taken without consulting your lawyer and your federal representative. Certain side effects may occur. Typically euphoria is followed by constipation, headache, drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, lethargy, and in certain rare cases a sudden urge to vote, run for office, change your political party and call officials at random to demand non-existent Constitutional rights.....
Idiocracy. Love that movie. Closer to reality that people want to believe.
"Look I'm no botanist, but I know that when you give plants water, they grow."
"Water?! Like from a toilet?...... I aint never seen no plants growin' out of no toilet!"
"Hey that's right! you sure you aint the smartest guy on the world?"

Title: Re: De Jure Grand Juries
Post by Quisno on Apr 30th, 2010 at 12:50pm
Mr. Bork, first I must thank you for helping my spelling, as it's tough to make all words perfect when you have limited English to work with. But let me say one thing, history will record all that is done, and each of us will be judged on our works. If the 14th still stands out as the amendment that has created what is happening today then?  I would see more action from this action group wouldn't I? Yes, I joined this group from the behest of John Broader. I enjoyed his comments to me. but I am a doer not a sitter. So you may say I have misplaced my allegiance but I prayed on my actions and so started my upward progression. I have talked to you and found you to be very opinionated I felt you made good points but you would not listen to mine. so I left without feeling malice toward you, as  I feel you in your own way are seeking an answer. I receive your information I weigh it with the rest I receive. and the FBI agents? You know I can't give their names. But then I expect you to hammer my disclosure as you attack ,and I've seen this,. those who you disagree with. I'm not your judge and jury but history will tell us who in the end followed the correct trail. Thank you for your time and don't sharpen that spade too much sir.

Title: Re: De Jure Grand Juries
Post by Jerry on Apr 30th, 2010 at 1:13pm
People do not know much about the 14th they were never taught such in school. Were you?

As time progresses people will learn. This country was took apart slowly and it will slowly come back you can only steal from the people only for so long.

Who do you think they are talking about in the 14th amendment when they mention about being in rebellion?

If the 14th still stands out as the amendment that has created what is happening today then?


What about the Provost Marshals?

Title: Re: De Jure Grand Juries
Post by LB Bork on Apr 30th, 2010 at 1:27pm

Thank you for not attacking me. We had to ban someone today for off-point, vulgar attacks.

Sorry if you think I am a bit of a know-it-all, but this comes with knowing I am right and not backing down. It angers me to no end that people are following these dead-ends. I have been watching it for too long... 15 years to be exact.

In regard to the agents, I teach people to always get names... This shows the danger of the people you are following.
Please stick with us, we are making a difference. I pray that you find the errors you have made do not bite you.

Title: Re: De Jure Grand Juries
Post by LB Bork on May 4th, 2010 at 4:30pm
I was told by someone that Glen Beck stated the "Guardian" Sam Kennedy was a government plant.

Anyone else know anything about this?

Title: Need a job? 68 grand a year!
Post by LB Bork on Mar 3rd, 2011 at 10:20am

De Jure Grand Jurist

Project: De Jure Grand Jury consisting of a pool of:

Minimum 50 members to start in each of two counties.
Current resident of Escambia or Santa Rosa counties.
Age of 18 and over
Excellent hearing
Healthy (able to concentrate)
No drug addicts or alcoholics
Full time position
Term: 2 years with opportunity to be re-elected.
Salary: $68,000;
Expenses paid if you travel outside your county.
Must not have been convicted of a felony in which a human was a victim. i.e. Assault, robbery, murder, etc.
Members will be called for a trial, then placed back in the pool after the trial.

Members are paid if they hear a trial or not. If no trial scheduled, then go fishing.

Most work done by Skype

This will be a special 24 person grand jury specializing in, but not limited to, criminal trials.
You will hear Family, Traffic, Criminal and Civil cases.

Members will be trained in Constitutional law and the jurists right of Nullification. Nullification is the right to acquit or cause a mistrial if the law is deemed to be in violation of the defendants constitutional rights. This can be accomplished by only one jurist.

These Grand Juries are being raised under a plan pre-approved by the U.S. Supreme Court, and is being implemented at this time in every county across the United States.

We expect to have the juries up and running by the second week of March, 2011.

Best if you email me and I can then send more detailed info. Then if you have questions call me.
Jim Phone ***
No fees, nothing to purchase, dont need SS#. Just need volunteers to serve their country.

Title: Re: Need a job? 68 grand a year!
Post by Jerry on Mar 3rd, 2011 at 10:42am
Most work done by Skype!?!

Court will be held on back porch!!
Just need volunteers to serve their country.
No brains needed!!

Title: Re: De Jure Grand Juries
Post by BR8K Free on Mar 3rd, 2011 at 2:32pm

Must not have been convicted of a felony in which a human was a victim. i.e. Assault, robbery, murder, etc.

Would that only be a conviction by the De Jure Grand Jury, or from another Jury?

Title: Re: De Jure Grand Juries
Post by Jerry on Mar 3rd, 2011 at 6:08pm
I was wondering what country they were talking about when they say your country.  [smiley=rolleyes.gif]
$68.000 to go fish!! Oh we are trying to save the republic not bankrupt it.

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