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Insurgency Agents >> Wolves in Sheeps Clothing >> Guardians a move to discredit movement?

Message started by LB Bork on Apr 6th, 2010 at 8:52am

Title: Guardians a move to discredit movement?
Post by LB Bork on Apr 6th, 2010 at 8:52am
You can see what is transpiring here. The more it appears, this Guardians' prank appears to be a move to discredit anyone who is attempting to expose the truth to make them appear as radical nutjobs.

See the two articles below in example: The State Nationals movement (People's Awareness Coalition) has taken the peaceful route to expose the issues using proper law without resorting to radical threats, such as the Guardians have. People that understand the issues will see the Guardians prank as noble, but others (the masses) will view it in a negative light.

Two of the main operatives of The Restore America Plan (TRAP), Sam Kennedy and Tim Turner, have been selling people every piece of bad patriot mythology lines (in law) and taking high dollars from them for a period of time now. If one investigates nothing in mass has come about in a good light. People have been looking for the adversary’s next “false flag” event, well The Guardians of the Free Republics and TRAP was it.

The “Guardians” have accomplished two things:

1) Given people false hope, i.e., This operation is grounded in appealing to people that want other people to do things for them. Some people may have done something, but will not now because they think it is now taken care of;

2) It scared anyone from doing something that may have been ready to lawfully do something, e.g., Just like the Oklahoma City bombing (a government operation) did in breaking-up the militias and other patriot groups by demonizing them in the media.

This is an operation to destroy and demonize the movement…
It is clear as a bell to those who are educated in law, hence not deceived by the adversary.

See the document here :
"You are hereby ordered", huh. LOL... You cannot even read that pretentious font they used.

With respect to these issues, please download an article of the nature of the Agent Provocateur here :
Please send this article out far and wide so people understand the nature of what is transpiring.

More info here :



Guard•i•an•tard, n. A person who lacks discernment and blindly follows movements such as Guardians of the Free Republics that fail in their understanding of law and depend on others who fail likewise.

Title: Re: Guardians a move to discredit movement?
Post by LB Bork on Apr 6th, 2010 at 10:52am
Below is a list of the main operatives in the "Guardians of the Free Republics" of The Restore America Plan (TRAP).
There are many factors that should appear as curious to the average man or woman.

Keep in mind there is absolutely no evidence of what these people have said as being true; that id besides the letters going out to all the WRONG parties that sparked visits to the involved parties by the FBI :

Sam Kennedy :
  • Does not know law (Kennedy mocks and parrots things, some right, some wrong).
  • Holds high dollar seminars on regurgitated patriot material that does not work.
  • Oddly, has no photo of himself on the Republic Broadcast Network (RBN) lineup.
  • Tells a plethora of tall tales to people without substantiation of such.
  • Lied about knowing Clive when confronted with the question.
Tim Turner :
  • Does not know law (Turner mocks and parrots things, some right, some wrong).
  • Holds high dollar seminars on regurgitated patriot material that does not work.
  • Is an exFEMA agent for the United States government.
  • Tells falsehoods to people, personally and in mass, on a large scale.
  • Has taken money from people without providing anything for his "victims".
Clive Boustred :
  • Does not know law, and it is reported that he does not want people to know the law.
  • Has taken thousands of dollars from people on the CopperCard ruse with nothing to show for it.
  • Is reportedly related to the DeBeers family of South Africa, a family that would be interested in NWO tactics.

See these threads for more details :
In O'Brother Where Art thou, Tommy sold his soul to be able to play the guitar.

What did the "Guardians" trade their souls for?

Title: Re: Guardians a move to discredit movement?
Post by Jerry on Apr 6th, 2010 at 12:12pm
All I can say is if they think they are going to keep their Social Security there is going to be a lot of A$$ kicking going on down the road. All I can say is if these foolish people are that stupid to believe that then I have a bunch of talking rocks for sell!!!! Just only $19.95

(Don't worry, though; according to one like-minded Web site, "Social Security payments will not be interrupted.")

But don't worry...

The best part of the Restore America Plan is that most people will be able to enjoy the benefits of a restored America without having to do anything at all to bring it about. "With thousands of you consumed with vision and hope, most of those who have contacted us thus far WILL NOT NEED TO TAKE FURTHER ACTION AT THIS TIME," the Guardians Web site declares. "You can literally sit back and await the changes that are coming, and be ready if we should contact you." Chances are, you literally can't. It's the best conspiracy theory of them all -- one that takes care of itself.


Benefits are not free

Restored America without having to do anything. What a nice line of sh*t to pull in the lazy ones.
You can literally sit back and await the changes that are coming.
That is what we did already and look what it got us The 14th amendment.

Title: Re: Guardians a move to discredit movement?
Post by LB Bork on Apr 7th, 2010 at 1:45pm

What can be expected, TRAP is working like it was suppose to...

The ADL (AntiDefamation League, Zionists) will be out discrediting anyone who is termed "Anti-Government".

The "TRAP" is to get names, demonize, and deplete people's money. The evidence is there, folks!

Title: Re: Guardians a move to discredit movement?
Post by Jerry on Apr 7th, 2010 at 2:53pm
Nothing said about arresting none of these guys.  [smiley=hmmm.gif]

Boy I can smell a fish fry. [smiley=outahere.gif]

Tim Turner exFEMA agent should explain a lot. [smiley=uhmm.gif]

Title: Re: Guardians a move to discredit movement?
Post by Shadowcaster on Apr 7th, 2010 at 3:28pm
I never even heard of this Guardians group until I read forums on this site.

I would not say I am anti-government. I do not agree with their government and no longer wish to be a part of it. In a way I think the government wants a revolt just so they can squash it and scare the "public" into deeper servitude.

I believe the best way is to just exit their system peacefully for it is bound to crash upon it's self.

I take it that none of the governors were removed?

Title: Re: Guardians a move to discredit movement?
Post by LB Bork on Apr 7th, 2010 at 8:20pm

wrote on Apr 7th, 2010 at 3:28pm:
I believe the best way is to just exit their system peacefully for it is bound to crash upon it's self.

I take it that none of the governors were removed?

That is the best way to handle the issue...

And, no. The governors are still there. This whole thing is a big lie in the nature of a roundup.

Who knows, such things as the Patriot Act may just be used at this point.

Title: Re: Guardians a move to discredit movement?
Post by JWJones on Apr 8th, 2010 at 7:42am
I see they've trotted out the usual suspects to denounce the "right-wing extremists": ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center (just what the hell does that mean, anyway?).

As someone said on another forum, the de jure system is there for those that choose it,
so these guys are either stupid, or suspect.

Probably both, I would say!

Title: Re: Guardians a move to discredit movement?
Post by Akira on Apr 8th, 2010 at 1:29pm
Unless these clowns have corrected their status...  they lack standing.

Without standing, they have no authority.

Without authority...  they're just pissing in the wind.

If you claim to be one of WTP...  then the burden is on you to prove it.

Saying "I am too" won't cut it...

I have seen nothing to show the 'guardians' have addressed this issue.

Title: Re: Guardians a move to discredit movement?
Post by Jerry on Apr 8th, 2010 at 1:31pm
Look at the little kiddies at Lost Horzions eating the Sam Kennedy and Tim Turner junk up. [smiley=bow.gif] [smiley=grin.gif]

Title: Re: Guardians a move to discredit movement?
Post by LB Bork on Apr 8th, 2010 at 1:38pm
Hey JW and Akira...

That is correct. This smells of a sweep operation to get names. Mind you of all the unruly subject law that Washington DC has laid down the past 5 years. Operation Endgame, you might say.

I always thought it funny that the great Mark Koernke went to prision for a few years. He may have some great tacits on warfare and be a great patriot blathering prototype, but he does not know law.

Swell... Hey Mark, How is that working for you!?!

Title: Re: Guardians a move to discredit movement?
Post by LB Bork on Apr 8th, 2010 at 1:46pm

Jerry wrote on Apr 8th, 2010 at 1:31pm:
Look at the little kiddies at lost horzion eating the Sam Kennedy and Tim Turner junk up. [smiley=bow.gif] [smiley=grin.gif]

Yes... The forum should just be entitled LOST. Did these people not follow Pete Hendrickson too?

Enough said ;)

Title: Re: Guardians a move to discredit movement?
Post by JWJones on Apr 10th, 2010 at 8:41am
Some good discussion on this topic over at the Gold is Money forum:

Title: Re: Guardians a move to discredit movement?
Post by LeAnne on Apr 28th, 2010 at 12:03am
Their rationale is irrational. Note the declaration near the end I've changed to red. This is the declaration of their status? This "declaration" does not a de jure man or woman make. Back to the drawing board for the Guardians.
  [smiley=banned.gif] [smiley=thumbsdown.gif]


For those who are concerned about opening the door to satanic forces, permit me to reassure you.  The Guardian Elders deliberated with great sobriety the wisdom of sitting on our hands while the march to World War III continues.  We asked ourselves if we could continue, in good conscience, to do nothing while so many of our friends and colleagues are suffering hardship.  We asked ourselves if we are enjoined by the Book of Revelation from acting on behalf of freedom and mankind.  After much prayer and soul-searching, we concluded unanimously that the need for action was self-evident.  We are called to action.

We debated how best to accomplish our goals.  Could we reasonably expect to restore Biblical law to a devoutly secular population that cherishes television, promiscuity, physical debasement and electronic devices with religious fervor, and that suffers the warped belief that advertisements for personal hygiene products and Viagra in our homes does not debase our children?  Could we re-educate millions of Americans who have been programmed to believe that the ban against government interference in matters of worship somehow excludes piety in government?  Could we convey consciousness regarding matters of Law to a society that breaths “Cops” and “Law & Order” and worships the bar associations “legal” system franchise where once the law of the Land reigned supreme?  Eventually we concluded that “agreeing with thine enemy” was the ONLY prayerful way to bring the Lord to the people.  The Restore America Plan capitalizes on THEIR belief system as a vehicle for relieving corporate tyranny.  In due time, the higher goal of salvaging the souls of mankind can be addressed.

The one common belief that ties the American population together is faith in the Constitution.  Many Americans are willing to fight and die in its defense even as they blindly trade notes of debt issued by a foreign bank.  We decided that restoring, in principle, the Constitutional institutions through December 19, 1860 was the approach MOST LIKELY TO SUCCEED (and that's the bottom line, failure being unacceptable).  We rejected restoration to 1933, the Articles of Confederation or ancient times as being insufficient (1933) or unworkable, at least in terms of achieving our goals rather than proclaiming our patriot knowledge of history.  Of course we recognize that the Constitution was the method for imposing on the States the obligations rejected by the colonies to pay the Revolutionary War debts to the Bank of England.  Notwithstanding, we can relieve the suffering of the sovereign People by agreeing with those who choose to glorify a man-made document.

And finally, we constructed “The unanimous Declaration of the sovereign People of the united States of America to restore and reinhabit the free American Republics” to be a shining covenant with the Creator.  His charging the People with dominion over all the earth in the Book of Genesis is declared in the very first paragraph as the foundation for the restoration.  In so doing, the Declaration is established in history as a genuine covenant with the Creator in honor of the Law.

Thus, once the process was grounded in the original law venue, the need to introduce the ethereal concepts of counties, districts and “tens” was circumvented, all of those entities being derived from Scripture.  Why introduce concepts that are likely to generate resistance?  At every step, The Restore America Plan is mindful of our goals.  Is our goal to relieve oppression or re-educate America to patriot doctrine?

WE HAVE THE HIGHEST REGARD FOR THOSE OF YOU TRYING TO CARVE OUT SUCH LIVES ON THE county, but we believe that most patriots will be well served by a simultaneous restoration of their sovereign rights rather than fighting the battles town by town, county by county, and state by state.  And so we welcome each and every one of you to join us


We also believe that if the American Founders had email, Twitter, texting, video conferencing and fax machines, they would have used them to approve the founding documents in weeks rather than years.  So we are not addicted to scribes and other signs of deference to the methods of others.  Rather, we follow a simple formula:


Exactly the same formula used by the original declaration of 1776.
That’s what we mean by “understanding who we are.”

Title: Re: Guardians a move to discredit movement?
Post by LB Bork on May 14th, 2010 at 2:57pm
How many groups are there.

The thing is out of control!
  • Warning!!! Grand Jury's of the Restoreamericaplan are not asking for donations nor is any grandjury allowed to ask for donations. Please be aware that if you find otherwise please email with the address of the spoof. We also have our own email server and would never spoof an address to or any other domain BEWARE. Thank you!
"Donations are needed and may be made to our Treasurer of Tennessee republic Grand Jury at P.O. Box 3206, Knoxville, TN  37927.  You may also send an email to  We will ALWAYS work with reverence and complete accountability, according to God's will."

The above was found in an email. WHOOPS! Someone is breaking the rules, so it appears.

As expected, the thing is saling out of control! A bunch of people that do not know what they are doing will mess this thing up beyond recognition. But, that was the plan all the long... The greed (self-importance) factor.

Title: Re: Guardians a move to discredit movement?
Post by Federal Farmer on May 18th, 2010 at 10:18am
I am just ranting...and venting...this damn, Guardians of the Free Republic bullshit will not go away.  I have answered, email after email after email, after email,....yes, after email, and more stinking emails, sometimes by the same folks two or three times.  I know people are desperate, but unfortunately also fully indoctrinated communists, and they still think legalized plunder is okay, that it in no way violates the common law and the TORAH, and they have the gall to wonder why America is having an illegal immigrant problems, economic melt-down, droughts, oil spills and numerous natural disasters, while the thieves and rats jump ship.

ARGH!!!!  I hate television, Madison Avenue and slick marketing campaigns, they are all born of the same deception and confidence scheme, and patriot retreads use the same tricks to deceive people into their cons. 

I just wish the Feds would hurry the hell up and bitch slap all these idiots that signed up with the Guardians of the Free Republic bullshit so that maybe those with a little common sense still left between their ears will start to see the truth regarding the 14th Amendment scam and all these patriot retreads and government spooks lying and deceiving the disgruntled masses.

Bitch session complete,  but if I have to respond to one more email from one of these idiots,
I will be back and in ALL CAPS.

Title: Re: Guardians a move to discredit movement?
Post by LB Bork on May 18th, 2010 at 11:25am
Hey, Federal Farmer... I feel your pain.

As none of these people know law, the scam will fail... Give it more time.  [smiley=overruled.gif]

And, most all of these GuardianTards fail to understand the number one rule :

Title: Re: Guardians a move to discredit movement?
Post by Brother B on May 18th, 2010 at 7:08pm

wrote on Apr 8th, 2010 at 1:29pm:
Unless these clowns have corrected their status...  they lack standing.

Without standing, they have no authority.

Without authority...  they're just pissing in the wind.

If you claim to be one of WTP...  then the burden is on you to prove it.

Saying "I am too" won't cut it...

I have seen nothing to show the 'guardians' have addressed this issue.

I agree with Akira and LeAnne. Tim Turner is all the rage in Los Angeles and people are falling big time for his OID scam. I tried to explain to one such idiot the workings of the 14th Amendment and he just looked at me with a blank expression. These individuals are putting personal fortune above freedom for all. That makes me sick to my stomach.

Title: Whois Guardians Of The Free Republic????
Post by Freihals on Jun 3rd, 2010 at 5:10pm
I was wondering just who is the Guardians Of The Free Republic is. So I just had to do some research.  First of all I did a search on Dr. Sam Kennedy witch turns out may not be his real name and from what people are saying he is going by 2 different aliases. One of them is Richard Glenn Unger and some others have claimed his real name is Gene Berkowitz. There is not much information on Tim Turner except he is associated with Straw Man Redemption as well as Dr. Sam Kennedy or what ever name he is going by now a days. Anyway I did a Whois search on the  Is registered to a company called copper cards.  And the founder is non other then Clive Boustred who also pushes the Straw Man Redemption nonsense.

The Whois report is here

He also has another site called Also as far as the redemption nonsense that information there probably getting from the Founder of the Redemption Scam Roger Elvick. Witch is being heavily promoted by freedomdomain site that they even have step by step on how to do it. Some times they even change it up a little bit to keep the scam going. Except it is a one way ticket to jail. From my research Roger Elvick is still serving a life sentence in jail for it. So I would recommend staying away from the freedomdomain site.

More information on that is at

Some of the links for the cases don't work so if you want me to research the cases and post them up I can but on a separate post.

Title: Re: Guardians a move to discredit movement?
Post by WIZARD on Jun 4th, 2010 at 12:24am
And for those who don't know, Scam the Sham Kennedy announced two weeks ago on RBN that it was to be his last show of take no prisoners, the radio show where he promoted much of the Guardian nonsense. He probably got wind of "things", and or Statmiller requested he end and leave.

Hard to say what actually transpired... but one of the so called "leaders" has been ousted.

Title: Re: Guardians a move to discredit movement?
Post by LB Bork on Sep 6th, 2010 at 9:28am
For your viewing pleasure... An addition to the (T)RAP project.

Note what the man says at the end about the Clive connection... Pretty interesting.

Also this all hit Wikipedia

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