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Insurgency Agents >> Wolves in Sheeps Clothing >> Bob Schulz a NWO Plant?

Message started by LB Bork on Nov 22nd, 2009 at 4:22pm

Title: Bob Schulz a NWO Plant?
Post by LB Bork on Nov 22nd, 2009 at 4:22pm
For awhile now I have been saying that anyone that ignores the 14th Amendment issue is either a plant or an US (US (idiot) Citizen) Citizen. Well, I have put Bob Schultz and his Continental Congress project into the possible plant category. Keep in mind that people can be sucked into a deception by feeling too self-important.

Yes, greed is a dangerous thing.

You are invited to make your own decision. Please review the below report put together by Peter Boyce:

Patriot Alert Regarding Continental Congress 2009

A Brief Synopsis:

A concerted effort was made to set-up the entire patriot/constitutionalist/militia movement into formally making terroristic threats which would have (and still holds some) potential to trigger the justification of declaring martial law and the round-up of all patriots as terrorists.

The Scheme:

Robert Schulz , through his We The People Foundation, whether voluntarily or under duress, organized a Continental Congress 2009 consisting of 105 duly elected citizen delegates representing 48 of the several states.  The Congress was held in St. Charles, IL from Nov. 11-22.  

Manipulated by a pre-planned agenda, the delegates formed sub-committees to draft “reports” which would become part of a finished document entitled, “The Articles of Association” (since changed to “The Articles of Freedom”).  The pre-determined format of these reports was to include instructions to the Congress, the State Legislatures, and the People.

Instructions to the Congress included the formation of an unelected/appointed “Advisory Council” to which all legislation was to be submitted for Council approval before enactment.  Such statements within these initial reports did not immediately raise “red flags”.

Subsequently the final document of the “Articles of Association” would include (under a section entitled “Instructions for Civic Action”) a call for the mobilization of millions of American citizens pledging to simultaneously carry out across America such acts as:  to stop traffic on highways, bridges (George Washington Bridge, NY, etc.), tunnels; to close Congress, State Houses, IRS offices, TV stations, etc.  This was not readily realized by the delegates who were swamped with initial reports, then found themselves voting on reports they were not afforded the opportunity to read due to “lack of toner in the copy machines”.

One delegate made it a point to read a written copy of each of the reports and the initial proposed “The Articles of Association”.  In reading all of the fine print, he realized that the entire agenda boiled down to a manipulation of the delegates into making a demand on Congress to submit to an unelected authoritative body under threat of “serious public inconvenience”. (See Black’s Law Dictionary “terroristic threat”) This is very similar to the US (US (communist) Citizen) Citizen tactic of making a demand for power under threat of national labor strikes.

This final document package from Continental Congress 2009 would serve as a means to marginalize and demonize the entire patriot/constitutionalist/militia movement in the eyes of the American people.  It would give a perceived justification of rounding up millions who signed the pledge.  

The delegate stopped the proceedings by calling for a “Point of Information”, requesting a legal definition of the term “terroristic threat” and consideration of that definition in relation to the Continental Congress delegates being charged with the felony offense of “conspiring to commit terroristic threats”.  He was immediately ruled out of order by the President of CC2009, Michael Badnarik.  The Sgt of Arms was instantly called to escort the delegate from the podium.  As he was being escorted out, another delegate (who had been trying to bring out information about the 14th Amendment) stepped up to the microphone and began reading the requested definition from Black’s Law Dictionary.  That delegate was also immediately ruled out of order and the microphone grabbed away.  

Delegate Number Two was told that any further effort to bring information forward would result in immediate removal and arrest.  Thus began an exodus of the 14th Amendment sub-committee.  Delegate Number One, Two and many of the other delegates, not willing to subject themselves to felony prosecution for conspiring to threaten Congress with terroristic acts, have submitted formal resignations and disassociation letters to the Continental Congress 2009 and We The People Foundation by certified mail.  

It is imperative that the freedom-loving people of America be made aware of this treachery, become activated to expose it, and warn their fellow citizens to beware of signing on to any document pledging their support to carryout acts resulting in “serious public inconvenience”.

Peter F. Boyce


As the program for the New World Order is in its final stages, resistors have to be put away. What Peter Boyce has outlined above is prima facie evidence of a plot to cause people to go to jail. Moreover, it illustrates the scheme for people to ignore the law that has enslaved them. I now understand why I was not included in this CC Farce.

If you have not seen the fact of the matter of what the truth is, read this to find out :

Title: Re: Bob Schulz a NWO Plant?
Post by Popessa on Nov 22nd, 2009 at 9:04pm
I've always thought WTP didn't know what they were doing, so this doesn't surprise me.  

"There is a dynamic, then, which moves protestors to become 'police.' "  Quote taken from the article below:

"Suggestions that something is fundamentally wrong with our political economy and the Constitution are more than difficult to accept; they are difficult even to reflect upon. It is far easier to live in the comfort zone and seek happiness, as The Director would have us do, in liking what we have got to do. Even in our protests we slide away from a direct confrontation of the structure of American life. We tend to avoid the harsh implications of reality and cling to the image of the United States as a basically free and democratic country in the way that one clings to prayer beads or a good luck charm. The axioms of empire have become the axioms of faith. The result is that instead of effective radical politics, our movement tends always to be divided into two main camps. One camp, composed of Congressional Technocrats, insists that the problems we face are problems which can be dealt with by working through the system; politics for them is essentially legislative work. In the second camp are Abstract Spiritualists who believe that the problems we face are problems that can be solved through individual commitments to spiritual renewal, peace, non-violence, and justice. For them political work consists, essentially, of acknowledging that a life force, or god, exists in every human being and in expressing the kind of respect for others that befits a peace-loving community. In neither camp is the Constitution and the global capitalism it supports pointed to as a feature of our existence that is in need of radical change.

These two categories are somewhat artificial as are most analytical tools. It is possible that there is no real single person that fits neatly into either category and certainly there are groups and ways of thinking that overlap both and then some. Moreover, I wish to state very clearly that this analysis is not an indictment of the people involved in doing political work in either camp. Rather it is an attempt to identify a very dangerous tendency. Because each group is marked by a failure to confront the system, it carries within it an implicit endorsement of the system and a very real tendency to discipline, if not purge, those protestors who seek to pursue a strategy which does have as its center an indictment of the whole structure of American life. There is a dynamic, then, which moves protestors to become “police.”

.... to stop traffic on highways, bridges (George Washington Bridge, NY, etc.), tunnels; to close Congress, State Houses, IRS offices, TV stations, etc.

Title: Re: Bob Schulz a NWO Plant?
Post by LeAnne on Nov 22nd, 2009 at 10:11pm
And more is the pity regarding this dual system.  Summed up by this article:

Title: Re: Bob Schulz a NWO Plant?
Post by jbell on Nov 23rd, 2009 at 6:23am
Here is another one that is going to get people in trouble with that state citizen thing.
I emailed the guy and this is what he had to say. I about fell out of my chair.

A state citizen is not under the jurisdiction of the alleged 14th Amendment.  There is case law on this

Let's make a list page.

Title: Re: Bob Schulz a NWO Plant?
Post by VAsolvo on Nov 23rd, 2009 at 8:27am
I used to think Bob was on to something, or at least willing to sacrifice a lot to bring attention to the illegality of the actions of congress, his redress of grievances issues, etc.. Apparently he's nothing more than a shill. Without focusing on the 14th Amendment his actions will come to no good. As LB and others have indicated, this is dangerous. Pity those who choose to continue to support WTP.

Title: Re: Bob Schulz a NWO Plant?
Post by Phil in Atlanta on Nov 23rd, 2009 at 9:22am
Thanks LB for the information and insight.  I had a bad gut feeling about the CC but could not articulate it.  What is disturbing is the ejection of the two attendees who were questioning the language of the documents. It reminds me of the Gestapo tactics used here in GA to marginalize the Ron Paulers.  The rules were changed on the Friday, leading into the GOP convention on Sat.  The change was to suspend the use of Robert's Rules of Order.  It was a corrupt steamroller and pretty much put an end to my participation in any GA politics, except for an excellent 10th Amendment candidate for gov in Ray McBerry.  Keep up the good work.

Title: Re: Bob Schulz a NWO Plant?
Post by chessmaster on Nov 23rd, 2009 at 10:22am
Bob Shultz is a lawyer. Never trust a lawyer. I went along with the whole serving notice on my congressman thing. Nothing happened, no follow up, no nothing. Don't forget about the original 13th amendment. There hasn't been a lawful amendment since the so called civil war.

Title: Re: Bob Schulz a NWO Plant?
Post by LeAnne on Nov 23rd, 2009 at 11:37am
I put this up over on RTR and a gentleman who stated he was the delegate for Alabama placed this comment in the discussion:

"I am the sole delegate from Alabama that was there in attendance and I can tell you that every word said by Mr. Boyce is true. I was one of the first ones to start raising the red flags about the defintion of terrorism within the Patriot Act, and was telling everyone outside the meetings to be very careful. Mr. Boyce, myself, and another delegate planned and resolved the night before to raise this very serious question at the next day's proceedings and what was described is exactly what happened. I really enjoyed working with Mr. Boyce. Trust me, nobody else wanted this CC2009 to be successful more than he did, but restraint and careful thought is the better part of valor!"

Title: Re: Bob Schulz a NWO Plant?
Post by Trevor on Nov 23rd, 2009 at 12:12pm
Question:  For those of us who are still 14th Amendment citizens and may have supported the WTP Foundation in the past and still receive their e-mails... do we need to do anything to make sure we are not included in this potential mass arrest? I know the short answer is to become a State National, but I simply cannot do that at this point. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Title: Re: Bob Schulz a NWO Plant?
Post by arttfull on Nov 23rd, 2009 at 12:36pm
I have to agree with LB on this subject.  I have read MBs book Good to be King and he is a good teacher of the Constitution. But, Like Chuck, I feel they have made a grave mistake by incorporating as a 501c3.  

They obviously don't listen to brother Greggory. or they both have let their notariety go to their swollen heads.

Title: Re: Bob Schulz a NWO Plant?
Post by LeAnne on Nov 23rd, 2009 at 12:40pm
Supported in what way?  Sending money and just receiving emails?  Have you signed anything?  I wouldn't really know the answer to that question, but would think if you sent money and just received emails, unsubscribing and not sending any more money would send a clear message.  Being involved with them by having signed something to support them, well...not sure.  Would think anyone who had signed something would just need to do what the delegates did.  Notify them you are not a party to their organization and do not support their beliefs in any way, shape, or form and send it via certified mail.

That's just my way of thinking, above, and that's basically what one does to get out of the de facto system of government and back to their de jure system of government.  It is not being silent in notifying all the agencies of government where we have entered into contract.  

Here's the beginning:

The companion article to the Voter Cancellation:

More in explanation of the dual system:

Excerpt: "As the real intent and purpose of the Fourteenth Amendment took well over a century to accomplish, we can find that Congress passed law that made America one nationality.41 Such is found codified in Title 8 USC § 1401. Nationals and citizens of United States at birth [in part]: “The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth: A person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof.” 42 Such language is derived from the Fourteenth Amendment. Fortunately—as this politically imposed nationality is a fraud under international law—a remedy is provided; in regard to the lawful nationality, you may reference Title 8 of the United States Code—specifically section 1481—therein is the personal cure. The federal nationality de facto can be legally terminated under said section of Title 8. This puts a man (or woman) back to his original status under the principles of the original constitutional system."

Title: Re: Bob Schulz a NWO Plant?
Post by LB Bork on Dec 3rd, 2009 at 9:28am
Kurt and I were discussing the other day that Bob Schulz may just be dumb as a bag of hammers and lacks the capacity of critical thinking. The result is he may be being used by some others with an agenda.

I for one, do not trust Edward Vieira. Seems he wants people to form Militias, and then wants them to to go out and cause trouble. The people forming any Miltias do not have standing as they did under the original constitutional system.

Ripe for the pickens with all the Private Law that is now in place for US citizens/nationals, which includes the Patriot Acts, Hate Crime Act, etc. Something not right here, to say the least.

Comments welcome.

Title: Re: Bob Schulz a NWO Plant?
Post by jbell on Dec 4th, 2009 at 4:22pm

LB Bork wrote on Dec 3rd, 2009 at 9:28am:
Kurt and I were discussing the other day that Bob Schulz may just be dumb as a bag of hammers and lacks the capacity of critical thinking. The result is he may be being used by some others with an agenda.

I for one, do not trust Edward Vieira. Seems he wants people to form Militias, and then wants them to to go out and cause trouble. The people forming any Miltias do not have standing as they did under the original constitutional system.

Ripe for the pickens with all the Private Law that is now in place for US citizens/nationals, which includes the Patriot Acts, Hate Crime Act, etc. Something not right here, to say the least.

Comments welcome.

Sounds like there are a bunch out there trying to piss a bunch of people off just enough to cause martial law. And that is just what they want. They want their slaves to get out of line so they can shut the constitution down take the guns away then it is over. Welcome to the New World Order!  

Title: Re: Bob Schulz a NWO Plant?
Post by LB Bork on Dec 4th, 2009 at 5:03pm

wrote on Nov 23rd, 2009 at 12:36pm:
I have to agree with LB on this subject.  I have read MBs book Good to be King and he is a good teacher of the Constitution. But, Like Chuck, I feel they have made a grave mistake by incorporating as a 501c3.  

They obviously don't listen to brother Gregory. or they both have let their notariety go to their swollen heads.

Swollen Heads [smiley=grumble.gif]

Answer is in the first paragraph of The Red Amendment :

This treatise describes a conspiracy more evil than any other the [U]nited States of America have seen in their many years of existence. The Fourteenth Amendment is a fully orchestrated conspiracy in its most uniquely veiled form, now over 135 years old. The conspiracy is in plain sight and understood by no one who is not one of the “enlightened” or of the Holy Spirit.



Title: Re: Bob Schulz a NWO Plant?
Post by LB Bork on Dec 4th, 2009 at 8:56pm

wrote on Nov 23rd, 2009 at 12:12pm:
Question:  For those of us who are still 14th Amendment citizens and may have supported the WTP Foundation in the past and still receive their e-mails... do we need to do anything to make sure we are not included in this potential mass arrest? I know the short answer is to become a State National, but I simply cannot do that at this point. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

No, you are doomed   [smiley=noway.gif]

Just kidding... Keep your distance would be the best thing.

Title: Re: Bob Schulz a NWO Plant?
Post by LB Bork on Dec 4th, 2009 at 8:58pm

Jerry wrote on Nov 23rd, 2009 at 6:23am:
Here is another one that is going to get people in trouble with that state citizen thing.
I emailed the guy and this is what he had to say. I about fell out of my chair.

A state citizen is not under the jurisdiction of the alleged 14th Amendment.  There is case law on this

Let's make a list page.

Oh my! How did I not catch this! [smiley=grumble.gif]

I know about this, J. Nice catch. This guy has been around for awhile. Another that gets his ideas from bad case law. There are no "State Citizens" at this time. More misleading information that just confuses people.

Title: Re: Bob Schulz a NWO Plant?
Post by LB Bork on Dec 12th, 2009 at 3:55pm

wrote on Nov 23rd, 2009 at 9:22am:
Thanks LB for the information and insight.  I had a bad gut feeling about the CC but could not articulate it.  What is disturbing is the ejection of the two attendees who were questioning the language of the documents. It reminds me of the Gestapo tactics used here in GA to marginalize the Ron Paulers.  The rules were changed on the Friday, leading into the GOP convention on Sat.  The change was to suspend the use of Robert's Rules of Order.  It was a corrupt steamroller and pretty much put an end to my participation in any GA politics, except for an excellent 10th Amendment candidate for gov in Ray McBerry.  Keep up the good work.

Oh no! I must say that I am debating if this post should go into The Blather Dump.
Recommending people to participate in the Insurgency  [smiley=nownow.gif]

Title: Re: Bob Schulz a NWO Plant?
Post by LB Bork on Dec 12th, 2009 at 4:04pm

Got this from Kurt. It appears that Bob Scultz denies endorsing Committees of Safety's Plan;
however, there is evidence that he was in fact doing just that.

Message and information from Kurt below:

I heard Bob Schulz lie for over three hours today on Rumormillnews Radio. When will he stop? So Mr. Schulz says he doesn't know about Mr. Edwin Viera's stuff?  He endorsed it!!!  See this e-mail from Sept 4, 2009.  



From: Committees of Safety
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 2:10 PM
Subject: Bob Schulz Endorses and Supports Committees of Safety's Plan !

Committees of Safety
Weekly Conference Call

Wednesdays 9-11PM EST
Next call September 9, 2009

We want to thank Bob Schulz for his endorsement and support of Committees of Safety's Plan, as the best way to enforce the Constitution. Bob has also been a county organizer in NY State for Committees of Safety since last year.

In a conversation last week with Walter Reddy, Bob agreed with Walter and
Dr. Edwin Vieira (our Honorary Chairman of the Board of Advisers), that we haven't yet tried exerting a massive, concerted grass root effort at the State level to reclaim our Constitutional powers. Bob also had stated, "I will personally be proposing CoS's Plan at the upcoming CC2009 and he PRAYS the delegates adopt this as our best solution.

Unfortunately, Bob was not able to attend last weeks CoS's National call, but we look forward to him attending in the future. By the way, this was the largest call yet, over 500 people listened and /or participated.

You are invited and encouraged to join the call every Wednesday at 9pm EST.

Title: Re: Bob Schulz a NWO Plant?
Post by LB Bork on Mar 14th, 2010 at 3:42pm
More mindless propaganda from "We the People"

Obama is the problem? Right... In 4 years the other illegitimate party under the 14th Amendment gets a turn again.

You are not "We the People"  [smiley=looney.gif] You people are dumb as a bag of hammers.

Note all the references to Lincoln being a good guy  [smiley=hypnotized.gif]

Title: My latest "We the People" email solicita
Post by Rich of Illinois on Apr 3rd, 2010 at 11:01am
This is just for your reading entertainment.  How sad! Soo much time, money, effort, coordination wasted!  For what?
If you read nothing else at least scroll all the way down to the bottom for the last 3 lines.

Dear Illinois WTP Congress and WTP Foundation and CC2009 Supporters:

Please read the following document received this morning from Judith Whitmore who is working directly with Bob Schulz on this project.

Our 6 letters were signed by our three CC2009 delegates from Illinois and sent priority mail with delivery confirmation on 3/31/10 to Sen. Durbin, Sen. Burris, Speaker Michael Madigan, State Sen. John Cullerton, Governor Quinn and Rep. John Shimkus. Here's an example of the letter:


"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and the Republic
for which it stands.  Miracles do not cluster, and what has happened
once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the
Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail,
there will be anarchy throughout the world."
Daniel Webster                                                                                                                                                          

March 31, 2010
Sen. Dick Durbin
525 South 8th Street
Springfield, IL 62703
(217) 492-4062

Re:  Delivery of the Articles of Freedom-April 19, 2010

Dear Senator Durbin:

On April 19, 2010, at 9 AM HST, 11 AM AKDT, 12 Noon PDT & MST, 1 PM MDT, 2 PM CDT, 3 EDT, groups of people will gather in the capital cities of all fifty states for the purpose of serving the Articles of Freedom on their two United States Senators, their member of the United States House of Representatives whose district includes their State Capital City, their Governor and the leaders of each house of their State Legislature.

The Articles of Freedom are the works of the Continental Congress 2009, a group of 116 citizen-delegates from 48 states who met in St. Charles, Illinois for eleven days in November ( Their purpose was to discuss fourteen major violations of the U. S. Constitution and to recommend a course of action to restore constitutional governance in America. The Articles of Freedom are rooted in the Constitution and provide remedial instructions to the federal and state governments.

On April 19, the people will participate in a brief ceremony that will include a prayer and one or more of the following: the singing of the National Anthem, the Pledge of Allegiance, the American's Creed, the Preamble of the Articles of Freedom, a Rededication to the Constitution and a Pledge to Hold Elected Officials Accountable to their Oaths of Office.  Then, we wish to formally present you or your representative with your official copy of the Articles of Freedom. Should you decide that you are not able to attend, the People will walk to your office to deliver them.

We look forward hearing from you to discuss the Articles of Freedom and our plans going forward.   You can respond by email, or write to Rick Wos, 6749 Dempster, #238 Morton Grove, IL 60053.


Rick Wos, First Delegate-Illinois
Ron Teed, Second Delegate-Illinois
Robert Pfluger, Third Delegate-Illinois
Continental Congress 2009


I/we someone to step up here in Illinois to secure a permit for us to conduct our ceremony somewhere on the Illinois Capitol Steps from 2-3 pm on Monday April 19, 2010. 

I will be driving a van filled with myself and 5 other individuals.  We need to coordinate who needs a ride, who can drive and who's going to attend this ceremony.

Please read the following and respond by email or call me personally.  I can't do this alone, but I will act as the lead coordinator.   Thanks in advance for your help and I hope everyone has a blessed Good Friday and Easter.

Peace and God Bless,

Fred Smart
Evanston, IL - 847-878-8090


1) Need Someone to Step Up to be PERSON IN CHARGE
Inform Judith at national level at who that is and their contact info.   She will provide assistance as needed to any state that needs it.  Bob will be accessible as well at

2) If you have existing persons to help, wonderful!  If not, you can send en e-blast to all the WTP members in your state pronto and get them on a webinair call to talk strategy.  We will be happy to share the e-blast we used for New York.  Ask Judith.

Need Persons to Volunteer to Assist with the Following Areas, reporting to PERSON IN CHARGE;

Immediately! Send LETTER of Confirmation/Invitation to elected officials

(See Template used for New York State)

Follow-up with confidence after these are sent to see the response.

a.  Delivery and Presentation of Articles - preparing six nice copies of AOF for presentation to elected officials;  preparing six copies of Proof of Service form for elected officials to sign;

b. Obtaining a Permit to hold Event on Capitol grounds - go to state capitol website; research requirements; download form for permit; apply and follow-up.   Apply for 3-4pm April 19th.  Doing it on capitol steps or other raised area is ideal so everyone can see what is happening.

c. Implementation of Ceremony - need Master of Ceremonies who is enthusiastic; good public speaker; capable of guiding all through the event; and leading singing, introducing people etc.

d. 2-3 persons with volunteers to help the day of the event; (see details below.)

e. Publicity of event -  2-3 persons to put the word out (see suggestions below);

f. Outreach to Liberty groups and organizations to attend and support event;

g. Getting Honor Guard to Open the Event

Who will deliver the Articles of Freedom to elected officials?

Plan A: Ideal - CC2009 Delegates and/or State Coordinators
Plan B:  Otherwise: WTP members along with leaders of Liberty groups

Who will the Articles be delivered to?

Plan A;  Ideal: Elected officials who come to Ceremony at State Capitol.

Plan B;  Elected officials send representatives;

Plan C: Elected officials say no one is available or ignore invitation and Articles are hand-delivered to offices.

Is the State Legislature in Session on April 19th?

If not in session, will the offices be open and staff present?  If so, then the Ceremony can surely proceed.

Where are the Offices located for the officials to whom the Articles are to be Served?

Plan A: If officials and/or their representatives are attending the ceremony at the State Capitol to receive the Articles, this is not a concern;

Plan B: If officials are not attending the ceremony, decide if their offices are within walking distance from the state capitol and the Articles can be delivered by the People who attend.  Map it out.

Plan C:  If the officers are too far away and/or too scattered, a small group can drive and deliver by hand after the Ceremony is over.

What will People do who come to the State Capitol to support this Event?

We want everyone to participate.  We have designed a Special Dedication Ceremony that is meant to honor America, the Constitution, the conscious restoration of the People as Freedom Keepers for Constitution. 

A program will be posted on for people to download and print out at home, to bring to the event so they have everything they need to be part of the Ceremony.  This will include lyrics to the songs etc.

A scripted version of the Ceremony will be available for the emcee and participants which will instruct on each part, with specific words.

Here is an outline of the proposed Ceremony:

Presentation to elected officials:
The Articles of Freedom - April 19, 2010 9amHawaii time;  Noon, PDT; 1pm MDT;  2pmCDT;  3pmEDT --- simultaneous happening across all time zones


I.  Welcome and Dedication to the Founding Fathers

II. Patriots Prayer -- a modified version of the prayer given each day during the Continental Congress 2009

III. All Sing: Star Spangled Banner

IV. Pledge of Allegiance

V.  The American's Creed

VI. Reading from a Founding Father

VII. Presentation of the Articles of Freedom:

     1.   Opening Statement of Purpose - Why We are Here  (will be written and sent)

     2.   Reading of Preamble:  The "Articles of Freedom"
     3.   Recitation of the list of violations to the Constitution, including recent ones....
     4.   The Oath of Office - holding elected officials accountable
     5.   Reading the Pledge - audience takes an oral pledge together - modified version of one in the Articles.
     6. Presentation of Articles of Freedom to:

            U.S. Senators
            U.S. Congressman from the district of the state capital city
            Governor of the State
            Speaker(s) of each House of the State Legislature

VIII.  All Sing:  "AMERICA"

IX.    The Bell Ringer
"proclaim ye liberty throughout the land..."
(optional: ring liberty bells in the silence)

X.  ALL SAY: (slowly with fullness of mind and body and spirit)

        "God Save our Constitution!" (3x)
        "God Save America!"  (3x)
        "Let Freedom Ring!" (3x)   


Required for Ceremony:

*Elevated central location to stand so people can see what is happening - on steps of state capitol for instance;

*Sound system appropriate for mass event for playing music - speaking;

    (Other Liberty groups may have access to a good public sound system - ask around!)

*U.S. flag - state flag- gadsen flag (if you have Honor Guard or Colonial Militia, they will provide);

*NICE copies of the Articles of Freedom to be presented to elected officials.

*Can play fife and drum music prior to start of event


*Person to Emcee Event and lead people through Ceremony - lead singing, pledge of allegiance, introduce speakers.

*Bell Ringer and Bell to Ring!

*CC2009 Delegates (or State Coordinator) to present AOF to elected officials in ceremony or individuals to hand-deliver;

*Sound persons to test system and monitor levels while speaking/singing is taking place.

*Download songs from AOF website for CD or as MP3 to play for people to sing along.

Publicizing Event

There is usually a press corp of major state and national media outlets at every state capitol building!  They need to get the press release - can be hand-delivered.

This event is already being publicized nationally on radio shows and certain outlets:

See - March 30 interview - Bob Schulz with Judge Napolitano.  Visit

A press release will be done to send out to print media.  People are needed to develop list of contacts to city desk editors; to send release and follow up.

A press release will be done for broadcast media to send to assignment editors and radio talk show producers.  People are needed to identify broadcast outlets and contact infor; send out release and follow up.

Book contact organizer or other appointed spokespersons on radio talk show programs and local tv.  Get print interviews.

Put on facebook, twitter.

Hang fliers around local public places where permitted - Einsteins, Starbucks, supermarkets etc.

Go and join.  Send messages to all meet-up groups within 100 miles of the area.   

Announce event on all media outlets on the internet in your state - all tv shows, radios, newspapers have...

GOT CHOPPED HERE  [smiley=shrug.gif]

Title: Re: Bob Schulz a NWO Plant?
Post by Rich of Illinois on Apr 3rd, 2010 at 12:01pm
The point of that last post was to expose how busy "We the people are".  To say that Bob Schulz can't get around to researching some of the 14th amendment issues that people are trying to beat over his head, is beyond belief.   

the last 4 lines of the letter were:

"This is historic.

This is constructive.

Dress nicely.

Honor your country and the PEOPLE of America."

Title: Re: Bob Schulz a NWO Plant?
Post by Passmaster on Apr 7th, 2010 at 11:17pm
I went to a WTP meeting back in 08 in the Denver area. During Bob Schultz's speech, I honestly heard Bob allude to acts of violence. Let's just leave it at that. Not good.

Title: Re: Bob Schulz a NWO Plant?
Post by Hagrid on May 19th, 2010 at 8:33pm
OK, interesting thread!

I was present at the Continental Congress last November 11-21 as an elected delegate from the Oregon Republic. I spent almost two weeks night and day with 115 or so delegates from 48 states (North Dakota and Oklahoma although invited, did not send delegates). Election of delegates was a free, open and transparent effort nationwide, and suffered from the same lack of media coverage and publicity as befalls any under-funded, liberty-minded movement. Americans who follow these movements via the Internet were the primary participants in the elections. Thousands did participate. I wish I could say millions, but no.

The Continental Congress 2009 was organized largely by Bob Schulz, who has been fighting federal violations of the Constitution for decades. He took out a huge personal loan to subsidize this effort, and to my knowledge, has not yet paid it off. Profit is not his motive. Delegates who were able, paid their own expenses to, from and during the CC2009. Many delegates were able to participate only through private charitable contributions, including those of Bob Schulz. Many of those delegates are making voluntary payments back to the We The People Foundation, a 501(c)3 started by Bob S.

I experienced many of the same things described by the other delegates whose accounts have been posted here, but I interpreted them in a completely different manner. Most of the proceedings were digitally recorded and are available to the public for viewing at

Bob Schulz was nominated to be President of the Congress, but was not elected. That obligation fell instead to Michael Badnarik of Texas. Bob S made several motions on the floor of the Congress, but not all were adopted, or even recognized. He may feel even to this day that he has an ownership stake in the Continental Congress 2009, but it was most certainly an independent body comprised of well over 100 independent thinkers, and his influence on the deliberations was no greater than that of any other delegate.

Most of the delegates had no direct parliamentary experience working in a large body trying to accomplish a huge agenda. We had a full-time professional parliamentarian at the side of the President to advise him on matters of order, and we followed Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised (RONR) after the first session. The Parliamentarian conducted a three-hour class on parliamentary procedure for all interested delegates on the evening of the first session of the Congress, and quite a few, myself included, attended this session.

This is important to note because of what occurred later in the proceedings.

The chaotic first session was an exercise in frustration. Bob Schulz moved that the body adopt his proposed agenda for the duration of the Congress, and that motion was vigorously debated and rejected. An Agenda was eventually adopted, and disappointingly, the 14th Amendment was not among the issues to be considered by the Congress. This was a serious omission. In defense of the CC2009, I will say that there was too much ground to cover in the time available, and the decisions made about which violations of the Constitution to place on the agenda for consideration did not properly prioritize those issues. The Congress DID adopt a formal commitment that upon the next opportunity to convene the Congress at the call of the President, the FIRST issue addressed would be the 14th Amendment.

Meanwhile, a dedicated group of delegates who understood the importance of this issue undertook an effort to place the 14th on the agenda, and were successful in bringing a motion to consider to the body, late in the evening of November 19th or 20th. By this time, over a week of deliberations had already taken place, and tensions were running high among many of the delegates who felt in some cases that their fellow delegates were attempting to thwart any discussion of the 14th. Kurt K, with whom I had a great discussion about the 14th and about his walk to Washington just a few weeks prior, was particularly concerned that a fellow delegate from Illinois was not supportive of the need to discuss the 14th. Tim from Alabama, Bruce Ray from Delaware and several others were adamant about making a motion on the floor that would lead to debate on the 14th, and were continuously ruled out of order. We didn't have any fistfights as happened at the two previous Continental Congresses of 1774 and 1775-1789, but we came close. The Sgt at Arms was asked to escort several delegates from the chambers, and the heated exchanges kept flying, even outside the room and in the parking lot. Unfortunately, in the heat of this battle, Bob Schulz was heard to mutter, "I rather like the 14th Amendment." This was said not so much as a statement of belief as it was a taunt to the overly-passionate delegates being escorted out the door. I personally think that Bob S has not extensively studied the 14th Amendment, and does not fully appreciate its significance, but I could be wrong.

Earlier in the week, delegate Peter B of New Jersey had lobbied heavily among the delegates for his motion to consider Right to Life. He finally brought his motion to the floor, where it was quickly and soundly defeated, due to its incoherence and non-understandable format. In my opinion, the Congress was most likely NOT rejecting the right to life; rather, they were rejecting a motion they could not understand. Peter had moved too soon and had not "done his homework" prior to bringing his motion. At that moment, Peter "checked out" mentally and emotionally from the Continental Congress, and worked proactively to thwart many of the provisions eventually placed into the document that summarized all the findings of the CC2009 -- The Articles of Freedom.

Many of the delegates felt that the Articles of Freedom, which contained "Instructions to the federal government, " Instructions to the several states," and "Recommended Civic Actions" for all Americans to take to help restore the organic Constitution in America, went too far. A larger number of delegates felt the the AoF did not go far enough in recommending actions to be taken by the people. The resulting debate was "vigorous" to say the least, with many delegates resolving not to sign the document prior to the adjournment of the Congress, and many others resigning on the spot and departing the venue. The overriding objection of those who felt the AoF went too far was that (they felt) we would be putting ourselves in the position of being co-conspirators to overthrow the government as defined by the USA Patriot Act.

Ultimately, the AoF was published and distributed worldwide (, and the recommended civic actions contain nothing that could be construed as "illegal" in any of the several states.

One month to the day after the CC2009 adjourned, and while the AoF was being finalized, the President of the Congress, Michael Badnarick, suffered a massive heart attack and was in a coma for the next 16 days. During that period of time, a faction of delegates led by the Vice President of the Congress began a move to take over control of the body, calling themselves the "Third Continental Congress" (TCC). Their stated aim was to elect a new slate of officers and re-convene the Continental Congress to continue its work, and to promote a "pure" version of the AoF, as it stood on the evening of November 21st 2009, verbatim.

It appears to me that the overriding motivation for this action was to counter the influence wielded by Bob Schulz and his staff over the final compilation, formatting and distribution of the Articles of Freedom. Bob, who was arguably a member of the AoF Style and Format Committee, made many changes and additions to the AoF prior to the end of 2009, and released several iterations of the AoF to all the delegates of the Continental Congress for their review and comment, starting in early December. These changes were finally, and overwhelmingly, welcomed and approved by over 80 of the original delegates in an informal poll (not formal because the CC was officially adjourned).

On January 31st 2010 the Articles of Freedom -- the works of the Continental Congress 2009 -- were released on the Internet (

I am making this post here because I do not believe that the previously-posted accounts by those who were present at the CC2009, and in particular the posts by those who were NOT present at the Continental Congress 2009, accurately represent the facts.

I wish that the CC2009 would have deliberated the 14th Amendment during the initial session Nov 11-21 2009, and I very much look forward to the time that it does so, because it is of overwhelming importance...

Yours in seeking liberty

~Larry Graves
Oregon Delegate
Continental Congress 2009

Title: Re: Bob Schulz a NWO Plant?
Post by Kevin G. on May 19th, 2010 at 9:11pm
Excellent accounting of the during/after CC2009 events, Hagrid. Appreciate your setting the record straight.

Yeah, there appear to be egos at play in the awkward/dysfunctional progress of the group, but all in all, the Articles of Freedom were completed for publication and delivery upon all elected officials on April 19th.

Please update this thread as appropriate and, like you, I look forward to the 14th Amendment presentations and debates before productive votes are taken and effective presentments are constructed.

Kevin in Jackson County, Oregon

Title: Re: Bob Schulz a NWO Plant?
Post by Rich of Illinois on May 20th, 2010 at 1:15am
I get it, you were there, so you have the high ground.  Your story is similar to about 3 others that I have heard from friends that attended CC2009.  One of the proponents of discussing the 14th amendment, who was thrown out with his group, actually called in to one of the talkshoes, and described exactly what you recounted.  There are a whole bunch of people who believe that they really did something historical.  I'm very glad that they can take away such a wonderful feeling of accomplishment.  The 50,000 dollar question though, still remains.

What is the best possible outcome of the continental congress?

If you said, "everybody goes home feeling a sense of accomplishment!".   Then you would be correct.  Or is the continental congresses endgame to install a new government insurgent to the republic?  If so, that would be a guaranteed 150 year late 2nd place ribbon at best.

How do federal citizens, with a mountain of privileges and benefits coming in from the federal government, show damage to get standing?  They can't, they are receiving only what can be called "benefits".   The same situation existed when "We the People" went and served the State department for redress of grievances, I doubt any State Nationals were listed as the plaintiffs.

Even if, one had all their legal ducks in a row, we are still dealing with a corrupt group of ignorant criminals perpetrating as the government.  That's the point of the 7 Ashwander rules resulting from the TVA suit; even the supreme court will do any cartwheel necessary to avoid hearing a constitutional issue that would risk exposing the deception.  They are all criminals, period.

Every group that wants to fix it all, with some amending or repealing, top down fell swoop; is just using the mob to enact a democracy. (Another 2nd place ribbon)

How can we ever have a nation of laws if no one knows the law?  We can't.  How can Bob Schulz and others pretend to know the constitution without understanding its implementation and scope?  They say that they understand the constitution, but fail to see that the federal constitution is virtually a non-issue from the republics.  That's why they had to include "the congress shall assemble at least once in every year". 

I suspect that these people mistakenly believe that their god given rights come from the US constitution and it's protections.  That misunderstanding is even more disturbing than their 14th amendment confusion.

Save your air fair next time, and help educate those who wish to remortgage their houses to pay for the cause, to pay off the house instead and spend their remaining days teaching their children and grand children the law.

Let me wrap this up by saying, I know where those people's hearts are.  I myself spent over a year, as the education coordinator for our local 9-12 group.  I really thought I was doing something, putting together the educational materials and locating reception rooms big enough to hold the classes in and coordinating with three other communities to maximize our education goals.  I have personally put in the time that no one else would or could in the hope of educating what very few patriots we have left in the Country, about the constitution, fully informed jury, sound money, the federal reserve etc.   At the time, I even mistakenly assumed that we had rights.

I may not have been at CC2009, but I know exactly who those people are, and yes they are my kind of people  too.  Their ignorance in the 14th amendment issue is not proportionally offset by their amount of patriotism.    The 14th amendment is the only issue to discuss.  Without an understanding of how it affects EVERYTHING else, they are just flushing resources down the toilet.  That, my new friends, is just sad and disheartening, and they do not deserve to be treated like that.

Title: Re: Bob Schulz a NWO Plant?
Post by LeAnne on May 20th, 2010 at 2:08am

Have you read The Red Amendment?

As for the CC2009, my thoughts are in line with LB. It was a bunch of unruly "subjects" getting together to do what? Had the 14th Amendment issue been seriously considered and discussed, now there is an issue that would have had teeth!

Title: Re: Bob Schulz a NWO Plant?
Post by Mylene on May 28th, 2010 at 3:42pm
I had gone to a WTP introductory seminar, when I first started really waking up to the government's injustices, back in 2008, in the Rhode Island area.  Was brand new in trying to figure out what was the best approach to take, in successfully accomplishing a true legitimate means to helping heal what was ailing our America's government. Was too new in the freedom movement, but, insinctively knew, something wasn't right with this guy, Bob Schultz.. Couldn't put my finger on the pulse of what I felt was not right with him and his chosen path.. The one thing I did notice, that there was no solution presented, only more paths of going to courts, and more courts to get justice for all the injustices committed against America's citizens. I never went to anything again, involving Bob Shcultz, the next spring/summer was the trip to Georgia, at Jeckyll's Island, I donated $25.00 towards a freedom fighters trip there, and was expecting to see the live video web cast from Georgia, it was supposed to have been broadcast live, nothing, nudda, not a thing was broadcast, in fact didn't hear or see anything about the CC in Georgia, til many months later.. I had asked for my name to be removed from the WTP email list, months and months ago, and I still get posts from the WTP sites, and  they are sent to me in different names, as I spam them.. It tells me he is of criminal intent, with such blatant in your face deception and ignoring my requests of removing me from the WTP emails lists. How many email lists does he have? This is just my opinion, nothing more, nothing less .

Title: Re: Bob Schulz a NWO Plant?
Post by Hagrid on May 28th, 2010 at 6:12pm
In Reply to Rich of Illinois:

Thanks for your response -- and I understand much of what you are alluding to. We are a huge nation, and not enough of the people in it are yet aware of the usurpations of state power and sovereignty by the federal government.

I think that almost all the participants in CC2009 understand that there is no hope of an organized outside group forcing the federal government to follow the Constitution. The Beast will simply continue to ignore such groups and individuals. In each of the fifteen lawsuits that Bob Schulz has filed against the federal government, he has been found to "lack standing," and the suit has been dismissed.

If we believe that the inclusion of the 1st Amendment right to petition the government for redress of grievance presupposes a responsibility on the part of the government to respond, then there is a path to follow toward "redemption" and the CC2009 has decided to follow that path. Another way to put it is, "If you want to win the lottery, you might pray for it every night of your life, but unless you buy a ticket, it ain't gonna happen..."

Carefully documenting the government violations of the Constitution was CC2009's method of "buying the lottery ticket," regardless of the chances of ultimately winning it. For CC2009, winning the lottery would mean securing the pledge of at least ten million people to "withdraw their financial support from" the federal government at some future time, all at once. This is not likely to happen, but it is their goal.

What is more likely to happen is that the federal government will first collapse of its own accord, before any particular group can exert such outside influence, dragging down with it the economies of the world, and of most of the individuals living in it.

Constitutional Education is thought to be the key by the organizers of the CC2009, and their efforts right now are focused on nationwide discussion groups and meetups designed to do just that -- educate people about the organic Constitution and the necessity for following it. One good example is our failure to follow Article One, Section Eight, Paragraph Five, and Section Ten, Paragraph One, regarding real money. We allowed our leaders to set up a fiat-currency system. Each of the 3500 governments in recorded history that have established fiat-currency systems (such as exist almost everywhere on earth at the moment), have invariably failed. Ours is likewise failing as we speak.

When people come to the realization that no amount of education or motivation among individuals in the 50 states will be enough to influence the federal government to change, they will become more focused on their own responsibilities and on the things they should be doing to survive the coming collapse of the economy.

Those are the things I am focusing on personally as I continue my work of communicating and educating people about the need for readiness, self-sufficiency, and focus on our immediate community. I include discussion of the 14th Amendment and its predominant influence on the structure of civil society.

In response to LeAnne: yes. And I continue to re-read The Red Amendment and recommend it to others.

In response to Mylene: I don't think it is possible for Bob Schulz to actually be aware of all the people who have expressed an initial interest in WTP, or signed-up as volunteers or donors or subscribers to the WTP email alerts. Coordinators in every state assembled lists of emails which they use within their states. These were also passed along to national organizers and individuals from the several states who incorporated them in their regional mailing lists etc., etc. Thus I would expect that it is not possible for anyone at this time to effectively remove you from every WTP mailing list you are on. This does not imply criminal intent -- more likely just poor management.

To All: I applaud the idealism and energetic spirit of volunteerism found in most CC2009 participants and the followers of WTP and the Articles of Freedom. At the same time I am coming to my own realization that the battle, as CC2009 understands it, is already lost, and that we must each simply and quietly transition into a parallel co-existence with this evil beast, doing our best to stay out of its way and make sure that adequate de jure infrastructure exists for the time when the de facto government falls.

Yours in Liberty,

Hagrid in the Oregon Republic

Title: Re: Bob Schulz a NWO Plant?
Post by LeAnne on May 28th, 2010 at 7:13pm
Thanks for your response -- and I understand much of what you are alluding to. We are a huge nation, and not enough of the people in it are yet aware of the usurpations of state power and sovereignty by the federal government.

The U.S. is not a nation. Each state is a nation. That is learned in TRA.

I think that almost all the participants in CC2009 understand that there is no hope of an organized outside group forcing the federal government to follow the Constitution. The Beast will simply continue to ignore such groups and individuals. In each of the fifteen lawsuits that Bob Schulz has filed against the federal government, he has been found to "lack standing," and the suit has been dismissed.

The government put in place by the rebel voters is following an alternate constitution, compliments of the 14th Amendment. This, too, is explained in TRA. You also find out why the Beast ignores such groups/individuals and why folks lack standing.

If we believe that the inclusion of the 1st Amendment right to petition the government for redress of grievance presupposes a responsibility on the part of the government to respond, then there is a path to follow toward "redemption" and the CC2009 has decided to follow that path. Another way to put it is, "If you want to win the lottery, you might pray for it every night of your life, but unless you buy a ticket, it ain't gonna happen..."

One only has privilege and not rights under this private law systems as a U.S. citizen and subject to those laws.

Carefully documenting the government violations of the Constitution was CC2009's method of "buying the lottery ticket," regardless of the chances of ultimately winning it. For CC2009, winning the lottery would mean securing the pledge of at least ten million people to "withdraw their financial support from" the federal government at some future time, all at once. This is not likely to happen, but it is their goal.

Again, those subject to the government, having voted it in, are only participating in the crime and to withdraw their money that they have volunteered to pay for might land one where they get 3 hots and a cot.

What is more likely to happen is that the federal government will first collapse of its own accord, before any particular group can exert such outside influence, dragging down with it the economies of the world, and of most of the individuals living in it.

The way it will die a natural death:

Constitutional Education is thought to be the key by the organizers of the CC2009, and their efforts right now are focused on nationwide discussion groups and meetups designed to do just that -- educate people about the organic Constitution and the necessity for following it. One good example is our failure to follow Article One, Section Eight, Paragraph Five, and Section Ten, Paragraph One, regarding real money. We allowed our leaders to set up a fiat-currency system. Each of the 3500 governments in recorded history that have established fiat-currency systems (such as exist almost everywhere on earth at the moment), have invariably failed. Ours is likewise failing as we speak.

They may study it all they wish, but they have no access to the constitution. U.S. citizens have only civil rights and not God-given unalienable rights.

When people come to the realization that no amount of education or motivation among individuals in the 50 states will be enough to influence the federal government to change, they will become more focused on their own responsibilities and on the things they should be doing to survive the coming collapse of the economy.

And thank goodness for that, as we do not wish them to change, for this government is illegitimate and voted in by rebels to the de jure (lawful/rightful) government. We want to expose them and die a natural death by our nonparticipation.

Those are the things I am focusing on personally as I continue my work of communicating and educating people about the need for readiness, self-sufficiency, and focus on our immediate community. I include discussion of the 14th Amendment and its predominant influence on the structure of civil society.

In response to LeAnne: yes. And I continue to re-read The Red Amendment and recommend it to others.

So glad to know and hear, Larry. It's sure a more-than-one-read book.

In response to Mylene: I don't think it is possible for Bob Schulz to actually be aware of all the people who have expressed an initial interest in WTP, or signed-up as volunteers or donors or subscribers to the WTP email alerts. Coordinators in every state assembled lists of emails which they use within their states. These were also passed along to national organizers and individuals from the several states who incorporated them in their regional mailing lists etc., etc. Thus I would expect that it is not possible for anyone at this time to effectively remove you from every WTP mailing list you are on. This does not imply criminal intent -- more likely just poor management.

To All: I applaud the idealism and energetic spirit of volunteerism found in most CC2009 participants and the followers of WTP and the Articles of Freedom. At the same time I am coming to my own realization that the battle, as CC2009 understands it, is already lost, and that we must each simply and quietly transition into a parallel co-existence with this evil beast, doing our best to stay out of its way and make sure that adequate de jure infrastructure exists for the time when the de facto government falls.

You've got it, in part! Thank goodness, it's not a battle, but a peaceful and nonparticipating movement of expatriation out of the U.S. and repopulation of our Nations/states, which is truly restoring our Republics.

Yours in Liberty,

Hagrid in the Oregon Republic

Title: Re: Bob Schulz a NWO Plant?
Post by Rich of Illinois on May 30th, 2010 at 7:07pm
Welcome Hagrid, Mylene,and Larry.  See, we just proved Godwin's law incorrect.  LeAnne [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

Title: Re: Bob Schulz a NWO Plant?
Post by LeAnne on May 30th, 2010 at 7:44pm

Rich of Illinois wrote on May 30th, 2010 at 7:07pm:
Welcome Hagrid, Mylene,and Larry.  See, we just proved Godwin's law incorrect.  LeAnne [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

Excellent!  [smiley=lol.gif]   [smiley=cheers.gif]

Title: Re: Bob Schulz a NWO Plant?
Post by SoCalPatriot on Feb 2nd, 2011 at 12:12am
January 29, 2011


   Dear Colleagues and Friends of America:

Bred as non-conformists and activists, We The People Foundation for Constitutional Education, We The People Congress and their predecessor organizations have made our civic actions subservient only to the Cause of Truth.

It is fair to say that as an organization we have no like or equal. Our civic actions are uniquely grounded on the sovereigns’ profound and unalienable Right, recognized by the last ten words of the First Amendment, to peaceably hold the Government accountable to the Constitution.

Of great consequence, accountability in government depends on the People, who must exercise and enforce the Right when necessary, for neither Freedom nor the Constitution are capable of defending themselves.

Unfortunately, there is no instant gratification, only steady progress – the fruits of an unwavering commitment measured over years - towards the ultimate prize of a clear demonstration of the People’s ability to hold the government accountable, peaceably, by careful and exact observance of duty, and performance of obligations, under the Rule of Law.

Our process-oriented approach, guided by the First Amendment Right to Petition, has been patient, intelligent, rational and always rooted in the Constitution.  Finally, we have provoked a response from the Government, which we believe will be addressed in the coming months lest the People lose the power to hold elected officials accountable to constitutional governance.

Unwilling to respond to the Petitions for Redress, the Government has now outlawed the Right to Petition! See our Dec 5, 2010 Update titled, Part 2, Options Anyone?

We, who have been gathered together under the auspices of this organization in the shared cause of constitutional governance, need to remain steadfast and unshaken in these times when the attention of others seems always to be diverted from the real matters at hand by irrelevant issues, ineffective labors or divisive stratagems raised, however well meaning, as distractions from our primary mission.

Due to commotion from a multiplicity of objects crowding on the mind and drawing the attention different ways, including economic choices, we must unfortunately report that the level of WTP’s financial support has fallen precipitously. We are finding it most difficult to meet our monthly business expenses and pay our debts due and owing.

This lack of funding has affected our ability to maintain our business operation and valuable information and technology assets. It is also threatening to slow the advance of our plans, our work and our ability to communicate our messages at a time when we need to accelerate – whether in the Judiciary, the avenues of public opinion or across the vast reach of the Internet. 

In this past decade, we have modelled the exercise of Petitioning the Government for Redress of violations of the Constitution, as well as educated the American public about their duty. We have established a legal and historical “record” the People can now stand firmly upon as we move forward to reclaim and restore this First Amendment Right, and then act as a Free People to peaceably maintain, en masse, constitutional governance in America.  The period at the end of the Liberty sentence will be a clear demonstration of the People’s Right to hold their government accountable by Petition. 

Please stay with us in our efforts.  The finish line is in sight. For the first time, it appears that enough of the People may be awake to the problem, and even some in office are showing signs of wanting to steer us back towards the Constitution.  With adequate funding we can fulfil the Purpose which so many of you have supported. It is time now to bring home the bacon. 

In supplication, we call upon all friends of freedom to donate what they can. In these times of uncertainty and distress we know there are many calls for assistance, from within both your families and the Freedom movement generally. We trust our long record of personal commitment, results, sacrifice and integrity speaks for itself and warrants a measure of your support.   

The 990 Forms for 2009, required by the IRS, to whom we have always been compliant, are available for viewing here. The 990s for 2010 will be prepared by our accountant in the coming weeks and will join the others once they are filed.

Suffice it to say that for 2010, the Foundation received approximately $74,000 in donations and expended approximately $95,000, which included all funds carried forward from 2009. The Congress received approximately $31,000 and expended approximately $35,000, including all funds carried forward from 2009. We were thoroughly audited by the IRS in 2006-7. There was no discrepancy in our procedures or processes. Not one! The issues we face with the IRS in terms of the revocation of our tax exempt status are entirely based on our attempts to hold their own operation and enforcement procedures accountable to the Constitution. Our Appeal will be heard in Tax Court at a time to be determined by them. 

If anyone feels so inclined, we would be so grateful for your individual commitment to cover for all or part of 2011, one or more of the following monthly, recurring expenses:

Website and Internet Technology services, $ 2,500.00

Rackspace (who hosts our primary and backup website servers), $ 445.00

Dievendorf & Co. (bookkeeping and accounting services), $ 300.00

Ikon (copy machine rental and maintenance contract), $ 214.41

Lexis, Nexis (on-line full service legal research), $ 165.85

Sprint (cell phone), $ 100.00

Matrix Telecom (90% of office phone bill), $ 100.00

Electric, $100.00

Verizon (laptop wireless), $ 60.07

In addition, we humbly ask everyone as possible, to consider joining the WTP Congress and/or making a one time (or monthly recurring) donation to the Foundation.

Click the button to to donate via our PayPal account
*NO* PayPal account or log-on required!

Finally, we ask that you encourage others to maintain current on our activities by joining our mailing list.

The First Amendment Right to Petition for Redress is nothing less than a force of Nature, bequeathed to us by our Creator to restore order in matters of Earthly governance and insure the perpetuity of the bounty of Liberty. This force cannot, and will not, be long denied to the People. Our claim and exercise of this profound Right, coupled with our single mindedness of purpose will see us through, provided we are not abandoned, “which sequence, I conceive, is very ill collected.” (John Locke).

We remain very grateful for the opportunity to be in service to the Constitution and to join the body of servants to America, past and present.

Stay well and stay vigilant,         

Bob Schulz 

P.S.  As a boy of eight, I became familiar with Rudyard Kipling through The Jungle Book. Here is one of his poems, which I have found useful in pondering my life.


Rudyard Kipling

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;

If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;

If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;

If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run -
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!

Please join us and support our work during the coming year.


Click the button above or this link to our PayPal account
(*NO* PayPal account or log-on is necessary!)

MONTHLY DONATION: Use this secure WTP monthly "subscription" link

JOIN THE WTP CONGRESS:  Use the secure WTP Membership link

Title: Re: Bob Schulz a NWO Plant?
Post by LB Bork on Feb 2nd, 2011 at 10:05am
Bob and WTP, who they are not, are still at the tax protesting, eh?

There is much more to life than tax protesting.

Title: Re: Bob Schulz a NWO Plant?
Post by SoCalPatriot on Nov 15th, 2011 at 5:14pm
Not just tax protesting..... and now at Occupy....

October 29, 2011 


Gives The Constitution A Voice


At 9 AM on Saturday, October 8, I was tuned into CNN, broadcasting from Atlanta. The Host was interviewing three young people who had participated in "Occupy Atlanta" the day before. One was a 26 year old female veteran back from the hostilities in Iraq and Afghanistan and enrolled in College. The other two were males in their 20's who were employed.

The host asked what the Occupy movement was all about. The young people said, "We want to fix the system." 

The host asked how the system could be fixed. The young people struggled to find an answer but had none. Eventually they suggested more people should vote. 

I turned to Judy, my wife, saying, "That's it. I'm going down there. These folks need to know about the Constitution and how it can solve their grievances."  Four hours later, we were in New York City.  I had a thought to find a meeting room somewhere near to the protests so I could talk about Liberty and the Constitution to whomever might come. Research uncovered a new community center two blocks away called Charlotte's Place."  We were able to make contact with and then meet with the director in between visits to the Park who agreed to give us time to meet there with interested people. 

As we walked among the protestors, we observed many who were clean-cut, bright eyed as they moved throughout the crowd open to exchanging ideas with strangers. 

I noticed a table with a homemade sign, "INFO." I approached and asked, "How can I conduct a teach-in on the State and Federal Constitutions? The young man said, "Start a Working Group." I asked, "How do I do that."  He said, "Announce it." I asked, "How." He said, "Get up on a bench and yell, 'Mic Check.'" That will get the attention of the People." 

I did just that. The People turned their attention to me and began to repeat, in waves, every few words I said.  I announced I was starting a Constitution Working Group, that the Constitution can be used to control the Bankers, the Corporations and the Politicians, end undeclared wars, end Bailouts, end the Fed and end our debt-based, fiat currency.   Each part of the message was repeated two or three times as the crowds carried the words and energy back to others farther away.  I announced the first meeting of the State and Federal Constitution Working Group would be at 6 PM on the steps at the east end of the Plaza.

Cheers were heard and People raised both hands, pointing all their (wiggling) fingers upwards. I learned later that was a hand signal expressing approval. 

Before I could descend from the bench, 20-25 people surrounded me, some asking questions. What became clear to me was they knew little to nothing about the content, history, meaning, effect and significance of any provision of their State and Federal Constitutions. I lectured from the park bench for more than 30 minutes, before someone else from a distance yelled, "Mic Check," drawing attention to the new speaker.

Before my 6 PM meeting I learned OWS had a General Assembly (GA) meeting every evening about 7 PM, run by a group of "facilitators."

At the 6 PM meeting people signed up to be on the Constitution Working Group, providing their names and email addresses. 

Before the start of the GA, I engaged in a loud conversation with a student from the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) in New York about his grievances and the Constitution. He started out expressing his anger at the greed and corruption on Wall Street, Again, dozens of young People, apparently genuinely eager to learn, gathered around to listen to the conversation. 

After more mingling, I did another "Mic Check," announcing there would be a meeting of the State and Federal Constitution Working Group on Wednesday at Charlotte's Place and those who would like to be on the Working Group should meet me on the Steps. More people signed up, bringing the total to 29, including two attorneys (one of whom is a professor of Financial Law at Cornell and under contract to teach Financial Regulations to folks at the New York Federal Reserve (ponder this for a moment), a young veteran combat photographer, another young veteran, a high school math teacher, a full time student at PACE U., and so on.  Again I was impressed at the level of intelligence and sincerity of the people who were there.

On Wednesday, eight of the 29 met (we have since learned it is difficult to schedule meetings when all can meet, given the diversity of everyone's professions and occupations).

A consensus was reached regarding a simple, one or two word definition of the overriding grievances of OWS: Money, Debt, Bailouts, Federal Reserve, Corporate Personhood and the (Undeclared) Wars.

There was a discussion of the five Rights guaranteed by the First Amendment, with emphasis on the meaning of the fifth: the Right to Petition for Redress. Packets of study materials were distributed including copies of the State and Federal Constitutions, the Articles of Freedom, WTP's "Interpretation of the Meaning of the Right to Petition Government for Redress of Grievances," the lawsuit filed by me in 2008 against the AIG bailout, the lawsuit filed by me in 2008 against the $700 billion bailout of the financial industry, We the People of New York, Inc.'s Certificate of Incorporation and the pamphlet written by Benedict D. LaRosa, "Democracy or Republic, Which Is It?"

Since then, we have had two more meetings in NYC and one Webinar. Judith Whitmore has joined me in this effort. Thus far, an agreement has been reached on the Beliefs of the State and Federal Constitution Working Group as follows:

All People have Natural Rights -- Simply Because They Are Alive.

We the People have Instituted Government to Secure our Rights.

According to our Governing Documents, Sovereignty rests with the People.

The Constitution & Declaration of Independence are inextricably intertwined.

Every Principle, Prohibition, Restriction and Mandate of our Governing Documents represents a Guaranteed, Individual Right.

The People are the Source of All Political Power
(after all no one gets into office unless we put them there).

All Elected Officials are limited by our written Constitutions
(if not authorized in writing, such acts are unlawful).

The Constitution is not a Menu.

The Constitution cannot Defend Itself.

Individuals and Small Groups cannot prevail in attempts to hold government accountable to their State and Federal Constitutions.

A Critical Mass is needed, say 3-5% of population.

Very few in and out of public office can recognize when government is obeying or violating the Constitution.

The way our system of governance is working is in sharp contrast to the way it is designed to work.

We don't change the Constitution by ignoring it; There are provisions within it to make changes. 

All that is happening is our fault; the People have allowed it to happen.

The People have always had the ultimate power in our society and have always been the final arbiters of constitutionality.

Most of what is causing our National distress NOW can be traced back to violations of the Constitution. 

The next step, before next Monday's Webinar is to prepare drafts of Petitions for Redress which will include Instructions to the President and Congress to Remedy the agreed upon Grievances, each involving a violation of the Constitution: Money, Debt, Bailouts, Federal Reserve, Corporate Personhood and Undeclared Wars. 

Once a consensus is reached on an Instruction, it will be forwarded to the OWS facilitators and announced at Liberty Plaza following a "Mic Check."  If there are enough people who support the Petitions/Instructions, this is a peaceful legal way that the "99%" and the Constitution can be heard.

From those I have talked to or heard from, there has been real relief expressed that someone is pointing the way back to the Constitution. However, there are different viewpoints on who is back of OWS; what its real purpose is; what is going to take place because of it. 

IMHO, the OWS may morph into a more formal, national organization something like our Constitution Lobby, albeit possibly without incorporating. The danger is it may be co-opted by a person(s) with an agenda contrary to that of the Constitution Lobby. With that in mind it will be interesting to see how much respect the Constitution Working Group actually receives from the powers behind OWS, whoever they are.

I will continue until the Constitution is back as the main-frame for America and our Nation is back on track.

Bob Schulz,
Founder, We The People

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Title: Re: Bob Schulz a NWO Plant?
Post by SoCalPatriot on Nov 15th, 2011 at 5:17pm

November 6, 2011 

Schulz Returns to Wall Street

The Constitution Is Heard

Endorse your approval at


On Wednesday, November 2 at 7pm, the Constitution had a notable event at Occupy Wall Street.

Bob Schulz and Judith Whitmore were first to address the OWS General Assembly on the steps of Liberty Plaza to present a "report back" on the OWS Constitution Working Group.  The group was initiated by Bob on October 8, to give the Constitution a voice among those seeking to define and solve our Nation's problems.

On this night, speaking to about 1,500 occupiers using the "People's Mic" method, they reported the fact that the Constitution Working Group had produced a Statement of Beliefs and posted it on a new domain

The setting of the park has changed considerably.  For revolutionary buffs, the scene somehow reminds of Washington's encampment at Valley Forge. All available space is now taken up with tents, huddled together, except for information and media areas, the food line and a narrow aisle to access these.  We are told generators have been removed by the police and one wonders how the occupiers can or will endure the winter weather.

We offer a written "re-enactment" of exactly what was said. Imagine yourself there, repeating every few words, with hundreds of others, so those behind you could receive and transmit the message. The "people's mic" is how the occupiers communicate without a PA system.

Yells Bob: "HI, I'M BOB!....." (assembly repeats)

Yells Judith: "HI, I'M JUDITH!....(assembly repeats) THANK YOU..(etc) FOR ALL YOU DO! (etc)"






There was applause. Bob and Judith were then surrounded by very appreciative people who wanted a copy and volunteered to help pass them out to the crowd. New people joined the Constitution Working group, including two law school students. 

The Voice of the Constitution was heard.  It felt GOOD and RIGHT.

One woman said with tears in her eyes: "I have been here since September and this is what I had hoped for."


We invite you to go to , an online "kiosk," to signify your approval of the Statement of Beliefs by giving an electronic signature.

Know that the Constitution has the power to unite People under a single umbrella of shared Principles regardless of what party one may belong to or whom one may vote for.

Most importantly, know that the Constitution protects and embodies many Rights and powers possessed by the People, some well known, others long-forgotten, that hold the promise -- should we successfully organize and wield such powers en masse, to redirect the future course of events and peaceably hold government accountable for the dark violations of our Constitution which are the root cause of all that now ails America.

Please take the time to blast, post, tweet and talk about the Statement of Beliefs.

It is statement of common Principles.  It is a statement of shared Beliefs. It is a restatement and recognition of the vision and concept for Earthly governance held by our Founders many years ago. Critically, if enough of We the People rally to its call, it will become the working Platform by which the People will once again assert their Natural Sovereignty over their servant governments to cleanse and correct that which has brought endless wars, economic disintegration and untold human tragedy to our Republic.

Encourage People to sign. Millions ought to. Millions must if we expect the Banks, Corporations and Politicians to be attentive and responsive.

The Statement of Beliefs is the Platform from which the Free People of America will launch First Amendment Petitions for Redress, formally Instructing our elected officials to end their certain, and continuing violations of the Constitution.

The Instructions will be rooted in the requirements and prohibitions scribed within the Constitution and designed to be served on the President, Congress, State Legislatures, Mayors and other local government officials.

The Instructions will include facts showing the violations.

The Instructions will offer a constitutional pathway to peaceful, viable solutions for what ails America now.

The People will learn that Acts of Government by our elected officials, outside the strict and very limited written authorities of Law within the Constitution are simply unlawful.  If it isn't in writing, government CANNOT DO IT.

We the People may have been guilty of inattention and/or negligence allowing elected officials to stray from the dictates of the Constitution, but we are waking up en masse and still possess vast Powers and Rights to hold government accountable.

If there are enough of us, we will peacefully do whatever it takes to restore constitutional governance in America and get this Nation back on track.

The domain will maintain a narrow focus, serving as a "kiosk" where the people will go to read nothing but the Statement of Beliefs and each Instruction/Petition and signify their approval.

Your country needs you. Will you answer the Call?


Remarkably, within twelve hours (by 8 AM the next morning), Karl Denniger, a well known entrepreneur and financial/economic analyst, posted a potent article about the Statement of Beliefs.

On his popular website (see the article "OWS Constitution Working Group"), Denninger posted the entire Statement of Beliefs, made reference to certain Founding Fathers and challenged the Tea Party and others to rally around the Principles articulated in the Statement as they set course to solve the intractable problems plaguing our nation.

Here's exactly what Denninger had to say, following his repost of the OWS Working Group's Statements of Belief:

  Where are those alleged bomb-throwing anarchists eh?

Yes, this is one of many working groups and has no force of consensus in the form of having passed a General Assembly.


But this ought to make those of you who have claimed that the "Occupy" movement is somehow intended to remove our Constitution and replace it with Marxism (or worse) sit down and smell the coffee.

Why not tea?  Because the so-called Tea Party couldn't be bothered to put this at the forefront of what they stood for.  They turned into "Guns" (that one's actually in the Constitution), "Gays" (uh, that's not, and in fact is exactly the opposite of what the tea party claims in this regard!) and "God" (uh, again, First Amendment; freedom of religion is not we choose, you obey when it comes to religion is it?)

The flame-out you've seen among those who claim to be in the linear descendant chain of Sam Adams' political thought comes from the fact that they couldn't be bothered to actually call a general strike.  To actually interrupt commerce so as to protest taxation.  To engage in proportional response to the looting that has taken place -- for instance, by handing out fliers in front of every TBTF bank branch across the country asking people to boycott and naming their admitted crimes (you have so many to pick from and the best part of choosing from the ones admitted to is that it's in their own words!) and more.  In short, to do as Sam Adams did, and believe not in the tired old divisive politics of BS and hate but rather to focus on The Constitution and its restoration.

Hell, among so-called "Tea Party" folks I can't recall any, other than a handful of bloggers (myself and FedUp included) who have called for or participated in any sort of direct action.  We have a few over on Tickerforum sporting American Flags next to their names -- they have participated in some sort of peaceful and lawful direct demonstration.  But where are the so-called "Tea Party" on this score?

Absent, that's where.

So into the vacuum steps "Occupy Wall Street", and out of the Constitution working group comes this.  Not bomb-throwing anarchy, not some sort of wild proposal to re-write The Constitution to be a leftist, Marxist dream ticket, but an actual statement of principles that is fully in concordance with SAM ADAMS, THOMAS JEFFERSON and the rest of those who were part of the REAL Tea Party.

If you recall when I first started blogging about "OWS" I pointed out that there was about a two week period where I hadn't written anything as I was feeling my way around the edges of what this movement really was -- doing my own investigation, my own background work.  Since that time I've been a supporter predicated on it being a lawful exercise of one's Constitutionally-recognized rights.

I also pointed out that there was real risk in this movement -- that the people there had gotten the "who dunnit" right, but that most of them didn't understand how it happened.  This is not surprising; the "how" is difficult and those who did the scamming made it intentionally so.

Well, this Statement of Beliefs is not the end of the debate as to whether OWS will turn into something both powerful and positive, but it is a clear statement of purpose in the right direction.

Those of you on the right who have claimed that this is all some sort of anarchist or communist movement have egg on your face this morning.  The knee-jerk reaction will undoubtedly be to both ignore this document and work product and sling mud.

The constructive thing to do is what I've been trying to do since I made my decision on how to proceed -- engagement, education and promotion of both a positive and lawful message and set of principles.

You now have a a platform from an actual OWS working group that no true Sam Adams' political devotee can argue with.

We will now find out from the commentary and actions of these groups within the next days and weeks whether those who claim to be "Tea Partiers" really are Constitutionalists or whether they are in fact defecating on Sam Adams' grave.

Denninger, clearly having done some level of due diligence, goes on to end his piece making a none-too-oblique reference to Bob Schulz and the WTP Foundation whose efforts resulted in the creation of the OWS Constitution Working Group:

Ps: Yes, before you ask, I am well-aware of who owns that domain.  This is called engagement folks, and it's what I've been preaching.  See..... it works!

Please go to the kiosk and add your signature to the Statement of Beliefs.

Again, the full article by Karl Denninger can be found here: ; We note that hundreds of other blog sites subscribe to Denninger reports and have posted the Statement and his views, along with their own comments......

Title: Re: Bob Schulz a NWO Plant?
Post by Jerry on Nov 16th, 2011 at 6:38am
Clueless [smiley=cry.gif]

Title: Re: Bob Schulz a NWO Plant?
Post by LB Bork on Nov 20th, 2011 at 12:30pm

Jerry wrote on Nov 16th, 2011 at 6:38am:
Clueless [smiley=cry.gif]

Yep... Have seen it for over 10 years now.

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