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Insurgency Agents >> Enemies of The Republic >> Fall of the Republic

Message started by LB Bork on Oct 23rd, 2009 at 3:34pm

Title: Fall of the Republic
Post by LB Bork on Oct 23rd, 2009 at 3:34pm
Fall of the Republic, a Movie by Alex Jones on YouTube :

The only problem is, the Republic fell after the so-called Civil War. Another one that has not read The Red Amendment.
The thing is, Alex has been asked to read it by several people [smiley=grumble.gif]

Something fishy here?

Title: Re: Fall of the Republic
Post by VAsolvo on Jan 24th, 2010 at 9:39pm

LB Bork wrote on Oct 23rd, 2009 at 3:34pm:
Fall of the Republic, a Movie by Alex Jones on YouTube :

The thing is, Alex has been asked to read it by several people [smiley=grumble.gif]

Something fishy here?

Yes very fishy. In years past I listened to many hours of Jones and given him almost every benefit of the doubt. He's an instigator and most likely a clever plant. If I'm wrong, then he's guilty of avoiding TRA just like he's accusing Glenn Beck (plant) of avoiding 911 truthers and other things, and therefore a hypocrite. He will the face same fate as that other FBI plant DJ Hal Turner. The two of them are from the same mold; rough, assertive, appealing to anarchists and hotheads, just that Jones is executing his role a little better than Turner. Could be wrong ... but I don't think so.

Title: Re: Fall of the Republic
Post by Joconn on Jan 26th, 2010 at 6:17am
I'm a little new to this world of intrigue. I have many friends who think Glenn Beck is great. I feel something isn't quite right but he is saying things I agree with. Why do you think he's a plant? As the Bible says a house divided can not stand (or something like that) so what do these people accomplish by revealing what's happening? I've wondered why conservative talk shows have been the most popular thing on radio for years and yet things continue to get more and more liberal.

Title: Re: Fall of the Republic
Post by Eye of Liberty on Jan 26th, 2010 at 7:42am
Joconn, guys like Beck and Alex Jones give just enough info to keep people divided, fighting against each other (left/right paradigm), but never enough info to get to the truth of the matter, and the remedy. It's the same with Ron Paul: he's a great guy and all, and I have supported him in the past, but unless these people are willing to address the ROOT causes of what's wrong, it's all just a cleverly crafted distraction to keep people placated, and from finding out the REAL truth.

If you haven't yet read TRA, get it, read it, and you will understand.

Title: Re: Fall of the Republic
Post by Federal Farmer on Jan 26th, 2010 at 8:29am
"A house divided cannot stand."   The United States' house is not divided.  Yes, there is a lot of in fighting among the thieves and insurgents, but how many U.S. citizens worship the United States?  "Love it or leave it" as so many of them are fond of saying.  They love their communist legislative democracy.  The party politics is part of the appeal of the adversarial system.  Humans, after eating off the tree of knowledge, have a strong desire to always be right and they will kill to be right, but both parties will band together and defend the 14th Amendment system if anything threatens to weaken or destroy their hold over their subject citizens.  Illusion or rather delusion is a strong aphrodisiac.  The greatest feat that God's adversary has been able to achieve since the Garden and the Tower of Babel is getting people to believe that the law of God was abolished and nailed to the cross, because with God's law out of the way, the people will believe that there is only one form of law, the civil law of man, and no other, which is a total coup d' etat and keeps people enslaved to a counterfeit and defective form of freedom.

Title: Re: Fall of the Republic
Post by Eye of Liberty on Jan 26th, 2010 at 9:52am
That's a very good point, FF. See, this is why a forum is such a good thing! Discussion! Yeah, there is no real division, as both sides cling to the status quo 14th Amendment system.

Another thing occurred to me, however. Guys like Beck and Jones are all bombast and agitation, and no remedy or solution. Even if they know the truth, what would happen to them if they offered solutions, rather than just "stirring the pot?" I'm pretty sure both these guys are doing pretty well, financially; Beck for being a tool of the MSM, and Jones from selling merchandise and such. I don't think LB is getting rich off of offering a real solution, and TRA sales! There's plenty of folks in the "movement" who are making money selling false hope and solutions, though.

Title: Re: Fall of the Republic
Post by Rich of Illinois on Jan 26th, 2010 at 3:35pm
I deal with these followers of talking heads everyday.  I've come to realize that, beck for instance isn't evil, nor are his followers. (I'm not exagerating that term)  Beck has come along way in 4 years, from self admitted impoverished, booze hound liberal to million dollar tv personality.  I used to give him credit for this but then noticing how every time, and i mean every single time, he gets all revved up and starts crying on national tv, you can bet money there is another kindergarden civics book coming across the new release shelf.  A couple of books ago he actually released a book called "Common Sense" and had the balls to put his name on the cover.  Anyway the point is that I don't believe him to be evil, just kind of caught up in his own success story.  I mean when it comes right down to it who would choose to search out the truth in life, when you literally have "IT" by the tail and only really need to increase the frequency of the million dollar check deposits.

     After a while of listening to these folks, I just burned out on the fear mongering and being stressed out with no end in sight.  Even the safety in the herd thing wasn't worth the stress.   I just realized that they are doing and saying the same things over and over, and honing their media drug to perfection for the addicted listeners.  Their main incentive is to keep advertising money rolling in and the only way to do that is keep the addicted tuning in everyday.  I wonder if they will ever realize that they have just become an ignorant tool, a shadow of a man without the capacity for a soul.  i suppose that once once one has 50 researchers/yes men, surrounding them, It might get difficult to think, much less make morality choices as slave of the media machine

       So, is there a concerted intentional evil conspiracy in this?  I do not believe these folks to be evil, human yes, ignorant yes, lazy maybe.  I do believe, the phrase "the only thing necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing" has far reaching implications that I had not before believed possible.  To me, it means that lazy, ignorant and slothful is the natural state, of which movement from such a state requires:  desire, knowledge, action, compassion and patience.  To possess these traits and search for the next mentor requires an act of courage in not accepting the norm.  This is a very good sign for the rebirth of republics in our nations.  It's a shame though that most will become exhausted by the fear propaganda of political tv or any media really.  The few who can live with this constant created turmoil, will burn through their resources and passions fueling meaningless voting battles that will be waged and unknowingly lost.  So is this evil?  I think so, and I believe that evil is a collective word like people.

Title: Re: Fall of the Republic
Post by msnenzoski on Feb 12th, 2010 at 3:49am
Glenn Beck says things that would make you think he is something he is not. He supports the Patriot Act, He supported the Bailouts. He then turns around And sounds like a limited government type. yes he doesn't like the dems or the republicans. I am with him when he says that there are progressives in both parties, there always have been.

Title: Re: Fall of the Republic
Post by George on Feb 12th, 2010 at 7:02pm

Federal Farmer wrote on Jan 26th, 2010 at 8:29am:
"A house divided cannot stand."   The United States' house is not divided.  Yes, there is a lot of in fighting among the thieves and insurgents, but how many U.S. citizens worship the United States?  "Love it or leave it" as so many of them are fond of saying.  They love their US (communist) Citizen legislative democracy.  The party politics is part of the appeal of the adversarial system.  Humans, after eating off the tree of knowledge, have a strong desire to always be right and they will kill to be right, but both parties will band together and defend the 14th Amendment system if anything threatens to weaken or destroy their hold over their subject citizens.  Illusion or rather delusion is a strong aphrodisiac.  The greatest feat that God's adversary has been able to achieve since the Garden and the Tower of Babel is getting people to believe that the law of God was abolished and nailed to the cross, because with God's law out of the way, the people will believe that there is only one form of law, the civil law of man, and no other, which is a total coup d' etat and keeps people enslaved to a counterfeit and defective form of freedom.

Wow.  I think that is going to be the summary description for what the PAC group in Mass. is and is not.

Title: Re: Fall of the Republic
Post by Popessa on Feb 18th, 2010 at 2:07pm
We never had a Republic, so how could the Republic fall? 

"Well doctor, what do we have, a Republic or a Monarchy."?

Benjamin Franklin::  "You have a Republic, if you can keep it."

Had the United States kept its agreement to the States, we might have been able to keep it.  How many people back in 1787 even knew what a Republic was?  Neither Madison nor Hamilton explained it in the Federalists Papers. Federalist Paper #39, written by Madison, was suppose to explain what a Republic is but it doesn't even come close to explaining how the United States was to fulfill its guarantee to the States.  Do you think this was deliberate?  I do.

Title: Re: Fall of the Republic
Post by SoCalPatriot on Feb 1st, 2011 at 7:07pm
This film has awoken many people and it is good for that isn't it?  The scams that are going on with Wall Street and the banking cartels that control the Fed are exposed.

Now that is a good question....why no focus on the 14th Amendment?  Have any of you tried to call his show?  Do any of his regular guests understand the impact of the 14th Amendment?

Have you all done any films on the issue of TRA?

Title: Re: Fall of the Republic
Post by LB Bork on Feb 26th, 2011 at 4:13pm

SoCalPatriot wrote on Feb 1st, 2011 at 7:07pm:
Have you all done any films on the issue of TRA?

We are working on a short piece entitled Oil and Water

It should be done in March.

Title: Re: Fall of the Republic
Post by SoCalPatriot on Nov 17th, 2011 at 5:41pm
I did a search on your site for Oil and Water and nothing came up.  Is is available?

Title: Re: Fall of the Republic
Post by SoCalPatriot on Nov 17th, 2011 at 5:45pm is not it. [smiley=1smilie.gif]

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