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[quote author=3A37213B3738560 link=1271608485/6#6 date=1324662195]It appears that self-appointed "Ambassador Williams" is afraid of the truth of what is exposed by PAC. Much so that he has taken much time to attempt to sway his groupies into more Kool-Aid that he purports... [list]"Folks; you’ve already heard me voice my displeasure with these “so-called American and States Paytriot” that get people to pay them for their lack of knowledge and then flee when the “crap hits the fan”. Do you see these guys issuing some guarantee to come defend their work in court when anyone gets into trouble? No…they run like cockroaches."[/list] Of course, PAC has been around over 10 years and has not run anywhere... Where was the "Ambassador" then? Matter of fact, we will be executing an action that is monumental this coming year. And, this is a lie... [list]"However, some have the facts. LB Bork is one of those. He was given the facts by me over 2 years ago and could not rebut. Ignorance is curable; stupidity is not and these types of going down. I am going to run down every Patriot and Legal Rabbit Hole that that I can find. If some overlap, then I will try to include them in the same presentation."[/list]Self-appointed "Ambassador" Williams has never contacted me let along given me anything to rebut. Sorry if I missed the invite. See more of his lies and useless blatherings here (Note: he does nothing in the first of the videos to debunk anything I have written. He goes on about this and that without saying much of anything but blather. Interestingly, he claimed his mother died and went on and on about that for 20 minutes or so. Pulling the heart strings to sidetrack the issues. Nice tactic... Something that a Distractor (or Agent Provocateur, [i]see Island Makers Lexicon[/i]) would do). [list][*][/list] There is no need for me to go into such blatherings as he has to attempt to prove him wrong as he attempted to do me. The truth speaks for itself. PAC is about fixing what has been wronged. Not giving ourselves fairytale titles and running from our rights. Learn the truth about the [dis]information Williams provides you for his fee. On another note, notice he calls me names... I did not go there on him. And if "Ambassador" Williams' mother did actually pass on, my condolences. Still not something to air in public and he used it as a tool. Once again, leave the United States like "Ambassador" Williams wants you to. Give-up and get out of the way like the adversary wants you to. Oh, and "Ambassador" Williams says that the states are not countries? [list]COUNTY. One of the civil divisions of a country for judicial and political purposes. [i]Black's Law Dictionary, 4th[/i][/list]More lies by "Ambassador" Williams. How does that saying go about baffling people with B.S.? Remember, you can get tons of writings that are backed-up with authorities from PAC: Free! You do not have to pay a healthy fee to learn how to leave your country of birth and its posterity like "Ambassador" Williams suggests. And "Ambassador" Williams calls me a PAYTRIOT. The pot calling the kettle black, I see. Run Away!... From the New World Order. Yeah, that will work. LOL More comments here on "Ambassador" Williams: [hr] p.s. Williams appears to be friendly with Mike Golden. This is a guy that sent me a computer printer with no packing thus came to me totaled. Plus, he heard from Kurt Kallenbach who told him half the story about the subject in mention. Figures... See Kallenbach thread for his modus operandi. These are the people he attracts? LOL [/quote]
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